class documentation

class RelationshipProperty(StrategizedProperty):

View In Hierarchy

Describes an object property that holds a single item or list of items that correspond to a related database table.

Public constructor is the _orm.relationship function.

Class ​Comparator Produce boolean, comparison, and other operators for .RelationshipProperty attributes.
Static Method ​_check​_sync​_backref Undocumented
Method __init__ Provide a relationship between two mapped classes.
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method ​_add​_reverse​_property Undocumented
Method ​_check​_cascade​_settings Undocumented
Method ​_check​_conflicts Test that this relationship is legal, warn about inheritance conflicts.
Method ​_columns​_are​_mapped Return True if all columns in the given collection are mapped by the tables referenced by this .Relationship.
Method ​_create​_joins Undocumented
Method ​_generate​_backref Interpret the 'backref' instruction to create a _orm.relationship complementary to this one.
Method ​_get​_attr​_w​_warn​_on​_none Create the callable that is used in a many-to-one expression.
Method ​_lazy​_none​_clause Undocumented
Method ​_optimized​_compare Undocumented
Method ​_persists​_for Return True if this property will persist values on behalf of the given mapper.
Method ​_post​_init Undocumented
Method ​_process​_dependent​_arguments Convert incoming configuration arguments to their proper form.
Method ​_set​_cascade Undocumented
Method ​_setup​_join​_conditions Undocumented
Method ​_setup​_registry​_dependencies Undocumented
Method ​_value​_as​_iterable Return a list of tuples (state, obj) for the given key.
Method ​_warn​_for​_persistence​_only​_flags Undocumented
Method ​_with​_parent Undocumented
Method cascade.setter Undocumented
Method cascade​_iterator Iterate through instances related to the given instance for a particular 'cascade', starting with this MapperProperty.
Method do​_init Perform subclass-specific initialization post-mapper-creation steps.
Method instrument​_class Hook called by the Mapper to the property to initiate instrumentation of the class attribute managed by this MapperProperty.
Method merge Merge the attribute represented by this MapperProperty from source to destination object.
Class Variable ​_links​_to​_entity True if this MapperProperty refers to a mapped entity.
Class Variable ​_persistence​_only Undocumented
Class Variable inherit​_cache Indicate if this .HasCacheKey instance should make use of the cache key generation scheme used by its immediate superclass.
Class Variable strategy​_wildcard​_key Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_calculated​_foreign​_keys Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_cascade Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_dependency​_processor Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_join​_condition Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_lazy​_strategy Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_legacy​_inactive​_history​_style Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_overlaps Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_reverse​_property Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_user​_defined​_foreign​_keys Undocumented
Instance Variable active​_history Undocumented
Instance Variable argument Undocumented
Instance Variable back​_populates Undocumented
Instance Variable backref Undocumented
Instance Variable bake​_queries Undocumented
Instance Variable cascade​_backrefs Undocumented
Instance Variable collection​_class Undocumented
Instance Variable comparator Undocumented
Instance Variable comparator​_factory Undocumented
Instance Variable direction Undocumented
Instance Variable distinct​_target​_key Undocumented
Instance Variable doc Undocumented
Instance Variable enable​_typechecks Undocumented
Instance Variable info Undocumented
Instance Variable innerjoin Undocumented
Instance Variable join​_depth Undocumented
Instance Variable lazy Undocumented
Instance Variable load​_on​_pending Undocumented
Instance Variable local​_columns Undocumented
Instance Variable local​_remote​_pairs Undocumented
Instance Variable omit​_join Undocumented
Instance Variable order​_by Undocumented
Instance Variable passive​_deletes Undocumented
Instance Variable passive​_updates Undocumented
Instance Variable post​_update Undocumented
Instance Variable primaryjoin Undocumented
Instance Variable query​_class Undocumented
Instance Variable remote​_side Undocumented
Instance Variable secondary Undocumented
Instance Variable secondary​_synchronize​_pairs Undocumented
Instance Variable secondaryjoin Undocumented
Instance Variable single​_parent Undocumented
Instance Variable strategy​_key Undocumented
Instance Variable sync​_backref Undocumented
Instance Variable synchronize​_pairs Undocumented
Instance Variable target Undocumented
Instance Variable uselist Undocumented
Instance Variable viewonly Undocumented
Property ​_clsregistry​_resolve​_arg Undocumented
Property ​_clsregistry​_resolve​_name Undocumented
Property ​_clsregistry​_resolvers Undocumented
Property ​_effective​_sync​_backref Undocumented
Property ​_is​_self​_referential Undocumented
Property ​_use​_get memoize the 'use_get' attribute of this RelationshipLoader's lazyloader.
Property cascade Return the current cascade setting for this .RelationshipProperty.
Property entity Return the target mapped entity, which is an inspect() of the class or aliased class that is referred towards.
Property mapper Return the targeted _orm.Mapper for this .RelationshipProperty.

