module documentation

This module implements the FormRequest class which is a more convenient class (than Request) to generate Requests based on form data.

See documentation in docs/topics/request-response.rst

Class ​Form​Request Undocumented
Function ​_get​_clickable Returns the clickable element specified in clickdata, if the latter is given. If not, it returns the first clickable element found
Function ​_get​_form Find the form element
Function ​_get​_form​_url Undocumented
Function ​_get​_inputs Undocumented
Function ​_select​_value Undocumented
Function ​_urlencode Undocumented
Function ​_value Undocumented
def _get_clickable(clickdata, form):
Returns the clickable element specified in clickdata, if the latter is given. If not, it returns the first clickable element found
def _get_form(response, formname, formid, formnumber, formxpath):
Find the form element
def _get_form_url(form, url):


def _get_inputs(form, formdata, dont_click, clickdata, response):


def _select_value(ele, n, v):


def _urlencode(seq, enc):


def _value(ele):
