class documentation

class PythonItemExporter(BaseItemExporter):

View In Hierarchy

This is a base class for item exporters that extends BaseItemExporter with support for nested items.

It serializes items to built-in Python types, so that any serialization library (e.g. json or msgpack) can be used on top of it.

Method ​_configure Configure the exporter by poping options from the options dict. If dont_fail is set, it won't raise an exception on unexpected options (useful for using with keyword arguments in subclasses __init__ methods)
Method ​_serialize​_item Undocumented
Method ​_serialize​_value Undocumented
Method export​_item Undocumented
Method serialize​_field Undocumented
Instance Variable binary Undocumented
Instance Variable encoding Undocumented

Inherited from BaseItemExporter:

Method finish​_exporting Undocumented
Method start​_exporting Undocumented
Instance Variable export​_empty​_fields Undocumented
Instance Variable fields​_to​_export Undocumented
Instance Variable indent Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method ​_get​_serialized​_fields Return the fields to export as an iterable of tuples (name, serialized_value)
Instance Variable ​_kwargs Undocumented
def _configure(self, options, dont_fail=False):
Configure the exporter by poping options from the options dict. If dont_fail is set, it won't raise an exception on unexpected options (useful for using with keyword arguments in subclasses __init__ methods)
def _serialize_item(self, item):


def _serialize_value(self, value):


def export_item(self, item):
def serialize_field(self, field, name, value):
binary =


encoding: str =