class documentation

class NullFormatter(Formatter):

View In Hierarchy

Output the text unchanged without any formatting.
Method format Format tokensource, an iterable of (tokentype, tokenstring) tuples and write it into outfile.
Class Variable aliases Undocumented
Class Variable filenames Undocumented
Class Variable name Undocumented

Inherited from Formatter:

Method get​_style​_defs Return the style definitions for the current style as a string.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Class Variable unicodeoutput Undocumented
Instance Variable encoding Undocumented
Instance Variable full Undocumented
Instance Variable options Undocumented
Instance Variable style Undocumented
Instance Variable title Undocumented
def format(self, tokensource, outfile):
Format tokensource, an iterable of (tokentype, tokenstring) tuples and write it into outfile.
aliases: list[str] =


filenames: list[str] =
name: str =
