class documentation

class ScalarObjectAttributeImpl(ScalarAttributeImpl):

View In Hierarchy

represents a scalar-holding InstrumentedAttribute, where the target object is also instrumented.

Adds events to delete/set operations.

Method delete Undocumented
Method fire​_remove​_event Undocumented
Method fire​_replace​_event Undocumented
Method get​_all​_pending Return a list of tuples of (state, obj) for all objects in this attribute's current state + history.
Method get​_history Undocumented
Method set Set a value on the given InstanceState.
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Class Variable collection Undocumented
Class Variable default​_accepts​_scalar​_loader Undocumented
Class Variable supports​_population Undocumented
Class Variable uses​_objects Undocumented

Inherited from ScalarAttributeImpl:

Method __init__ Construct an AttributeImpl.
Class Variable dynamic Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_append​_token Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_remove​_token Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_replace​_token Undocumented
Property type Undocumented

Inherited from AttributeImpl (via ScalarAttributeImpl):

Method __str__ Undocumented
Method ​_default​_value Produce an empty value for an uninitialized scalar attribute.
Method ​_fire​_loader​_callables Undocumented
Method ​_get​_active​_history Backwards compat for impl.active_history
Method ​_set​_active​_history Undocumented
Method append Undocumented
Method get No summary
Method get​_committed​_value return the unchanged value of this attribute
Method hasparent Return the boolean value of a hasparent flag attached to the given state.
Method pop Undocumented
Method remove Undocumented
Method set​_committed​_value set an attribute value on the given instance and 'commit' it.
Method sethasparent Set a boolean flag on the given item corresponding to whether or not it is attached to a parent object via the attribute represented by this InstrumentedAttribute.
Class Variable active​_history Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_deferred​_history Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_modified​_token Undocumented
Instance Variable accepts​_scalar​_loader Undocumented
Instance Variable callable​_ Undocumented
Instance Variable class​_ Undocumented
Instance Variable dispatch Undocumented
Instance Variable is​_equal Undocumented
Instance Variable key Undocumented
Instance Variable load​_on​_unexpire Undocumented
Instance Variable parent​_token Undocumented
Instance Variable send​_modified​_events Undocumented
Instance Variable trackparent Undocumented
def delete(self, state, dict_):
def fire_remove_event(self, state, dict_, value, initiator):
def fire_replace_event(self, state, dict_, value, previous, initiator):
def get_all_pending(self, state, dict_, passive=PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE):

Return a list of tuples of (state, obj) for all objects in this attribute's current state + history.

Only applies to object-based attributes.

This is an inlining of existing functionality which roughly corresponds to:

state, key, passive=PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE).sum()
def get_history(self, state, dict_, passive=PASSIVE_OFF):
def set(self, state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=PASSIVE_OFF, check_old=None, pop=False):
Set a value on the given InstanceState.
__slots__: tuple =
collection: bool =
default_accepts_scalar_loader: bool =
supports_population: bool =
uses_objects: bool =