Inherited from StrategizedProperty:

Class Method strategy​_for Undocumented
Class Method ​_strategy​_lookup Undocumented
Method ​_get​_context​_loader Undocumented
Method ​_get​_strategy Undocumented
Method ​_memoized​_attr​_​_default​_path​_loader​_key Undocumented
Method ​_memoized​_attr​_​_wildcard​_token Undocumented
Method create​_row​_processor Produce row processing functions and append to the given set of populators lists.
Method post​_instrument​_class Perform instrumentation adjustments that need to occur after init() has completed.
Method setup Called by Query for the purposes of constructing a SQL statement.
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Class Variable ​_all​_strategies Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_strategies Undocumented
Instance Variable strategy Undocumented

Inherited from MapperProperty (via StrategizedProperty):

Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method ​_memoized​_attr​_info Info dictionary associated with the object, allowing user-defined data to be associated with this .InspectionAttr.
Method init Called after all mappers are created to assemble relationships between mappers and perform other post-mapper-creation initialization steps.
Method set​_parent Set the parent mapper that references this MapperProperty.
Class Variable ​_cache​_key​_traversal Undocumented
Class Variable is​_property Part of the InspectionAttr interface; states this object is a mapper property.
Instance Variable ​_configure​_finished Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_configure​_started Undocumented
Instance Variable parent Undocumented
Property class​_attribute Return the class-bound descriptor corresponding to this .MapperProperty.

Inherited from HasCacheKey (via StrategizedProperty, MapperProperty):

Class Method ​_generate​_cache​_attrs generate cache key dispatcher for a new class.
Class Method ​_generate​_cache​_key​_for​_object Undocumented
Method ​_gen​_cache​_key return an optional cache key.
Method ​_generate​_cache​_key return a cache key.
Class Variable ​_hierarchy​_supports​_caching private attribute which may be set to False to prevent the inherit_cache warning from being emitted for a hierarchy of subclasses.
Class Variable ​_is​_has​_cache​_key Undocumented

Inherited from InspectionAttr (via StrategizedProperty, MapperProperty):

Class Variable ​_is​_internal​_proxy True if this object is an internal proxy object.
Class Variable is​_aliased​_class True if this object is an instance of .AliasedClass.
Class Variable is​_attribute True if this object is a Python :term:`descriptor`.
Class Variable is​_bundle True if this object is an instance of .Bundle.
Class Variable is​_clause​_element True if this object is an instance of _expression.ClauseElement.
Class Variable is​_instance True if this object is an instance of .InstanceState.
Class Variable is​_mapper True if this object is an instance of _orm.Mapper.
Class Variable is​_selectable Return True if this object is an instance of _expression.Selectable.

Inherited from MemoizedSlots (via StrategizedProperty, MapperProperty):

Method __getattr__ Undocumented
Method ​_fallback​_getattr Undocumented
def _check_sync_backref(rel_a, rel_b):


def __init__(self, argument, secondary=None, primaryjoin=None, secondaryjoin=None, foreign_keys=None, uselist=None, order_by=False, backref=None, back_populates=None, overlaps=None, post_update=False, cascade=False, viewonly=False, lazy='select', collection_class=None, passive_deletes=_persistence_only['passive_deletes'], passive_updates=_persistence_only['passive_updates'], remote_side=None, enable_typechecks=_persistence_only['enable_typechecks'], join_depth=None, comparator_factory=None, single_parent=False, innerjoin=False, distinct_target_key=None, doc=None, active_history=_persistence_only['active_history'], cascade_backrefs=_persistence_only['cascade_backrefs'], load_on_pending=False, bake_queries=True, _local_remote_pairs=None, query_class=None, info=None, omit_join=None, sync_backref=None, _legacy_inactive_history_style=False):

Provide a relationship between two mapped classes.

This corresponds to a parent-child or associative table relationship. The constructed class is an instance of .RelationshipProperty.

