package documentation

SQL connections, SQL execution and high-level DB-API interface.

The engine package defines the basic components used to interface DB-API modules with higher-level statement construction, connection-management, execution and result contexts. The primary "entry point" class into this package is the Engine and its public constructor create_engine().

Module base No module docstring; 0/1 constant, 8/10 classes documented
Module cursor Define cursor-specific result set constructs including .BaseCursorResult, .CursorResult.
Module default Default implementations of per-dialect sqlalchemy.engine classes.
Module events No module docstring; 2/2 classes documented
Module interfaces Define core interfaces used by the engine system.
Module reflection Provides an abstraction for obtaining database schema information.
Module result Define generic result set constructs.
Module row Define row constructs including .Row.
Module url Provides the ~sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL class which encapsulates information about a database connection specification.
Module characteristics No module docstring; 1/2 class documented
Module create No module docstring; 2/2 functions documented
Module mock No module docstring; 1/1 function, 0/1 class documented
Module strategies Deprecated mock engine strategy used by Alembic.
Module util No module docstring; 0/2 variable, 3/4 functions, 1/1 class documented