package documentation

Contains the core of NumPy: ndarray, ufuncs, dtypes, etc.

Please note that this module is private. All functions and objects are available in the main numpy namespace - use that instead.

Module ​_add​_newdocs This is only meant to add docs to objects defined in C-extension modules. The purpose is to allow easier editing of the docstrings without requiring a re-compile.
Module ​_add​_newdocs​_scalars This file is separate from so that it can be mocked out by our sphinx during doc builds, where we want to avoid showing platform-dependent information.
Module ​_asarray Functions in the as*array family that promote array-likes into arrays.
Module ​_dtype A place for code to be called from the implementation of np.dtype
Module ​_dtype​_ctypes Conversion from ctypes to dtype.
Module ​_exceptions Various richly-typed exceptions, that also help us deal with string formatting in python where it's easier.
Module ​_internal A place for internal code
Module ​_machar Machine arithmetic - determine the parameters of the floating-point arithmetic system
Module ​_methods Array methods which are called by both the C-code for the method and the Python code for the NumPy-namespace function
Module ​_string​_helpers String-handling utilities to avoid locale-dependence.
Module ​_type​_aliases No summary
Module ​_ufunc​_config Functions for changing global ufunc configuration
Module arrayprint Array printing function
Module char This module contains a set of functions for vectorized string operations and methods.
Package code​_generators No package docstring; 3/6 modules documented
Module cversions Simple script to compute the api hash of the current API.
Module einsumfunc Implementation of optimized einsum.
Module fromnumeric Module containing non-deprecated functions borrowed from Numeric.
Module function​_base No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 4/8 functions documented
Module getlimits Machine limits for Float32 and Float64 and (long double) if available...
Module memmap No module docstring; 0/3 variable, 1/1 class documented
Module multiarray No summary
Module numeric No module docstring; 0/10 variable, 28/53 functions, 2/3 classes documented
Module numerictypes numerictypes: Define the numeric type objects
Module overrides Implementation of __array_function__ overrides from NEP-18.
Module rec Record Arrays ============= Record arrays expose the fields of structured arrays as properties.
Module setup No module docstring; 0/3 constant, 5/13 functions, 0/1 class documented
Module setup​_common No module docstring; 0/27 constant, 6/10 functions, 0/1 class documented
Module shape​_base No module docstring; 0/4 variable, 13/24 functions documented
Package tests No package docstring; 15/58 modules documented
Module umath No summary
Module umath​_tests Shim for _umath_tests to allow a deprecation period for the new name.


Variable env​_added Undocumented
Variable msg Undocumented
Variable path Undocumented
Variable test Undocumented
Function __getattr__ Undocumented
Function _​DType_reconstruct Undocumented
Function _​DType_reduce Undocumented
Function ​_ufunc​_reconstruct Undocumented
Function ​_ufunc​_reduce Undocumented
env_added: list =


msg: str =


path =


def _ufunc_reconstruct(module, name):


def _ufunc_reduce(func):


def _DType_reconstruct(scalar_type):


def _DType_reduce(DType):


def __getattr__(name):


test =
