class documentation

class sessionmaker(_SessionClassMethods):

View In Hierarchy

A configurable .Session factory.

The .sessionmaker factory generates new .Session objects when called, creating them given the configurational arguments established here.


from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

# an Engine, which the Session will use for connection
# resources
engine = create_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/')

Session = sessionmaker(engine)

with Session() as session:

Context manager use is optional; otherwise, the returned _orm.Session object may be closed explicitly via the _orm.Session.close method. Using a try:/finally: block is optional, however will ensure that the close takes place even if there are database errors:

session = Session()

.sessionmaker acts as a factory for _orm.Session objects in the same way as an _engine.Engine acts as a factory for _engine.Connection objects. In this way it also includes a _orm.sessionmaker.begin method, that provides a context manager which both begins and commits a transaction, as well as closes out the _orm.Session when complete, rolling back the transaction if any errors occur:

Session = sessionmaker(engine)

with Session.begin() as session:
# commits transaction, closes session
New in version 1.4.

When calling upon _orm.sessionmaker to construct a _orm.Session, keyword arguments may also be passed to the method; these arguments will override that of the globally configured parameters. Below we use a _orm.sessionmaker bound to a certain _engine.Engine to produce a _orm.Session that is instead bound to a specific _engine.Connection procured from that engine:

Session = sessionmaker(engine)

# bind an individual session to a connection

with engine.connect() as connection:
    with Session(bind=connection) as session:
        # work with session

The class also includes a method _orm.sessionmaker.configure, which can be used to specify additional keyword arguments to the factory, which will take effect for subsequent .Session objects generated. This is usually used to associate one or more _engine.Engine objects with an existing .sessionmaker factory before it is first used:

# application starts, sessionmaker does not have
# an engine bound yet
Session = sessionmaker()

# ... later, when an engine URL is read from a configuration
# file or other events allow the engine to be created
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///foo.db')

sess = Session()
# work with session

See Also

:ref:`session_getting` - introductory text on creating sessions using .sessionmaker.

Method __call__ Produce a new .Session object using the configuration established in this .sessionmaker.
Method __init__ Construct a new .sessionmaker.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method begin Produce a context manager that both provides a new _orm.Session as well as a transaction that commits.
Method configure (Re)configure the arguments for this sessionmaker.
Instance Variable class​_ Undocumented
Instance Variable kw Undocumented

Inherited from _SessionClassMethods:

Class Method close​_all Close all sessions in memory.
Class Method identity​_key Return an identity key.
Class Method object​_session Return the .Session to which an object belongs.
def __call__(self, **local_kw):

Produce a new .Session object using the configuration established in this .sessionmaker.

In Python, the __call__ method is invoked on an object when it is "called" in the same way as a function:

Session = sessionmaker()
session = Session()  # invokes sessionmaker.__call__()
def __init__(self, bind=None, class_=Session, autoflush=True, autocommit=False, expire_on_commit=True, info=None, **kw):

Construct a new .sessionmaker.

All arguments here except for class_ correspond to arguments accepted by .Session directly. See the .Session.__init__ docstring for more details on parameters.

binda _engine.Engine or other .Connectable with which newly created .Session objects will be associated.
class​_class to use in order to create new .Session objects. Defaults to .Session.
autoflushThe autoflush setting to use with newly created .Session objects.
autocommitThe autocommit setting to use with newly created .Session objects.
infooptional dictionary of information that will be available via Note this dictionary is updated, not replaced, when the info parameter is specified to the specific .Session construction operation.
**kwall other keyword arguments are passed to the constructor of newly created .Session objects.
expire_on_commit=​Truethe :paramref:`_orm.Session.expire_on_commit` setting to use with newly created .Session objects.
def __repr__(self):


def begin(self):

Produce a context manager that both provides a new _orm.Session as well as a transaction that commits.


Session = sessionmaker(some_engine)

with Session.begin() as session:

# commits transaction, closes session
New in version 1.4.
def configure(self, **new_kw):

(Re)configure the arguments for this sessionmaker.


Session = sessionmaker()

class_ =


kw =
