module documentation

Create the numpy.core.multiarray namespace for backward compatibility. In v1.16 the multiarray and umath c-extension modules were merged into a single _multiarray_umath extension module. So we replicate the old namespace by importing from the extension module.
Variable array​_function​_from​_c​_func​_and​_dispatcher Undocumented
Function bincount bincount(x, /, weights=None, minlength=0)
Function busday​_count busday_count(begindates, enddates, weekmask='1111100', holidays=[], busdaycal=None, out=None)
Function busday​_offset busday_offset(dates, offsets, roll='raise', weekmask='1111100', holidays=None, busdaycal=None, out=None)
Function can​_cast can_cast(from_, to, casting='safe')
Function concatenate concatenate((a1, a2, ...), axis=0, out=None, dtype=None, casting="same_kind")
Function copyto copyto(dst, src, casting='same_kind', where=True)
Function datetime​_as​_string datetime_as_string(arr, unit=None, timezone='naive', casting='same_kind')
Function dot dot(a, b, out=None)
Function empty​_like empty_like(prototype, dtype=None, order='K', subok=True, shape=None)
Function inner inner(a, b, /)
Function is​_busday is_busday(dates, weekmask='1111100', holidays=None, busdaycal=None, out=None)
Function lexsort lexsort(keys, axis=-1)
Function may​_share​_memory may_share_memory(a, b, /, max_work=None)
Function min​_scalar​_type min_scalar_type(a, /)
Function packbits packbits(a, /, axis=None, bitorder='big')
Function putmask putmask(a, mask, values)
Function ravel​_multi​_index ravel_multi_index(multi_index, dims, mode='raise', order='C')
Function result​_type result_type(*arrays_and_dtypes)
Function shares​_memory shares_memory(a, b, /, max_work=None)
Function unpackbits unpackbits(a, /, axis=None, count=None, bitorder='big')
Function unravel​_index unravel_index(indices, shape, order='C')
Function vdot vdot(a, b, /)
Function where where(condition, [x, y], /)
array_function_from_c_func_and_dispatcher =


def bincount(x, weights=None, minlength=None):

bincount(x, /, weights=None, minlength=0)

Count number of occurrences of each value in array of non-negative ints.

The number of bins (of size 1) is one larger than the largest value in x. If minlength is specified, there will be at least this number of bins in the output array (though it will be longer if necessary, depending on the contents of x). Each bin gives the number of occurrences of its index value in x. If weights is specified the input array is weighted by it, i.e. if a value n is found at position i, out[n] += weight[i] instead of out[n] += 1.


x : array_like, 1 dimension, nonnegative ints
Input array.
weights : array_like, optional
Weights, array of the same shape as x.
minlength : int, optional

A minimum number of bins for the output array.

New in version 1.6.0.


out : ndarray of ints
The result of binning the input array. The length of out is equal to np.amax(x)+1.


If the input is not 1-dimensional, or contains elements with negative values, or if minlength is negative.
If the type of the input is float or complex.

See Also

histogram, digitize, unique


>>> np.bincount(np.arange(5))
array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
>>> np.bincount(np.array([0, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 7]))
array([1, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1])
>>> x = np.array([0, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 7, 23])
>>> np.bincount(x).size == np.amax(x)+1

The input array needs to be of integer dtype, otherwise a TypeError is raised:

>>> np.bincount(np.arange(5, dtype=float))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Cannot cast array data from dtype('float64') to dtype('int64')
according to the rule 'safe'

A possible use of bincount is to perform sums over variable-size chunks of an array, using the weights keyword.

>>> w = np.array([0.3, 0.5, 0.2, 0.7, 1., -0.6]) # weights
>>> x = np.array([0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2])
>>> np.bincount(x,  weights=w)
array([ 0.3,  0.7,  1.1])
def busday_count(begindates, enddates, weekmask=None, holidays=None, busdaycal=None, out=None):

busday_count(begindates, enddates, weekmask='1111100', holidays=[], busdaycal=None, out=None)

Counts the number of valid days between begindates and enddates, not including the day of enddates.