A typical _orm.relationship, used in a classical mapping:

mapper(Parent, properties={
  'children': relationship(Child)

Some arguments accepted by _orm.relationship optionally accept a callable function, which when called produces the desired value. The callable is invoked by the parent _orm.Mapper at "mapper initialization" time, which happens only when mappers are first used, and is assumed to be after all mappings have been constructed. This can be used to resolve order-of-declaration and other dependency issues, such as if Child is declared below Parent in the same file:

mapper(Parent, properties={
    "children":relationship(lambda: Child,

When using the :ref:`declarative_toplevel` extension, the Declarative initializer allows string arguments to be passed to _orm.relationship. These string arguments are converted into callables that evaluate the string as Python code, using the Declarative class-registry as a namespace. This allows the lookup of related classes to be automatic via their string name, and removes the need for related classes to be imported into the local module space before the dependent classes have been declared. It is still required that the modules in which these related classes appear are imported anywhere in the application at some point before the related mappings are actually used, else a lookup error will be raised when the _orm.relationship attempts to resolve the string reference to the related class. An example of a string- resolved class is as follows:

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

class Parent(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'parent'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    children = relationship("Child", order_by="")

See Also

:ref:`relationship_config_toplevel` - Full introductory and reference documentation for _orm.relationship.

:ref:`orm_tutorial_relationship` - ORM tutorial introduction.


A mapped class, or actual _orm.Mapper instance, representing the target of the relationship.

:paramref:`_orm.relationship.argument` may also be passed as a callable function which is evaluated at mapper initialization time, and may be passed as a string name when using Declarative.


Prior to SQLAlchemy 1.3.16, this value is interpreted using Python's eval() function. DO NOT PASS UNTRUSTED INPUT TO THIS STRING. See :ref:`declarative_relationship_eval` for details on declarative evaluation of _orm.relationship arguments.

See Also

:ref:`declarative_configuring_relationships` - further detail on relationship configuration when using Declarative.


For a many-to-many relationship, specifies the intermediary table, and is typically an instance of _schema.Table. In less common circumstances, the argument may also be specified as an _expression.Alias construct, or even a _expression.Join construct.

:paramref:`_orm.relationship.secondary` may also be passed as a callable function which is evaluated at mapper initialization time. When using Declarative, it may also be a string argument noting the name of a _schema.Table that is present in the _schema.MetaData collection associated with the parent-mapped _schema.Table.


When passed as a Python-evaluable string, the argument is interpreted using Python's eval() function. DO NOT PASS UNTRUSTED INPUT TO THIS STRING. See :ref:`declarative_relationship_eval` for details on declarative evaluation of _orm.relationship arguments.

The :paramref:`_orm.relationship.secondary` keyword argument is typically applied in the case where the intermediary _schema.Table is not otherwise expressed in any direct class mapping. If the "secondary" table is also explicitly mapped elsewhere (e.g. as in :ref:`association_pattern`), one should consider applying the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.viewonly` flag so that this _orm.relationship is not used for persistence operations which may conflict with those of the association object pattern.

See Also

:ref:`relationships_many_to_many` - Reference example of "many to many".

:ref:`orm_tutorial_many_to_many` - ORM tutorial introduction to many-to-many relationships.

:ref:`self_referential_many_to_many` - Specifics on using many-to-many in a self-referential case.

:ref:`declarative_many_to_many` - Additional options when using Declarative.

:ref:`association_pattern` - an alternative to :paramref:`_orm.relationship.secondary` when composing association table relationships, allowing additional attributes to be specified on the association table.

:ref:`composite_secondary_join` - a lesser-used pattern which in some cases can enable complex _orm.relationship SQL conditions to be used.

New in version 0.9.2: :paramref:`_orm.relationship.secondary` works more effectively when referring to a _expression.Join instance.

A SQL expression that will be used as the primary join of the child object against the parent object, or in a many-to-many relationship the join of the parent object to the association table. By default, this value is computed based on the foreign key relationships of the parent and child tables (or association table).

:paramref:`_orm.relationship.primaryjoin` may also be passed as a callable function which is evaluated at mapper initialization time, and may be passed as a Python-evaluable string when using Declarative.


When passed as a Python-evaluable string, the argument is interpreted using Python's eval() function. DO NOT PASS UNTRUSTED INPUT TO THIS STRING. See :ref:`declarative_relationship_eval` for details on declarative evaluation of _orm.relationship arguments.


A SQL expression that will be used as the join of an association table to the child object. By default, this value is computed based on the foreign key relationships of the association and child tables.

:paramref:`_orm.relationship.secondaryjoin` may also be passed as a callable function which is evaluated at mapper initialization time, and may be passed as a Python-evaluable string when using Declarative.


When passed as a Python-evaluable string, the argument is interpreted using Python's eval() function. DO NOT PASS UNTRUSTED INPUT TO THIS STRING. See :ref:`declarative_relationship_eval` for details on declarative evaluation of _orm.relationship arguments.


