module documentation

Various richly-typed exceptions, that also help us deal with string formatting in python where it's easier.

By putting the formatting in __str__, we also avoid paying the cost for users who silence the exceptions.

Class _​Array​Memory​Error Thrown when an array cannot be allocated
Class _​UFunc​Binary​Resolution​Error Thrown when a binary resolution fails
Class _​UFunc​Casting​Error Undocumented
Class _​UFunc​Input​Casting​Error Thrown when a ufunc input cannot be casted
Class _​UFunc​No​Loop​Error Thrown when a ufunc loop cannot be found
Class _​UFunc​Output​Casting​Error Thrown when a ufunc output cannot be casted
Class ​UFunc​Type​Error Base class for all ufunc exceptions
Function ​_display​_as​_base A decorator that makes an exception class look like its base.
Function ​_unpack​_tuple Undocumented
def _display_as_base(cls):

A decorator that makes an exception class look like its base.

We use this to hide subclasses that are implementation details - the user should catch the base type, which is what the traceback will show them.

Classes decorated with this decorator are subject to removal without a deprecation warning.

def _unpack_tuple(tup):
