module documentation


Function install​_reactor Installs the ~twisted.internet.reactor with the specified import path. Also installs the asyncio event loop with the specified import path if the asyncio reactor is enabled
Class ​Call​Later​Once Schedule a function to be called in the next reactor loop, but only if it hasn't been already scheduled since the last time it ran.
Function is​_asyncio​_reactor​_installed Undocumented
Function listen​_tcp Like reactor.listenTCP but tries different ports in a range.
Function verify​_installed​_reactor Raises Exception if the installed ~twisted.internet.reactor does not match the specified import path.
def install_reactor(reactor_path, event_loop_path=None):
Installs the ~twisted.internet.reactor with the specified import path. Also installs the asyncio event loop with the specified import path if the asyncio reactor is enabled
def is_asyncio_reactor_installed():


def listen_tcp(portrange, host, factory):
Like reactor.listenTCP but tries different ports in a range.
def verify_installed_reactor(reactor_path):
Raises Exception if the installed ~twisted.internet.reactor does not match the specified import path.