A list of columns which are to be used as "foreign key" columns, or columns which refer to the value in a remote column, within the context of this _orm.relationship object's :paramref:`_orm.relationship.primaryjoin` condition. That is, if the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.primaryjoin` condition of this _orm.relationship is == b.a_id, and the values in b.a_id are required to be present in, then the "foreign key" column of this _orm.relationship is b.a_id.

In normal cases, the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.foreign_keys` parameter is not required. _orm.relationship will automatically determine which columns in the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.primaryjoin` condition are to be considered "foreign key" columns based on those _schema.Column objects that specify _schema.ForeignKey, or are otherwise listed as referencing columns in a _schema.ForeignKeyConstraint construct. :paramref:`_orm.relationship.foreign_keys` is only needed when:

  1. There is more than one way to construct a join from the local table to the remote table, as there are multiple foreign key references present. Setting foreign_keys will limit the _orm.relationship to consider just those columns specified here as "foreign".
  2. The _schema.Table being mapped does not actually have _schema.ForeignKey or _schema.ForeignKeyConstraint constructs present, often because the table was reflected from a database that does not support foreign key reflection (MySQL MyISAM).
  3. The :paramref:`_orm.relationship.primaryjoin` argument is used to construct a non-standard join condition, which makes use of columns or expressions that do not normally refer to their "parent" column, such as a join condition expressed by a complex comparison using a SQL function.

The _orm.relationship construct will raise informative error messages that suggest the use of the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.foreign_keys` parameter when presented with an ambiguous condition. In typical cases, if _orm.relationship doesn't raise any exceptions, the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.foreign_keys` parameter is usually not needed.

:paramref:`_orm.relationship.foreign_keys` may also be passed as a callable function which is evaluated at mapper initialization time, and may be passed as a Python-evaluable string when using Declarative.


When passed as a Python-evaluable string, the argument is interpreted using Python's eval() function. DO NOT PASS UNTRUSTED INPUT TO THIS STRING. See :ref:`declarative_relationship_eval` for details on declarative evaluation of _orm.relationship arguments.

See Also



.foreign - allows direct annotation of the "foreign" columns within a :paramref:`_orm.relationship.primaryjoin` condition.


A boolean that indicates if this property should be loaded as a list or a scalar. In most cases, this value is determined automatically by _orm.relationship at mapper configuration time, based on the type and direction of the relationship - one to many forms a list, many to one forms a scalar, many to many is a list. If a scalar is desired where normally a list would be present, such as a bi-directional one-to-one relationship, set :paramref:`_orm.relationship.uselist` to False.

The :paramref:`_orm.relationship.uselist` flag is also available on an existing _orm.relationship construct as a read-only attribute, which can be used to determine if this _orm.relationship deals with collections or scalar attributes:


See Also

:ref:`relationships_one_to_one` - Introduction to the "one to one" relationship pattern, which is typically when the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.uselist` flag is needed.


Indicates the ordering that should be applied when loading these items. :paramref:`_orm.relationship.order_by` is expected to refer to one of the _schema.Column objects to which the target class is mapped, or the attribute itself bound to the target class which refers to the column.

:paramref:`_orm.relationship.order_by` may also be passed as a callable function which is evaluated at mapper initialization time, and may be passed as a Python-evaluable string when using Declarative.


When passed as a Python-evaluable string, the argument is interpreted using Python's eval() function. DO NOT PASS UNTRUSTED INPUT TO THIS STRING. See :ref:`declarative_relationship_eval` for details on declarative evaluation of _orm.relationship arguments.


Indicates the string name of a property to be placed on the related mapper's class that will handle this relationship in the other direction. The other property will be created automatically when the mappers are configured. Can also be passed as a .backref object to control the configuration of the new relationship.

See Also

:ref:`relationships_backref` - Introductory documentation and examples.

:paramref:`_orm.relationship.back_populates` - alternative form of backref specification.

.backref - allows control over _orm.relationship configuration when using :paramref:`_orm.relationship.backref`.


Takes a string name and has the same meaning as :paramref:`_orm.relationship.backref`, except the complementing property is not created automatically, and instead must be configured explicitly on the other mapper. The complementing property should also indicate :paramref:`_orm.relationship.back_populates` to this relationship to ensure proper functioning.

See Also

:ref:`relationships_backref` - Introductory documentation and examples.

:paramref:`_orm.relationship.backref` - alternative form of backref specification.


A string name or comma-delimited set of names of other relationships on either this mapper, a descendant mapper, or a target mapper with which this relationship may write to the same foreign keys upon persistence. The only effect this has is to eliminate the warning that this relationship will conflict with another upon persistence. This is used for such relationships that are truly capable of conflicting with each other on write, but the application will ensure that no such conflicts occur.

New in version 1.4.