If enddates specifies a date value that is earlier than the corresponding begindates date value, the count will be negative.

New in version 1.7.0.


begindates : array_like of datetime64[D]
The array of the first dates for counting.
enddates : array_like of datetime64[D]
The array of the end dates for counting, which are excluded from the count themselves.
weekmask : str or array_like of bool, optional
A seven-element array indicating which of Monday through Sunday are valid days. May be specified as a length-seven list or array, like [1,1,1,1,1,0,0]; a length-seven string, like '1111100'; or a string like "Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri", made up of 3-character abbreviations for weekdays, optionally separated by white space. Valid abbreviations are: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
holidays : array_like of datetime64[D], optional
An array of dates to consider as invalid dates. They may be specified in any order, and NaT (not-a-time) dates are ignored. This list is saved in a normalized form that is suited for fast calculations of valid days.
busdaycal : busdaycalendar, optional
A busdaycalendar object which specifies the valid days. If this parameter is provided, neither weekmask nor holidays may be provided.
out : array of int, optional
If provided, this array is filled with the result.


out : array of int
An array with a shape from broadcasting begindates and enddates together, containing the number of valid days between the begin and end dates.

See Also

busdaycalendar : An object that specifies a custom set of valid days. is_busday : Returns a boolean array indicating valid days. busday_offset : Applies an offset counted in valid days.


>>> # Number of weekdays in January 2011
... np.busday_count('2011-01', '2011-02')
>>> # Number of weekdays in 2011
>>> np.busday_count('2011', '2012')
>>> # Number of Saturdays in 2011
... np.busday_count('2011', '2012', weekmask='Sat')
def busday_offset(dates, offsets, roll=None, weekmask=None, holidays=None, busdaycal=None, out=None):

busday_offset(dates, offsets, roll='raise', weekmask='1111100', holidays=None, busdaycal=None, out=None)

First adjusts the date to fall on a valid day according to the roll rule, then applies offsets to the given dates counted in valid days.

New in version 1.7.0.


dates : array_like of datetime64[D]
The array of dates to process.
offsets : array_like of int
The array of offsets, which is broadcast with dates.
roll : {'raise', 'nat', 'forward', 'following', 'backward', 'preceding', 'modifiedfollowing', 'modifiedpreceding'}, optional

How to treat dates that do not fall on a valid day. The default is 'raise'.

  • 'raise' means to raise an exception for an invalid day.
  • 'nat' means to return a NaT (not-a-time) for an invalid day.
  • 'forward' and 'following' mean to take the first valid day later in time.
  • 'backward' and 'preceding' mean to take the first valid day earlier in time.
  • 'modifiedfollowing' means to take the first valid day later in time unless it is across a Month boundary, in which case to take the first valid day earlier in time.
  • 'modifiedpreceding' means to take the first valid day earlier in time unless it is across a Month boundary, in which case to take the first valid day later in time.
weekmask : str or array_like of bool, optional
A seven-element array indicating which of Monday through Sunday are valid days. May be specified as a length-seven list or array, like [1,1,1,1,1,0,0]; a length-seven string, like '1111100'; or a string like "Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri", made up of 3-character abbreviations for weekdays, optionally separated by white space. Valid abbreviations are: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
holidays : array_like of datetime64[D], optional
An array of dates to consider as invalid dates. They may be specified in any order, and NaT (not-a-time) dates are ignored. This list is saved in a normalized form that is suited for fast calculations of valid days.
busdaycal : busdaycalendar, optional
A busdaycalendar object which specifies the valid days. If this parameter is provided, neither weekmask nor holidays may be provided.
out : array of datetime64[D], optional
If provided, this array is filled with the result.


out : array of datetime64[D]
An array with a shape from broadcasting dates and offsets together, containing the dates with offsets applied.

