class documentation

class LuaLexer(RegexLexer):

Known subclasses: pygments.lexers.scripting.MoonScriptLexer

View In Hierarchy

For Lua source code.

Additional options accepted:

If given and True, highlight builtin function names (default: True).

If given, must be a list of module names whose function names should not be highlighted. By default all modules are highlighted.

To get a list of allowed modules have a look into the _lua_builtins module:

>>> from pygments.lexers._lua_builtins import MODULES
>>> MODULES.keys()
['string', 'coroutine', 'modules', 'io', 'basic', ...]
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method get​_tokens​_unprocessed Split text into (tokentype, text) pairs.
Class Variable ​_comment​_multiline Undocumented
Class Variable ​_comment​_single Undocumented
Class Variable ​_name Undocumented
Class Variable ​_s Undocumented
Class Variable ​_space Undocumented
Class Variable aliases Undocumented
Class Variable filenames Undocumented
Class Variable mimetypes Undocumented
Class Variable name Undocumented
Class Variable tokens Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_functions Undocumented
Instance Variable disabled​_modules Undocumented
Instance Variable func​_name​_highlighting Undocumented

Inherited from Lexer (via RegexLexer):

Method analyse​_text No summary
Method get​_tokens Return an iterable of (tokentype, value) pairs generated from text. If unfiltered is set to True, the filtering mechanism is bypassed even if filters are defined.
Class Variable alias​_filenames Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method add​_filter Add a new stream filter to this lexer.
Class Variable priority Undocumented
Instance Variable encoding Undocumented
Instance Variable ensurenl Undocumented
Instance Variable filters Undocumented
Instance Variable options Undocumented
Instance Variable stripall Undocumented
Instance Variable stripnl Undocumented
Instance Variable tabsize Undocumented
def __init__(self, **options):


def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):

Split text into (tokentype, text) pairs.

stack is the inital stack (default: ['root'])

_comment_multiline: str =


_comment_single: str =


_name: str =


_s =


_space: str =


aliases: list[str] =
filenames: list[str] =
mimetypes: list[str] =
name: str =
_functions: set =


disabled_modules =


func_name_highlighting =
