class documentation

class Template(Node):

View In Hierarchy

Node that represents a template. This must be the outermost node that is passed to the compiler.
Class Variable body Undocumented
Class Variable fields Undocumented

Inherited from Node:

Method find Find the first node of a given type. If no such node exists the return value is None.
Method find​_all Find all the nodes of a given type. If the type is a tuple, the check is performed for any of the tuple items.
Method iter​_child​_nodes Iterates over all direct child nodes of the node. This iterates over all fields and yields the values of they are nodes. If the value of a field is a list all the nodes in that list are returned.
Method iter​_fields No summary
Method set​_ctx No summary
Method set​_environment Set the environment for all nodes.
Method set​_lineno Set the line numbers of the node and children.
Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method dump Undocumented
Class Variable abstract Undocumented
Class Variable attributes Undocumented
Class Variable environment Undocumented
Class Variable lineno Undocumented
body: t.List[Node] =


fields: tuple[str, ...] =
