module documentation

The _expression.FromClause class of SQL expression elements, representing SQL tables and derived rowsets.
Class CTE Represent a Common Table Expression.
Class ​Exists Represent an EXISTS clause.
Class ​Generative​Select Base class for SELECT statements where additional elements can be added.
Class ​Has​CTE Mixin that declares a class to include CTE support.
Class ​Has​Prefixes No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 1/2 method documented
Class ​Has​Suffixes No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 1/2 method documented
Class ​Returns​Rows The base-most class for Core constructs that have some concept of columns that can represent rows.
Class ​Scalar​Select Represent a scalar subquery.
Class ​Select​Base Base class for SELECT statements.
Class ​Textual​Select Wrap a _expression.TextClause construct within a _expression.SelectBase interface.
Constant LABEL​_STYLE​_NONE Undocumented
Constant LABEL​_STYLE​_TABLENAME​_PLUS​_COL Undocumented
Class _​Memoized​Select​Entities Undocumented
Class _​Offset​Limit​Param Undocumented
Class _​Select​From​Elements Undocumented
Class ​Annotated​From​Clause Undocumented
Class ​Compound​Select​State Undocumented
Class ​Deprecated​Select​Base​Generations A collection of methods available on _sql.Select and _sql.CompoundSelect, these are all deprecated methods as they modify the object in-place.
Class ​Deprecated​Select​Generations A collection of methods available on _sql.Select, these are all deprecated methods as they modify the _sql.Select object in -place.
Class ​For​Update​Arg No class docstring; 0/5 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 1/4 method, 0/1 class method documented
Class ​From​Grouping Represent a grouping of a FROM clause
Class ​Has​Hints No class docstring; 0/3 class variable, 2/2 methods documented
Class ​No​Init Undocumented
Class ​Select​State No class docstring; 0/4 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 2/7 methods, 1/8 class method, 0/1 class documented
Class ​Select​Statement​Grouping Represent a grouping of a _expression.SelectBase.
Function subquery Return an .Subquery object derived from a _expression.Select.


            '''Label style indicating that columns with a name that conflicts wi
    an existing name should be labeled with a semi-anonymizing label
    when generating the columns clause of a SELECT statement.

    Below, most column names are left unaffected, except for the second


            '''Label style indicating no automatic labeling should be applied to
    columns clause of a SELECT statement.

    Below, the columns named ``columna`` are both rendered as is, meaning that
    the name ``columna`` can only refer to the first occurrence of this name


            '''Label style indicating all columns should be labeled as
    ``<tablename>_<columnname>`` when generating the columns clause of a SELECT
    statement, to disambiguate same-named columns referenced from different
    tables, aliases, or subqueries.

    Below, all column names are given a label so that the two same-named
@util.deprecated('1.4', 'The standalone :func:`.subquery` function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use select().subquery().')
def subquery(alias, *args, **kwargs):
Return an .Subquery object derived from a _expression.Select.
aliasthe alias name for the subquery
args, **kwargsall other arguments are passed through to the function.