module documentation

Lexers for various domain-specific languages.

Unknown Field: copyright
Copyright 2006-2021 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
Unknown Field: license
BSD, see LICENSE for details.
Class ​Alloy​Lexer For Alloy source code.
Class ​Crmsh​Lexer Lexer for crmsh configuration files for Pacemaker clusters.
Class ​Flatline​Lexer Lexer for Flatline expressions.
Class ​Mscgen​Lexer For Mscgen files.
Class ​Pan​Lexer Lexer for pan source files.
Class ​Proto​Buf​Lexer Lexer for Protocol Buffer definition files.
Class ​Puppet​Lexer For Puppet configuration DSL.
Class ​Rsl​Lexer RSL is the formal specification language used in RAISE (Rigorous Approach to Industrial Software Engineering) method.
Class ​Snowball​Lexer Lexer for Snowball source code.
Class ​Thrift​Lexer For Thrift interface definitions.
Class ​VGLLexer For SampleManager VGL source code.
Class ​Zeek​Lexer For Zeek scripts.