module documentation

Helper functions for dealing with Twisted deferreds
Function defer​_fail Same as but delay calling errback until next reactor loop
Function defer​_result Undocumented
Function defer​_succeed Same as twisted.internet.defer.succeed but delay calling callback until next reactor loop
Function deferred​_f​_from​_coro​_f Converts a coroutine function into a function that returns a Deferred.
Function deferred​_from​_coro Converts a coroutine into a Deferred, or returns the object as is if it isn't a coroutine
Function iter​_errback Wraps an iterable calling an errback if an error is caught while iterating it.
Function maybe​Deferred_coro Copy of defer.maybeDeferred that also converts coroutines to Deferreds.
Function mustbe​_deferred Same as twisted.internet.defer.maybeDeferred, but delay calling callback/errback to next reactor loop
Function parallel Execute a callable over the objects in the given iterable, in parallel, using no more than count concurrent calls.
Function process​_chain Return a Deferred built by chaining the given callbacks
Function process​_chain​_both Return a Deferred built by chaining the given callbacks and errbacks
Function process​_parallel Return a Deferred with the output of all successful calls to the given callbacks
def defer_fail(_failure):

Same as but delay calling errback until next reactor loop

It delays by 100ms so reactor has a chance to go through readers and writers before attending pending delayed calls, so do not set delay to zero.

def defer_result(result):


def defer_succeed(result):

Same as twisted.internet.defer.succeed but delay calling callback until next reactor loop

It delays by 100ms so reactor has a chance to go trough readers and writers before attending pending delayed calls, so do not set delay to zero.

def deferred_f_from_coro_f(coro_f):

Converts a coroutine function into a function that returns a Deferred.

The coroutine function will be called at the time when the wrapper is called. Wrapper args will be passed to it. This is useful for callback chains, as callback functions are called with the previous callback result.

def deferred_from_coro(o):
Converts a coroutine into a Deferred, or returns the object as is if it isn't a coroutine
def iter_errback(iterable, errback, *a, **kw):
Wraps an iterable calling an errback if an error is caught while iterating it.
def maybeDeferred_coro(f, *args, **kw):
Copy of defer.maybeDeferred that also converts coroutines to Deferreds.
def mustbe_deferred(f, *args, **kw):
Same as twisted.internet.defer.maybeDeferred, but delay calling callback/errback to next reactor loop
def parallel(iterable, count, callable, *args, **named):

Execute a callable over the objects in the given iterable, in parallel, using no more than count concurrent calls.

Taken from:

def process_chain(callbacks, input, *a, **kw):
Return a Deferred built by chaining the given callbacks
def process_chain_both(callbacks, errbacks, input, *a, **kw):
Return a Deferred built by chaining the given callbacks and errbacks
def process_parallel(callbacks, input, *a, **kw):
Return a Deferred with the output of all successful calls to the given callbacks