See Also

:ref:`error_qzyx` - usage example


This indicates that the relationship should be handled by a second UPDATE statement after an INSERT or before a DELETE. Currently, it also will issue an UPDATE after the instance was UPDATEd as well, although this technically should be improved. This flag is used to handle saving bi-directional dependencies between two individual rows (i.e. each row references the other), where it would otherwise be impossible to INSERT or DELETE both rows fully since one row exists before the other. Use this flag when a particular mapping arrangement will incur two rows that are dependent on each other, such as a table that has a one-to-many relationship to a set of child rows, and also has a column that references a single child row within that list (i.e. both tables contain a foreign key to each other). If a flush operation returns an error that a "cyclical dependency" was detected, this is a cue that you might want to use :paramref:`_orm.relationship.post_update` to "break" the cycle.

See Also

:ref:`post_update` - Introductory documentation and examples.


A comma-separated list of cascade rules which determines how Session operations should be "cascaded" from parent to child. This defaults to False, which means the default cascade should be used - this default cascade is "save-update, merge".

The available cascades are save-update, merge, expunge, delete, delete-orphan, and refresh-expire. An additional option, all indicates shorthand for "save-update, merge, refresh-expire, expunge, delete", and is often used as in "all, delete-orphan" to indicate that related objects should follow along with the parent object in all cases, and be deleted when de-associated.

See Also

:ref:`unitofwork_cascades` - Full detail on each of the available cascade options.

:ref:`tutorial_delete_cascade` - Tutorial example describing a delete cascade.


A class or callable that returns a new list-holding object. will be used in place of a plain list for storing elements.

See Also

:ref:`custom_collections` - Introductory documentation and examples.


Used for self-referential relationships, indicates the column or list of columns that form the "remote side" of the relationship.

:paramref:`_orm.relationship.remote_side` may also be passed as a callable function which is evaluated at mapper initialization time, and may be passed as a Python-evaluable string when using Declarative.


When passed as a Python-evaluable string, the argument is interpreted using Python's eval() function. DO NOT PASS UNTRUSTED INPUT TO THIS STRING. See :ref:`declarative_relationship_eval` for details on declarative evaluation of _orm.relationship arguments.

See Also

:ref:`self_referential` - in-depth explanation of how :paramref:`_orm.relationship.remote_side` is used to configure self-referential relationships.

.remote - an annotation function that accomplishes the same purpose as :paramref:`_orm.relationship.remote_side`, typically when a custom :paramref:`_orm.relationship.primaryjoin` condition is used.


When non-None, an integer value indicating how many levels deep "eager" loaders should join on a self-referring or cyclical relationship. The number counts how many times the same Mapper shall be present in the loading condition along a particular join branch. When left at its default of None, eager loaders will stop chaining when they encounter a the same target mapper which is already higher up in the chain. This option applies both to joined- and subquery- eager loaders.

See Also

:ref:`self_referential_eager_loading` - Introductory documentation and examples.


A class which extends .RelationshipProperty.Comparator which provides custom SQL clause generation for comparison operations.

See Also

.PropComparator - some detail on redefining comparators at this level.

:ref:`custom_comparators` - Brief intro to this feature.


When True, installs a validator which will prevent objects from being associated with more than one parent at a time. This is used for many-to-one or many-to-many relationships that should be treated either as one-to-one or one-to-many. Its usage is optional, except for _orm.relationship constructs which are many-to-one or many-to-many and also specify the delete-orphan cascade option. The _orm.relationship construct itself will raise an error instructing when this option is required.

See Also

:ref:`unitofwork_cascades` - includes detail on when the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.single_parent` flag may be appropriate.

docDocstring which will be applied to the resulting descriptor.

A _query.Query subclass that will be used internally by the AppenderQuery returned by a "dynamic" relationship, that is, a relationship that specifies lazy="dynamic" or was otherwise constructed using the _orm.dynamic_loader function.

See Also

:ref:`dynamic_relationship` - Introduction to "dynamic" relationship loaders.

infoOptional data dictionary which will be populated into the attribute of this object.

Allows manual control over the "selectin" automatic join optimization. Set to False to disable the "omit join" feature added in SQLAlchemy 1.3; or leave as None to leave automatic optimization in place.


This flag may only be set to False. It is not necessary to set it to True as the "omit_join" optimization is automatically detected; if it is not detected, then the optimization is not supported.

Changed in version 1.3.11: setting omit_join to True will now emit a warning as this was not the intended use of this flag.
New in version 1.3.

A boolean that enables the events used to synchronize the in-Python attributes when this relationship is target of either :paramref:`_orm.relationship.backref` or :paramref:`_orm.relationship.back_populates`.

