class documentation

class AsyncMappingResult(AsyncCommon):

View In Hierarchy

A wrapper for a _asyncio.AsyncResult that returns dictionary values rather than _engine.Row values.

The _asyncio.AsyncMappingResult object is acquired by calling the _asyncio.AsyncResult.mappings method.

Refer to the _result.MappingResult object in the synchronous SQLAlchemy API for a complete behavioral description.

New in version 1.4.
Method __aiter__ Undocumented
Async Method __anext__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Async Method all Return all scalar values in a list.
Method columns Establish the columns that should be returned in each row.
Async Method fetchall A synonym for the _asyncio.AsyncMappingResult.all method.
Async Method fetchmany Fetch many objects.
Async Method fetchone Fetch one object.
Async Method first Fetch the first object or None if no object is present.
Method keys Return an iterable view which yields the string keys that would be represented by each .Row.
Async Method one Return exactly one object or raise an exception.
Async Method one​_or​_none Return at most one object or raise an exception.
Async Method partitions Iterate through sub-lists of elements of the size given.
Method unique Apply unique filtering to the objects returned by this _asyncio.AsyncMappingResult.
Class Variable ​_generate​_rows Undocumented
Class Variable ​_post​_creational​_filter Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_metadata Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_real​_result Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_unique​_filter​_state Undocumented

Inherited from AsyncCommon:

Async Method close Close this result.

Inherited from FilterResult (via AsyncCommon):

Method ​_fetchall​_impl Undocumented
Method ​_fetchiter​_impl Undocumented
Method ​_fetchmany​_impl Undocumented
Method ​_fetchone​_impl Undocumented
Method ​_soft​_close Undocumented
Property ​_attributes Undocumented

Inherited from ResultInternal (via AsyncCommon, FilterResult):

Method ​_allrows Undocumented
Method ​_column​_slices Undocumented
Method ​_iter​_impl Undocumented
Method ​_iterator​_getter Undocumented
Method ​_manyrow​_getter Undocumented
Method ​_next​_impl Undocumented
Method ​_onerow​_getter Undocumented
Method ​_only​_one​_row Undocumented
Method ​_raw​_all​_rows Undocumented
Method ​_row​_getter Undocumented
Method ​_unique​_strategy Undocumented

Inherited from InPlaceGenerative (via AsyncCommon, FilterResult, ResultInternal):

Method ​_generate Undocumented
def __aiter__(self):


async def __anext__(self):


def __init__(self, result):


async def all(self):

Return all scalar values in a list.

Equivalent to _asyncio.AsyncResult.all except that mapping values, rather than _result.Row objects, are returned.

def columns(self, *col_expressions):
Establish the columns that should be returned in each row.
async def fetchall(self):
A synonym for the _asyncio.AsyncMappingResult.all method.
async def fetchmany(self, size=None):

Fetch many objects.

Equivalent to _asyncio.AsyncResult.fetchmany except that mapping values, rather than _result.Row objects, are returned.

async def fetchone(self):

Fetch one object.

Equivalent to _asyncio.AsyncResult.fetchone except that mapping values, rather than _result.Row objects, are returned.

async def first(self):

Fetch the first object or None if no object is present.

Equivalent to _asyncio.AsyncResult.first except that mapping values, rather than _result.Row objects, are returned.

def keys(self):

Return an iterable view which yields the string keys that would be represented by each .Row.

The view also can be tested for key containment using the Python in operator, which will test both for the string keys represented in the view, as well as for alternate keys such as column objects.

Changed in version 1.4: a key view object is returned rather than a plain list.
async def one(self):

Return exactly one object or raise an exception.

Equivalent to except that mapping values, rather than _result.Row objects, are returned.

async def one_or_none(self):

Return at most one object or raise an exception.

Equivalent to _asyncio.AsyncResult.one_or_none except that mapping values, rather than _result.Row objects, are returned.

async def partitions(self, size=None):

Iterate through sub-lists of elements of the size given.

Equivalent to _asyncio.AsyncResult.partitions except that mapping values, rather than _result.Row objects, are returned.

def unique(self, strategy=None):

Apply unique filtering to the objects returned by this _asyncio.AsyncMappingResult.

See _asyncio.AsyncResult.unique for usage details.

_generate_rows: bool =
_post_creational_filter =
_metadata =


_real_result =
_unique_filter_state =