class documentation

class Command(BaseRunSpiderCommand):

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Method run Entry point for running commands
Method short​_desc A short description of the command
Method syntax Command syntax (preferably one-line). Do not include command name.
Class Variable requires​_project Undocumented
Instance Variable exitcode Undocumented

Inherited from BaseRunSpiderCommand:

Method add​_options Populate option parse with options available for this command
Method process​_options Undocumented

Inherited from ScrapyCommand (via BaseRunSpiderCommand):

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method help An extensive help for the command. It will be shown when using the "help" command. It can contain newlines, since no post-formatting will be applied to its contents.
Method long​_desc A long description of the command. Return short description when not available. It cannot contain newlines, since contents will be formatted by optparser which removes newlines and wraps text.
Method set​_crawler Undocumented
Class Variable crawler​_process Undocumented
Class Variable default​_settings Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_crawler Undocumented
Instance Variable settings Undocumented
def run(self, args, opts):
Entry point for running commands
def short_desc(self):
A short description of the command
def syntax(self):
Command syntax (preferably one-line). Do not include command name.
requires_project: bool =
exitcode: int =