Defaults to None, which indicates that an automatic value should be selected based on the value of the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.viewonly` flag. When left at its default, changes in state will be back-populated only if neither sides of a relationship is viewonly.

New in version 1.3.17.
Changed in version 1.4: - A relationship that specifies :paramref:`_orm.relationship.viewonly` automatically implies that :paramref:`_orm.relationship.sync_backref` is False.
active_history=​FalseWhen True, indicates that the "previous" value for a many-to-one reference should be loaded when replaced, if not already loaded. Normally, history tracking logic for simple many-to-ones only needs to be aware of the "new" value in order to perform a flush. This flag is available for applications that make use of .attributes.get_history which also need to know the "previous" value of the attribute.

Enable :ref:`lambda caching <engine_lambda_caching>` for loader strategies, if applicable, which adds a performance gain to the construction of SQL constructs used by loader strategies, in addition to the usual SQL statement caching used throughout SQLAlchemy. This parameter currently applies only to the "lazy" and "selectin" loader strategies. There is generally no reason to set this parameter to False.

Changed in version 1.4: Relationship loaders no longer use the previous "baked query" system of query caching. The "lazy" and "selectin" loaders make use of the "lambda cache" system for the construction of SQL constructs, as well as the usual SQL caching system that is throughout SQLAlchemy as of the 1.4 series.

A boolean value indicating if the save-update cascade should operate along an assignment event intercepted by a backref. When set to False, the attribute managed by this relationship will not cascade an incoming transient object into the session of a persistent parent, if the event is received via backref.

Deprecated since version 1.4: The :paramref:`_orm.relationship.cascade_backrefs` flag will default to False in all cases in SQLAlchemy 2.0.

See Also

:ref:`backref_cascade` - Full discussion and examples on how the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.cascade_backrefs` option is used.


Indicate if a "subquery" eager load should apply the DISTINCT keyword to the innermost SELECT statement. When left as None, the DISTINCT keyword will be applied in those cases when the target columns do not comprise the full primary key of the target table. When set to True, the DISTINCT keyword is applied to the innermost SELECT unconditionally.

It may be desirable to set this flag to False when the DISTINCT is reducing performance of the innermost subquery beyond that of what duplicate innermost rows may be causing.

Changed in version 0.9.0: - :paramref:`_orm.relationship.distinct_target_key` now defaults to None, so that the feature enables itself automatically for those cases where the innermost query targets a non-unique key.

See Also

:ref:`loading_toplevel` - includes an introduction to subquery eager loading.


When True, joined eager loads will use an inner join to join against related tables instead of an outer join. The purpose of this option is generally one of performance, as inner joins generally perform better than outer joins.

This flag can be set to True when the relationship references an object via many-to-one using local foreign keys that are not nullable, or when the reference is one-to-one or a collection that is guaranteed to have one or at least one entry.

The option supports the same "nested" and "unnested" options as that of :paramref:`_orm.joinedload.innerjoin`. See that flag for details on nested / unnested behaviors.

See Also

:paramref:`_orm.joinedload.innerjoin` - the option as specified by loader option, including detail on nesting behavior.

:ref:`what_kind_of_loading` - Discussion of some details of various loader options.


specifies How the related items should be loaded. Default value is select. Values include:

  • select - items should be loaded lazily when the property is first accessed, using a separate SELECT statement, or identity map fetch for simple many-to-one references.

  • immediate - items should be loaded as the parents are loaded, using a separate SELECT statement, or identity map fetch for simple many-to-one references.

  • joined - items should be loaded "eagerly" in the same query as that of the parent, using a JOIN or LEFT OUTER JOIN. Whether the join is "outer" or not is determined by the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.innerjoin` parameter.

  • subquery - items should be loaded "eagerly" as the parents are loaded, using one additional SQL statement, which issues a JOIN to a subquery of the original statement, for each collection requested.

  • selectin - items should be loaded "eagerly" as the parents are loaded, using one or more additional SQL statements, which issues a JOIN to the immediate parent object, specifying primary key identifiers using an IN clause.

    New in version 1.2.

  • noload - no loading should occur at any time. This is to support "write-only" attributes, or attributes which are populated in some manner specific to the application.

  • raise - lazy loading is disallowed; accessing the attribute, if its value were not already loaded via eager loading, will raise an ~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError. This strategy can be used when objects are to be detached from their attached .Session after they are loaded.

    New in version 1.1.

  • raise_on_sql - lazy loading that emits SQL is disallowed; accessing the attribute, if its value were not already loaded via eager loading, will raise an ~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError, if the lazy load needs to emit SQL. If the lazy load can pull the related value from the identity map or determine that it should be None, the value is loaded. This strategy can be used when objects will remain associated with the attached .Session, however additional SELECT statements should be blocked.

