module documentation

SQL function API, factories, and built-in functions.
Class ​Ansi​Function Define a function in "ansi" format, which doesn't render parenthesis.
Class array​_agg Support for the ARRAY_AGG function.
Class char​_length The CHAR_LENGTH() SQL function.
Class coalesce Undocumented
Class concat The SQL CONCAT() function, which concatenates strings.
Class count The ANSI COUNT aggregate function. With no arguments, emits COUNT *.
Class cube Implement the CUBE grouping operation.
Class cume​_dist Implement the cume_dist hypothetical-set aggregate function.
Class current​_date The CURRENT_DATE() SQL function.
Class current​_time The CURRENT_TIME() SQL function.
Class current​_timestamp The CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() SQL function.
Class current​_user The CURRENT_USER() SQL function.
Class dense​_rank Implement the dense_rank hypothetical-set aggregate function.
Class ​Function Describe a named SQL function.
Class ​Function​As​Binary Undocumented
Class ​Function​Element Base for SQL function-oriented constructs.
Class ​Generic​Function Define a 'generic' function.
Class grouping​_sets Implement the GROUPING SETS grouping operation.
Class localtime The localtime() SQL function.
Class localtimestamp The localtimestamp() SQL function.
Class max The SQL MAX() aggregate function.
Class min The SQL MIN() aggregate function.
Class mode Implement the mode ordered-set aggregate function.
Class next​_value Represent the 'next value', given a .Sequence as its single argument.
Class now The SQL now() datetime function.
Class ​Ordered​Set​Agg Define a function where the return type is based on the sort expression type as defined by the expression passed to the .FunctionElement.within_group method.
Class percent​_rank Implement the percent_rank hypothetical-set aggregate function.
Class percentile​_cont Implement the percentile_cont ordered-set aggregate function.
Class percentile​_disc Implement the percentile_disc ordered-set aggregate function.
Class random The RANDOM() SQL function.
Class rank Implement the rank hypothetical-set aggregate function.
Class ​Return​Type​From​Args Define a function whose return type is the same as its arguments.
Class rollup Implement the ROLLUP grouping operation.
Class ​Scalar​Function​Column Undocumented
Class session​_user The SESSION_USER() SQL function.
Class sum The SQL SUM() aggregate function.
Class sysdate The SYSDATE() SQL function.
Class user The USER() SQL function.
Function register​_function Associate a callable with a particular func. name.
Class _​Function​Generator Generate SQL function expressions.
Class _​Generic​Meta Undocumented
Variable ​_registry Undocumented
def register_function(identifier, fn, package='_default'):

Associate a callable with a particular func. name.

This is normally called by _GenericMeta, but is also available by itself so that a non-Function construct can be associated with the .func accessor (i.e. CAST, EXTRACT).

_registry =
