package documentation


Module extensions Public API functions and helpers for declarative.


Class ​Abstract​Concrete​Base A helper class for 'concrete' declarative mappings.
Class ​Concrete​Base A helper class for 'concrete' declarative mappings.
Class ​Deferred​Reflection A helper class for construction of mappings based on a deferred reflection step.
Class ​Declarative​Meta Undocumented
Class declared​_attr Mark a class-level method as representing the definition of a mapped property or special declarative member name.
Function as​_declarative Undocumented
Function declarative​_base Undocumented
Function has​_inherited​_table Undocumented
Function instrument​_declarative Given a class, configure the class declaratively, using the given registry, which can be any dictionary, and MetaData object.
Function synonym​_for Undocumented
@util.deprecated('2.0', 'the instrument_declarative function is deprecated and will be removed in SQLAlhcemy 2.0. Please use :meth:`_orm.registry.map_declaratively')
def instrument_declarative(cls, cls_registry, metadata):
Given a class, configure the class declaratively, using the given registry, which can be any dictionary, and MetaData object.
@util.moved_20('The ``declarative_base()`` function is now available as :func:`sqlalchemy.orm.declarative_base`.')
def declarative_base(*arg, **kw):


@util.moved_20('The ``as_declarative()`` function is now available as :func:`sqlalchemy.orm.as_declarative`')
def as_declarative(*arg, **kw):


@util.moved_20('The ``has_inherited_table()`` function is now available as :func:`sqlalchemy.orm.has_inherited_table`.')
def has_inherited_table(*arg, **kw):


@util.moved_20('The ``synonym_for()`` function is now available as :func:`sqlalchemy.orm.synonym_for`')
def synonym_for(*arg, **kw):