    New in version 1.1.

  • dynamic - the attribute will return a pre-configured _query.Query object for all read operations, onto which further filtering operations can be applied before iterating the results. See the section :ref:`dynamic_relationship` for more details.

  • True - a synonym for 'select'

  • False - a synonym for 'joined'

  • None - a synonym for 'noload'

See Also

:doc:`/orm/loading_relationships` - Full documentation on relationship loader configuration.

:ref:`dynamic_relationship` - detail on the dynamic option.

:ref:`collections_noload_raiseload` - notes on "noload" and "raise"


Indicates loading behavior for transient or pending parent objects.

When set to True, causes the lazy-loader to issue a query for a parent object that is not persistent, meaning it has never been flushed. This may take effect for a pending object when autoflush is disabled, or for a transient object that has been "attached" to a .Session but is not part of its pending collection.

The :paramref:`_orm.relationship.load_on_pending` flag does not improve behavior when the ORM is used normally - object references should be constructed at the object level, not at the foreign key level, so that they are present in an ordinary way before a flush proceeds. This flag is not not intended for general use.

See Also

.Session.enable_relationship_loading - this method establishes "load on pending" behavior for the whole object, and also allows loading on objects that remain transient or detached.


Indicates loading behavior during delete operations.

A value of True indicates that unloaded child items should not be loaded during a delete operation on the parent. Normally, when a parent item is deleted, all child items are loaded so that they can either be marked as deleted, or have their foreign key to the parent set to NULL. Marking this flag as True usually implies an ON DELETE <CASCADE|SET NULL> rule is in place which will handle updating/deleting child rows on the database side.

Additionally, setting the flag to the string value 'all' will disable the "nulling out" of the child foreign keys, when the parent object is deleted and there is no delete or delete-orphan cascade enabled. This is typically used when a triggering or error raise scenario is in place on the database side. Note that the foreign key attributes on in-session child objects will not be changed after a flush occurs so this is a very special use-case setting. Additionally, the "nulling out" will still occur if the child object is de-associated with the parent.

See Also

:ref:`passive_deletes` - Introductory documentation and examples.


Indicates the persistence behavior to take when a referenced primary key value changes in place, indicating that the referencing foreign key columns will also need their value changed.

When True, it is assumed that ON UPDATE CASCADE is configured on the foreign key in the database, and that the database will handle propagation of an UPDATE from a source column to dependent rows. When False, the SQLAlchemy _orm.relationship construct will attempt to emit its own UPDATE statements to modify related targets. However note that SQLAlchemy cannot emit an UPDATE for more than one level of cascade. Also, setting this flag to False is not compatible in the case where the database is in fact enforcing referential integrity, unless those constraints are explicitly "deferred", if the target backend supports it.

It is highly advised that an application which is employing mutable primary keys keeps passive_updates set to True, and instead uses the referential integrity features of the database itself in order to handle the change efficiently and fully.

See Also

:ref:`passive_updates` - Introductory documentation and examples.

:paramref:`.mapper.passive_updates` - a similar flag which takes effect for joined-table inheritance mappings.


When set to True, the relationship is used only for loading objects, and not for any persistence operation. A _orm.relationship which specifies :paramref:`_orm.relationship.viewonly` can work with a wider range of SQL operations within the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.primaryjoin` condition, including operations that feature the use of a variety of comparison operators as well as SQL functions such as _expression.cast. The :paramref:`_orm.relationship.viewonly` flag is also of general use when defining any kind of _orm.relationship that doesn't represent the full set of related objects, to prevent modifications of the collection from resulting in persistence operations.

When using the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.viewonly` flag in conjunction with backrefs, the originating relationship for a particular state change will not produce state changes within the viewonly relationship. This is the behavior implied by :paramref:`_orm.relationship.sync_backref` being set to False.

