module documentation


Variable logger Undocumented
Class ​Default​Spider Undocumented
Function iter​_spider​_classes Return an iterator over all spider classes defined in the given module that can be instantiated (i.e. which have name)
Function iterate​_spider​_output Undocumented
Function spidercls​_for​_request Return a spider class that handles the given Request.
logger =


def iter_spider_classes(module):
Return an iterator over all spider classes defined in the given module that can be instantiated (i.e. which have name)
def iterate_spider_output(result):


def spidercls_for_request(spider_loader, request, default_spidercls=None, log_none=False, log_multiple=False):

Return a spider class that handles the given Request.

This will look for the spiders that can handle the given request (using the spider loader) and return a Spider class if (and only if) there is only one Spider able to handle the Request.

If multiple spiders (or no spider) are found, it will return the default_spidercls passed. It can optionally log if multiple or no spiders are found.