module documentation

Transforms for LaTeX builder.

Unknown Field: copyright
Copyright 2007-2022 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
Unknown Field: license
BSD, see LICENSE for details.
Constant URI​_SCHEMES Undocumented
Class ​Bibliography​Transform Gather bibliography entries to tail of document.
Class ​Citation​Reference​Transform Replace pending_xref nodes for citation by citation_reference.
Class ​Document​Target​Transform Add :doc label to the first section of each document.
Class ​Footnote​Collector Collect footnotes and footnote references on the document
Class ​Footnote​Docname​Updater Add docname to footnote and footnote_reference nodes.
Class ​Index​In​Section​Title​Transform Move index nodes in section title to outside of the title.
Class ​La​Te​XFootnote​Transform Convert footnote definitions and references to appropriate form to LaTeX.
Class ​La​Te​XFootnote​Visitor Undocumented
Class ​Literal​Block​Transform Replace container nodes for literal_block by captioned_literal_block.
Class ​Math​Reference​Transform Replace pending_xref nodes for math by math_reference.
Class ​Show​Urls​Transform Expand references to inline text or footnotes.
Class ​Substitution​Definitions​Remover Remove ``substitution_definition node from doctrees.
Function setup Undocumented
URI_SCHEMES: tuple[str, ...] =


('mailto:', 'http:', 'https:', 'ftp:')
def setup(app):


Dict[str, Any]Undocumented