module documentation

Collection classes and helpers.
Class ​Scoped​Registry A Registry that can store one or multiple instances of a single class on the basis of a "scope" function.
Class ​Thread​Local​Registry A .ScopedRegistry that uses a threading.local() variable for storage.
Constant EMPTY​_DICT Undocumented
Constant EMPTY​_SET Undocumented
Variable immutabledict Undocumented
Class ​Facade​Dict A dictionary that is not publicly mutable.
Class ​Identity​Set A set that considers only object id() for uniqueness.
Class ​Immutable​Container Undocumented
Class ​Immutable​Properties Provide immutable dict/object attribute to an underlying dictionary.
Class ​LRUCache Dictionary with 'squishy' removal of least recently used items.
Class ​Ordered​Identity​Set Undocumented
Class ​Ordered​Properties Provide a __getattr__/__setattr__ interface with an OrderedDict as backing store.
Class ​Ordered​Set Undocumented
Class ​Populate​Dict A dict which populates missing values via a creation function.
Class ​Properties Provide a __getattr__/__setattr__ interface over a dict.
Class ​Unique​Appender Appends items to a collection ensuring uniqueness.
Class ​Weak​Populate​Dict Like PopulateDict, but assumes a self + a method and does not create a reference cycle.
Class ​Weak​Sequence Undocumented
Function ​_immutabledict​_py​_fallback Undocumented
Function ​_immutabledict​_reconstructor do the pickle dance
Function ​_ordered​_dictionary​_sort Sort an OrderedDict in-place.
Function coerce​_generator​_arg Undocumented
Function coerce​_to​_immutabledict Undocumented
Function flatten​_iterator Given an iterator of which further sub-elements may also be iterators, flatten the sub-elements into a single iterator.
Function has​_dupes Given a sequence and search object, return True if there's more than one, False if zero or one of them.
Function has​_intersection return True if any items of set_ are present in iterable.
Function to​_column​_set Undocumented
Function to​_list Undocumented
Function to​_set Undocumented
Function unique​_list Undocumented
Function update​_copy Copy the given dict and update with the given values.
Variable ​_getters Undocumented
Variable ​_property​_getters Undocumented




immutabledict =


def _immutabledict_py_fallback():


def _immutabledict_reconstructor(*arg):
do the pickle dance
def _ordered_dictionary_sort(d, key=None):
Sort an OrderedDict in-place.
def coerce_generator_arg(arg):


def coerce_to_immutabledict(d):


def flatten_iterator(x):
Given an iterator of which further sub-elements may also be iterators, flatten the sub-elements into a single iterator.
def has_dupes(sequence, target):
Given a sequence and search object, return True if there's more than one, False if zero or one of them.
def has_intersection(set_, iterable):

return True if any items of set_ are present in iterable.

Goes through special effort to ensure __hash__ is not called on items in iterable that don't support it.

def to_column_set(x):


def to_list(x, default=None):


def to_set(x):


def unique_list(seq, hashfunc=None):


def update_copy(d, _new=None, **kw):
Copy the given dict and update with the given values.
_getters =


_property_getters =
