module documentation


Variable logger Undocumented
Class _​Stream​Reader Undocumented
Function ​_body​_or​_str Undocumented
Function csviter Returns an iterator of dictionaries from the given csv object
Function xmliter Return a iterator of Selector's over all nodes of a XML document, given the name of the node to iterate. Useful for parsing XML feeds.
Function xmliter​_lxml Undocumented
logger =


def _body_or_str(obj, unicode=True):


def csviter(obj, delimiter=None, headers=None, encoding=None, quotechar=None):

Returns an iterator of dictionaries from the given csv object

obj can be: - a Response object - a unicode string - a string encoded as utf-8

delimiter is the character used to separate fields on the given obj.

headers is an iterable that when provided offers the keys for the returned dictionaries, if not the first row is used.

quotechar is the character used to enclosure fields on the given obj.

def xmliter(obj, nodename):
Return a iterator of Selector's over all nodes of a XML document,
given the name of the node to iterate. Useful for parsing XML feeds.

obj can be: - a Response object - a unicode string - a string encoded as utf-8

def xmliter_lxml(obj, nodename, namespace=None, prefix='x'):
