module documentation

Logging control and utilities.

Control of logging for SA can be performed from the regular python logging module. The regular dotted module namespace is used, starting at 'sqlalchemy'. For class-level logging, the class name is appended.

The "echo" keyword parameter, available on SQLA _engine.Engine and _pool.Pool objects, corresponds to a logger specific to that instance only.

Class ​Identified Undocumented
Variable rootlogger Undocumented
Class echo​_property Undocumented
Class ​Instance​Logger A logger adapter (wrapper) for .Identified subclasses.
Function ​_add​_default​_handler Undocumented
Function ​_qual​_logger​_name​_for​_cls Undocumented
Function class​_logger Undocumented
Function instance​_logger create a logger for an instance that implements .Identified.
Variable ​_logged​_classes Undocumented
rootlogger =


def _add_default_handler(logger):


def _qual_logger_name_for_cls(cls):


def class_logger(cls):


def instance_logger(instance, echoflag=None):
create a logger for an instance that implements .Identified.
_logged_classes: set =
