class documentation

class PyAttribute(PyObject):

View In Hierarchy

Description of an attribute.
Method get​_index​_text Return the text for the index entry of the object.
Method handle​_signature Transform a Python signature into RST nodes.
Class Variable option​_spec Undocumented

Inherited from PyObject:

Method add​_target​_and​_index Undocumented
Method after​_content Handle object de-nesting after content
Method before​_content Handle object nesting before content
Method get​_signature​_prefix May return a prefix to put before the object name in the signature.
Method needs​_arglist May return true if an empty argument list is to be generated even if the document contains none.
Class Variable allow​_nesting Class is an object that allows for nested namespaces
Class Variable doc​_field​_types Undocumented
def get_index_text(self, modname, name_cls):
Return the text for the index entry of the object.
name​_cls:Tuple[str, str]Undocumented
def handle_signature(self, sig, signode):

Transform a Python signature into RST nodes.

Return (fully qualified name of the thing, classname if any).

If inside a class, the current class name is handled intelligently: * it is stripped from the displayed name if present * it is added to the full name (return value) if not present

Tuple[str, str]Undocumented
option_spec: OptionSpec =