module documentation

Foundational utilities common to many sql modules.
Class ​Dialect​KWArgs Establish the ability for a class to have dialect-specific arguments with defaults and constructor validation.
Class ​Executable Mark a _expression.ClauseElement as supporting execution.
Class ​Schema​Event​Target Base class for elements that are the targets of .DDLEvents events.
Constant NO​_ARG Undocumented
Constant PARSE​_AUTOCOMMIT Undocumented
Variable coercions Undocumented
Variable elements Undocumented
Variable type​_api Undocumented
Class _​Dialect​Arg​Dict A dictionary view of dialect-level arguments for a specific dialect.
Class _​Dialect​Arg​View A dictionary view of dialect-level arguments in the form <dialectname>_<argument_name>.
Class _​Meta​Options metaclass for the Options class.
Class ​Cacheable​Options Undocumented
Class ​Column​Set Undocumented
Class ​Compile​State Produces additional object state necessary for a statement to be compiled.
Class ​Dedupe​Column​Collection A _expression.ColumnCollection that maintains deduplicating behavior.
Class ​Executable​Option No class docstring; 0/2 class variable, 1/1 method documented
Class ​Generative Provide a method-chaining pattern in conjunction with the @_generative decorator.
Class ​Has​Compile​State A class that has a .CompileState associated with it.
Class ​Immutable mark a ClauseElement as 'immutable' when expressions are cloned.
Class ​Immutable​Column​Collection Undocumented
Class ​In​Place​Generative Provide a method-chaining pattern in conjunction with the @_generative decorator that mutates in place.
Class ​Options A cacheable option dictionary with defaults.
Class prefix​_anon​_map A map that creates new keys for missing key access.
Class ​Schema​Visitor Define the visiting for SchemaItem objects.
Class ​Singleton​Constant Represent SQL constants like NULL, TRUE, FALSE
Function ​_bind​_or​_error Undocumented
Function ​_clone Undocumented
Function ​_cloned​_difference Undocumented
Function ​_cloned​_intersection return the intersection of sets a and b, counting any overlap between 'cloned' predecessors.
Function ​_entity​_namespace Return the nearest .entity_namespace for the given entity.
Function ​_entity​_namespace​_key Return an entry from an entity_namespace.
Function ​_exclusive​_against Undocumented
Function ​_expand​_cloned expand the given set of ClauseElements to be the set of all 'cloned' predecessors.
Function ​_from​_objects Undocumented
Function ​_generative non-caching _generative() decorator.
Function ​_kw​_reg​_for​_dialect Undocumented
Function ​_select​_iterables expand tables into individual columns in the given list of column expressions.




coercions =


elements =


type_api =


def _bind_or_error(schemaitem, msg=None):


def _clone(element, **kw):


def _cloned_difference(a, b):


def _cloned_intersection(a, b):

return the intersection of sets a and b, counting any overlap between 'cloned' predecessors.

The returned set is in terms of the entities present within 'a'.

def _entity_namespace(entity):

Return the nearest .entity_namespace for the given entity.

If not immediately available, does an iterate to find a sub-element that has one, if any.

def _entity_namespace_key(entity, key, default=NO_ARG):

Return an entry from an entity_namespace.

Raises _exc.InvalidRequestError rather than attribute error on not found.

def _exclusive_against(*names, **kw):


def _expand_cloned(elements):
expand the given set of ClauseElements to be the set of all 'cloned' predecessors.
def _from_objects(*elements):


def _generative(fn):

non-caching _generative() decorator.

This is basically the legacy decorator that copies the object and runs a method on the new copy.

def _kw_reg_for_dialect(dialect_name):


def _select_iterables(elements):
expand tables into individual columns in the given list of column expressions.