class documentation

class BFILE(sqltypes.LargeBinary):

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Class Variable __visit​_name__ Undocumented

Inherited from LargeBinary:

Method __init__ Construct a LargeBinary type.

Inherited from _Binary (via LargeBinary):

Method bind​_processor Return a conversion function for processing bind values.
Method coerce​_compared​_value See .TypeEngine.coerce_compared_value for a description.
Method get​_dbapi​_type Return the corresponding type object from the underlying DB-API, if any.
Method literal​_processor Return a conversion function for processing literal values that are to be rendered directly without using binds.
Method result​_processor Return a conversion function for processing result row values.
Instance Variable length Undocumented
Property python​_type Return the Python type object expected to be returned by instances of this type, if known.

Inherited from TypeEngine (via LargeBinary, _Binary):

Class ​Comparator Base class for custom comparison operations defined at the type level. See .TypeEngine.comparator_factory.
Method adapt Produce an "adapted" form of this type, given an "impl" class to work with.
Method as​_generic Return an instance of the generic type corresponding to this type using heuristic rule. The method may be overridden if this heuristic rule is not sufficient.
Method bind​_expression Given a bind value (i.e. a .BindParameter instance), return a SQL expression in its place.
Method column​_expression Given a SELECT column expression, return a wrapping SQL expression.
Method compare​_against​_backend Compare this type against the given backend type.
Method compare​_values Compare two values for equality.
Method compile Produce a string-compiled form of this .TypeEngine.
Method dialect​_impl Return a dialect-specific implementation for this .TypeEngine.
Method evaluates​_none Return a copy of this type which has the .should_evaluate_none flag set to True.
Method with​_variant Produce a new type object that will utilize the given type when applied to the dialect of the given name.
Class Variable hashable Flag, if False, means values from this type aren't hashable.
Class Variable should​_evaluate​_none If True, the Python constant None is considered to be handled explicitly by this type.
Class Variable sort​_key​_function A sorting function that can be passed as the key to sorted.
Static Method ​_to​_instance Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method ​_cached​_bind​_processor Return a dialect-specific bind processor for this type.
Method ​_cached​_custom​_processor Undocumented
Method ​_cached​_literal​_processor Return a dialect-specific literal processor for this type.
Method ​_cached​_result​_processor Return a dialect-specific result processor for this type.
Method ​_compare​_type​_affinity Undocumented
Method ​_default​_dialect Undocumented
Method ​_dialect​_info Return a dialect-specific registry which caches a dialect-specific implementation, bind processing function, and one or more result processing functions.
Method ​_gen​_dialect​_impl Undocumented
Method ​_resolve​_for​_literal adjust this type given a literal Python value that will be stored in a bound parameter.
Method ​_unwrapped​_dialect​_impl Return the 'unwrapped' dialect impl for this type.
Method copy Undocumented
Method copy​_value Undocumented
Class Variable ​_is​_array Undocumented
Class Variable ​_is​_table​_value Undocumented
Class Variable ​_is​_tuple​_type Undocumented
Class Variable ​_is​_type​_decorator Undocumented
Class Variable ​_isnull Undocumented
Class Variable ​_sqla​_type Undocumented
Property ​_generic​_type​_affinity Undocumented
Property ​_has​_bind​_expression memoized boolean, check if bind_expression is implemented.
Property ​_has​_column​_expression memoized boolean, check if column_expression is implemented.
Property ​_static​_cache​_key Undocumented
Property ​_type​_affinity Return a rudimental 'affinity' value expressing the general class of type.

Inherited from Traversible (via LargeBinary, _Binary, TypeEngine):

Method get​_children Return immediate child .visitors.Traversible elements of this .visitors.Traversible.
Method __class​_getitem__ Undocumented
__visit_name__: str =