class documentation

class AsyncResult(AsyncCommon):

View In Hierarchy

An asyncio wrapper around a _result.Result object.

The _asyncio.AsyncResult only applies to statement executions that use a server-side cursor. It is returned only from the and methods.


As is the case with _engine.Result, this object is used for ORM results returned by _asyncio.AsyncSession.execute, which can yield instances of ORM mapped objects either individually or within tuple-like rows. Note that these result objects do not deduplicate instances or rows automatically as is the case with the legacy _orm.Query object. For in-Python de-duplication of instances or rows, use the _asyncio.AsyncResult.unique modifier method.

New in version 1.4.
Method __aiter__ Undocumented
Async Method __anext__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Async Method all Return all rows in a list.
Method columns Establish the columns that should be returned in each row.
Async Method fetchmany Fetch many rows.
Async Method fetchone Fetch one row.
Async Method first Fetch the first row or None if no row is present.
Async Method freeze Return a callable object that will produce copies of this _asyncio.AsyncResult when invoked.
Method keys Return the _engine.Result.keys collection from the underlying _engine.Result.
Method mappings Apply a mappings filter to returned rows, returning an instance of _asyncio.AsyncMappingResult.
Method merge Merge this _asyncio.AsyncResult with other compatible result objects.
Async Method one Return exactly one row or raise an exception.
Async Method one​_or​_none Return at most one result or raise an exception.
Async Method partitions Iterate through sub-lists of rows of the size given.
Async Method scalar Fetch the first column of the first row, and close the result set.
Async Method scalar​_one Return exactly one scalar result or raise an exception.
Async Method scalar​_one​_or​_none Return exactly one or no scalar result.
Method scalars Return an _asyncio.AsyncScalarResult filtering object which will return single elements rather than _row.Row objects.
Method unique Apply unique filtering to the objects returned by this _asyncio.AsyncResult.
Instance Variable ​_metadata Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_real​_result Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_unique​_filter​_state Undocumented

Inherited from AsyncCommon:

Async Method close Close this result.

Inherited from FilterResult (via AsyncCommon):

Method ​_fetchall​_impl Undocumented
Method ​_fetchiter​_impl Undocumented
Method ​_fetchmany​_impl Undocumented
Method ​_fetchone​_impl Undocumented
Method ​_soft​_close Undocumented
Class Variable ​_post​_creational​_filter Undocumented
Property ​_attributes Undocumented

Inherited from ResultInternal (via AsyncCommon, FilterResult):

Method ​_allrows Undocumented
Method ​_column​_slices Undocumented
Method ​_iter​_impl Undocumented
Method ​_iterator​_getter Undocumented
Method ​_manyrow​_getter Undocumented
Method ​_next​_impl Undocumented
Method ​_onerow​_getter Undocumented
Method ​_only​_one​_row Undocumented
Method ​_raw​_all​_rows Undocumented
Method ​_row​_getter Undocumented
Method ​_unique​_strategy Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_generate​_rows Undocumented

Inherited from InPlaceGenerative (via AsyncCommon, FilterResult, ResultInternal):

Method ​_generate Undocumented
def __aiter__(self):


async def __anext__(self):


def __init__(self, real_result):


async def all(self):

Return all rows in a list.

Closes the result set after invocation. Subsequent invocations will return an empty list.

a list of .Row objects.
def columns(self, *col_expressions):

Establish the columns that should be returned in each row.

Refer to _engine.Result.columns in the synchronous SQLAlchemy API for a complete behavioral description.

async def fetchmany(self, size=None):

Fetch many rows.

When all rows are exhausted, returns an empty list.

This method is provided for backwards compatibility with SQLAlchemy 1.x.x.

To fetch rows in groups, use the ._asyncio.AsyncResult.partitions method.

See Also


a list of .Row objects.
async def fetchone(self):

Fetch one row.

When all rows are exhausted, returns None.

This method is provided for backwards compatibility with SQLAlchemy 1.x.x.

To fetch the first row of a result only, use the _engine.Result.first method. To iterate through all rows, iterate the _engine.Result object directly.

a .Row object if no filters are applied, or None if no rows remain.
async def first(self):

Fetch the first row or None if no row is present.