See Also

busdaycalendar : An object that specifies a custom set of valid days. is_busday : Returns a boolean array indicating valid days. busday_count : Counts how many valid days are in a half-open date range.


>>> # First business day in October 2011 (not accounting for holidays)
... np.busday_offset('2011-10', 0, roll='forward')
>>> # Last business day in February 2012 (not accounting for holidays)
... np.busday_offset('2012-03', -1, roll='forward')
>>> # Third Wednesday in January 2011
... np.busday_offset('2011-01', 2, roll='forward', weekmask='Wed')
>>> # 2012 Mother's Day in Canada and the U.S.
... np.busday_offset('2012-05', 1, roll='forward', weekmask='Sun')
>>> # First business day on or after a date
... np.busday_offset('2011-03-20', 0, roll='forward')
>>> np.busday_offset('2011-03-22', 0, roll='forward')
>>> # First business day after a date
... np.busday_offset('2011-03-20', 1, roll='backward')
>>> np.busday_offset('2011-03-22', 1, roll='backward')
def can_cast(from_, to, casting=None):

can_cast(from_, to, casting='safe')

Returns True if cast between data types can occur according to the casting rule. If from is a scalar or array scalar, also returns True if the scalar value can be cast without overflow or truncation to an integer.


from_ : dtype, dtype specifier, scalar, or array
Data type, scalar, or array to cast from.
to : dtype or dtype specifier
Data type to cast to.
casting : {'no', 'equiv', 'safe', 'same_kind', 'unsafe'}, optional

Controls what kind of data casting may occur.

  • 'no' means the data types should not be cast at all.
  • 'equiv' means only byte-order changes are allowed.
  • 'safe' means only casts which can preserve values are allowed.
  • 'same_kind' means only safe casts or casts within a kind, like float64 to float32, are allowed.
  • 'unsafe' means any data conversions may be done.


out : bool
True if cast can occur according to the casting rule.


Changed in version 1.17.0: Casting between a simple data type and a structured one is possible only for "unsafe" casting. Casting to multiple fields is allowed, but casting from multiple fields is not.
Changed in version 1.9.0: Casting from numeric to string types in 'safe' casting mode requires that the string dtype length is long enough to store the maximum integer/float value converted.

See also

dtype, result_type


Basic examples

>>> np.can_cast(np.int32, np.int64)
>>> np.can_cast(np.float64, complex)
>>> np.can_cast(complex, float)
>>> np.can_cast('i8', 'f8')
>>> np.can_cast('i8', 'f4')
>>> np.can_cast('i4', 'S4')

Casting scalars

>>> np.can_cast(100, 'i1')
>>> np.can_cast(150, 'i1')
>>> np.can_cast(150, 'u1')
>>> np.can_cast(3.5e100, np.float32)
>>> np.can_cast(1000.0, np.float32)

Array scalar checks the value, array does not

>>> np.can_cast(np.array(1000.0), np.float32)
>>> np.can_cast(np.array([1000.0]), np.float32)

Using the casting rules

>>> np.can_cast('i8', 'i8', 'no')
>>> np.can_cast('<i8', '>i8', 'no')
>>> np.can_cast('<i8', '>i8', 'equiv')
>>> np.can_cast('<i4', '>i8', 'equiv')
>>> np.can_cast('<i4', '>i8', 'safe')
>>> np.can_cast('<i8', '>i4', 'safe')
>>> np.can_cast('<i8', '>i4', 'same_kind')
>>> np.can_cast('<i8', '>u4', 'same_kind')
>>> np.can_cast('<i8', '>u4', 'unsafe')
def concatenate(arrays, axis=None, out=None, *, dtype=None, casting=None):

concatenate((a1, a2, ...), axis=0, out=None, dtype=None, casting="same_kind")

Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis.


a1, a2, ... : sequence of array_like
The arrays must have the same shape, except in the dimension corresponding to axis (the first, by default).
axis : int, optional
The axis along which the arrays will be joined. If axis is None, arrays are flattened before use. Default is 0.
out : ndarray, optional
If provided, the destination to place the result. The shape must be correct, matching that of what concatenate would have returned if no out argument were specified.
dtype : str or dtype

If provided, the destination array will have this dtype. Cannot be provided together with out.

