class documentation

class InstrumentationEvents(event.Events):

View In Hierarchy

Events related to class instrumentation events.

The listeners here support being established against any new style class, that is any object that is a subclass of 'type'. Events will then be fired off for events against that class. If the "propagate=True" flag is passed to event.listen(), the event will fire off for subclasses of that class as well.

The Python type builtin is also accepted as a target, which when used has the effect of events being emitted for all classes.

Note the "propagate" flag here is defaulted to True, unlike the other class level events where it defaults to False. This means that new subclasses will also be the subject of these events, when a listener is established on a superclass.

Class Method ​_accept​_with Undocumented
Class Method ​_clear Undocumented
Class Method ​_listen Undocumented
Method attribute​_instrument Called when an attribute is instrumented.
Method class​_instrument Called after the given class is instrumented.
Method class​_uninstrument Called before the given class is uninstrumented.
Class Variable ​_target​_class​_doc Undocumented

Inherited from Events:

Class Method ​_remove Undocumented
Static Method ​_set​_dispatch Undocumented
def _accept_with(cls, target):
def _clear(cls):


def _listen(cls, event_key, propagate=True, **kw):


def attribute_instrument(self, cls, key, inst):
Called when an attribute is instrumented.
def class_instrument(self, cls):

Called after the given class is instrumented.

To get at the .ClassManager, use .manager_of_class.

def class_uninstrument(self, cls):

Called before the given class is uninstrumented.

To get at the .ClassManager, use .manager_of_class.

_target_class_doc: str =