Closes the result set and discards remaining rows.


This method returns one row, e.g. tuple, by default. To return exactly one single scalar value, that is, the first column of the first row, use the _asyncio.AsyncResult.scalar method, or combine _asyncio.AsyncResult.scalars and _asyncio.AsyncResult.first.

See Also


a .Row object, or None if no rows remain.
async def freeze(self):

Return a callable object that will produce copies of this _asyncio.AsyncResult when invoked.

The callable object returned is an instance of _engine.FrozenResult.

This is used for result set caching. The method must be called on the result when it has been unconsumed, and calling the method will consume the result fully. When the _engine.FrozenResult is retrieved from a cache, it can be called any number of times where it will produce a new _engine.Result object each time against its stored set of rows.

See Also

:ref:`do_orm_execute_re_executing` - example usage within the ORM to implement a result-set cache.

def keys(self):
Return the _engine.Result.keys collection from the underlying _engine.Result.
def mappings(self):

Apply a mappings filter to returned rows, returning an instance of _asyncio.AsyncMappingResult.

When this filter is applied, fetching rows will return .RowMapping objects instead of .Row objects.

Refer to _result.Result.mappings in the synchronous SQLAlchemy API for a complete behavioral description.

a new _asyncio.AsyncMappingResult filtering object referring to the underlying _result.Result object.
def merge(self, *others):

Merge this _asyncio.AsyncResult with other compatible result objects.

The object returned is an instance of _engine.MergedResult, which will be composed of iterators from the given result objects.

The new result will use the metadata from this result object. The subsequent result objects must be against an identical set of result / cursor metadata, otherwise the behavior is undefined.

async def one(self):

Return exactly one row or raise an exception.

Raises .NoResultFound if the result returns no rows, or .MultipleResultsFound if multiple rows would be returned.


This method returns one row, e.g. tuple, by default. To return exactly one single scalar value, that is, the first column of the first row, use the _asyncio.AsyncResult.scalar_one method, or combine _asyncio.AsyncResult.scalars and

New in version 1.4.

See Also




The first .Row.
Unknown exception.MultipleResultsFound, .NoResultFound
async def one_or_none(self):

Return at most one result or raise an exception.

Returns None if the result has no rows. Raises .MultipleResultsFound if multiple rows are returned.

New in version 1.4.

See Also


The first .Row or None if no row is available.
Unknown exception.MultipleResultsFound
async def partitions(self, size=None):

Iterate through sub-lists of rows of the size given.

An async iterator is returned:

async def scroll_results(connection):
    result = await

    async for partition in result.partitions(100):
        print("list of rows: %s" % partition)

See Also


async def scalar(self):

Fetch the first column of the first row, and close the result set.

Returns None if there are no rows to fetch.

No validation is performed to test if additional rows remain.

After calling this method, the object is fully closed, e.g. the _engine.CursorResult.close method will have been called.

a Python scalar value , or None if no rows remain.
async def scalar_one(self):

Return exactly one scalar result or raise an exception.

This is equivalent to calling _asyncio.AsyncResult.scalars and then

See Also


async def scalar_one_or_none(self):

Return exactly one or no scalar result.

This is equivalent to calling _asyncio.AsyncResult.scalars and then _asyncio.AsyncResult.one_or_none.

See Also



def scalars(self, index=0):

Return an _asyncio.AsyncScalarResult filtering object which will return single elements rather than _row.Row objects.

Refer to _result.Result.scalars in the synchronous SQLAlchemy API for a complete behavioral description.

indexinteger or row key indicating the column to be fetched from each row, defaults to 0 indicating the first column.
a new _asyncio.AsyncScalarResult filtering object referring to this _asyncio.AsyncResult object.
def unique(self, strategy=None):

Apply unique filtering to the objects returned by this _asyncio.AsyncResult.

Refer to _engine.Result.unique in the synchronous SQLAlchemy API for a complete behavioral description.

_metadata =


_real_result =
_unique_filter_state =