module documentation

The deprecated Documenters for autodoc.

Unknown Field: copyright
Copyright 2007-2022 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
Unknown Field: license
BSD, see LICENSE for details.
Class ​Data​Declaration​Documenter Specialized Documenter subclass for data that cannot be imported because they are declared without initial value (refs: PEP-526).
Class ​Generic​Alias​Documenter Specialized Documenter subclass for GenericAliases.
Class ​Instance​Attribute​Documenter Specialized Documenter subclass for attributes that cannot be imported because they are instance attributes (e.g. assigned in __init__).
Class ​Singledispatch​Function​Documenter Used to be a specialized Documenter subclass for singledispatch'ed functions.
Class ​Singledispatch​Method​Documenter Used to be a specialized Documenter subclass for singledispatch'ed methods.
Class ​Slots​Attribute​Documenter Specialized Documenter subclass for attributes that cannot be imported because they are attributes in __slots__.
Class ​Type​Var​Documenter Specialized Documenter subclass for TypeVars.