Changed in version 1.3.17: - the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.sync_backref` flag is set to False when using viewonly in conjunction with backrefs.
def __str__(self):


def _add_reverse_property(self, key):


def _check_cascade_settings(self, cascade):


def _check_conflicts(self):
Test that this relationship is legal, warn about inheritance conflicts.
def _columns_are_mapped(self, *cols):
Return True if all columns in the given collection are mapped by the tables referenced by this .Relationship.
def _create_joins(self, source_polymorphic=False, source_selectable=None, dest_selectable=None, of_type_entity=None, alias_secondary=False, extra_criteria=()):


def _generate_backref(self):
Interpret the 'backref' instruction to create a _orm.relationship complementary to this one.
def _get_attr_w_warn_on_none(self, mapper, state, dict_, column):

Create the callable that is used in a many-to-one expression.


u1 = s.query(User).get(5)

expr = Address.user == u1

Above, the SQL should be "address.user_id = 5". The callable returned by this method produces the value "5" based on the identity of u1.

def _lazy_none_clause(self, reverse_direction=False, adapt_source=None):


def _optimized_compare(self, state, value_is_parent=False, adapt_source=None, alias_secondary=True):


def _persists_for(self, mapper):
Return True if this property will persist values on behalf of the given mapper.
def _post_init(self):


def _process_dependent_arguments(self):

Convert incoming configuration arguments to their proper form.

Callables are resolved, ORM annotations removed.

def _set_cascade(self, cascade):


def _setup_join_conditions(self):


def _setup_registry_dependencies(self):


def _value_as_iterable(self, state, dict_, key, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF):

Return a list of tuples (state, obj) for the given key.

returns an empty list if the value is None/empty/PASSIVE_NO_RESULT

def _warn_for_persistence_only_flags(self, **kw):


def _with_parent(self, instance, alias_secondary=True, from_entity=None):


def cascade(self, cascade):


def cascade_iterator(self, type_, state, dict_, visited_states, halt_on=None):

Iterate through instances related to the given instance for a particular 'cascade', starting with this MapperProperty.

Return an iterator3-tuples (instance, mapper, state).

Note that the 'cascade' collection on this MapperProperty is checked first for the given type before cascade_iterator is called.

This method typically only applies to RelationshipProperty.

def do_init(self):

Perform subclass-specific initialization post-mapper-creation steps.

This is a template method called by the MapperProperty object's init() method.

def instrument_class(self, mapper):

Hook called by the Mapper to the property to initiate instrumentation of the class attribute managed by this MapperProperty.

The MapperProperty here will typically call out to the attributes module to set up an InstrumentedAttribute.

This step is the first of two steps to set up an InstrumentedAttribute, and is called early in the mapper setup process.

The second step is typically the init_class_attribute step, called from StrategizedProperty via the post_instrument_class() hook. This step assigns additional state to the InstrumentedAttribute (specifically the "impl") which has been determined after the MapperProperty has determined what kind of persistence management it needs to do (e.g. scalar, object, collection, etc).

def merge(self, session, source_state, source_dict, dest_state, dest_dict, load, _recursive, _resolve_conflict_map):
Merge the attribute represented by this MapperProperty from source to destination object.
_links_to_entity: bool =

True if this MapperProperty refers to a mapped entity.

Should only be True for RelationshipProperty, False for all others.

_persistence_only =


inherit_cache: bool =

Indicate if this .HasCacheKey instance should make use of the cache key generation scheme used by its immediate superclass.

The attribute defaults to None, which indicates that a construct has not yet taken into account whether or not its appropriate for it to participate in caching; this is functionally equivalent to setting the value to False, except that a warning is also emitted.

This flag can be set to True on a particular class, if the SQL that corresponds to the object does not change based on attributes which are local to this class, and not its superclass.

See Also

:ref:`compilerext_caching` - General guideslines for setting the .HasCacheKey.inherit_cache attribute for third-party or user defined SQL constructs.

strategy_wildcard_key: str =
_calculated_foreign_keys =


_cascade =


_dependency_processor =


_join_condition =


_lazy_strategy =


_legacy_inactive_history_style =


_overlaps =


_reverse_property: set =


_user_defined_foreign_keys =


active_history =


argument =


back_populates =


backref =


bake_queries =


cascade_backrefs =


collection_class =


comparator =


comparator_factory =


direction =


distinct_target_key =


doc =


enable_typechecks =


info =


innerjoin =


join_depth =


lazy =


load_on_pending =


local_columns =


local_remote_pairs =


omit_join =


order_by =


passive_deletes =


passive_updates =


post_update =


primaryjoin =


query_class =


remote_side =


secondary =


secondary_synchronize_pairs =


secondaryjoin =


single_parent =


strategy_key =


sync_backref =


synchronize_pairs =


target =


uselist =


viewonly =


_clsregistry_resolve_arg =


_clsregistry_resolve_name =


_clsregistry_resolvers =


_effective_sync_backref =


_is_self_referential =


memoize the 'use_get' attribute of this RelationshipLoader's lazyloader.
cascade =
Return the current cascade setting for this .RelationshipProperty.
entity =
Return the target mapped entity, which is an inspect() of the class or aliased class that is referred towards.

Return the targeted _orm.Mapper for this .RelationshipProperty.

This is a lazy-initializing static attribute.