New in version 1.20.0.
casting : {'no', 'equiv', 'safe', 'same_kind', 'unsafe'}, optional

Controls what kind of data casting may occur. Defaults to 'same_kind'.

New in version 1.20.0.


res : ndarray
The concatenated array.

See Also

ma.concatenate : Concatenate function that preserves input masks. array_split : Split an array into multiple sub-arrays of equal or

near-equal size.

split : Split array into a list of multiple sub-arrays of equal size. hsplit : Split array into multiple sub-arrays horizontally (column wise). vsplit : Split array into multiple sub-arrays vertically (row wise). dsplit : Split array into multiple sub-arrays along the 3rd axis (depth). stack : Stack a sequence of arrays along a new axis. block : Assemble arrays from blocks. hstack : Stack arrays in sequence horizontally (column wise). vstack : Stack arrays in sequence vertically (row wise). dstack : Stack arrays in sequence depth wise (along third dimension). column_stack : Stack 1-D arrays as columns into a 2-D array.


When one or more of the arrays to be concatenated is a MaskedArray, this function will return a MaskedArray object instead of an ndarray, but the input masks are not preserved. In cases where a MaskedArray is expected as input, use the ma.concatenate function from the masked array module instead.


>>> a = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> b = np.array([[5, 6]])
>>> np.concatenate((a, b), axis=0)
array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4],
       [5, 6]])
>>> np.concatenate((a, b.T), axis=1)
array([[1, 2, 5],
       [3, 4, 6]])
>>> np.concatenate((a, b), axis=None)
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

This function will not preserve masking of MaskedArray inputs.

>>> a =
>>> a[1] =
>>> b = np.arange(2, 5)
>>> a
masked_array(data=[0, --, 2],
             mask=[False,  True, False],
>>> b
array([2, 3, 4])
>>> np.concatenate([a, b])
masked_array(data=[0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4],
>>>[a, b])
masked_array(data=[0, --, 2, 2, 3, 4],
             mask=[False,  True, False, False, False, False],
def copyto(dst, src, casting=None, where=None):

copyto(dst, src, casting='same_kind', where=True)

Copies values from one array to another, broadcasting as necessary.

Raises a TypeError if the casting rule is violated, and if where is provided, it selects which elements to copy.

New in version 1.7.0.


dst : ndarray
The array into which values are copied.
src : array_like
The array from which values are copied.
casting : {'no', 'equiv', 'safe', 'same_kind', 'unsafe'}, optional

Controls what kind of data casting may occur when copying.

  • 'no' means the data types should not be cast at all.
  • 'equiv' means only byte-order changes are allowed.
  • 'safe' means only casts which can preserve values are allowed.
  • 'same_kind' means only safe casts or casts within a kind, like float64 to float32, are allowed.
  • 'unsafe' means any data conversions may be done.
where : array_like of bool, optional
A boolean array which is broadcasted to match the dimensions of dst, and selects elements to copy from src to dst wherever it contains the value True.
def datetime_as_string(arr, unit=None, timezone=None, casting=None):

datetime_as_string(arr, unit=None, timezone='naive', casting='same_kind')

Convert an array of datetimes into an array of strings.


arr : array_like of datetime64
The array of UTC timestamps to format.
unit : str
One of None, 'auto', or a :ref:`datetime unit <arrays.dtypes.dateunits>`.
timezone : {'naive', 'UTC', 'local'} or tzinfo
Timezone information to use when displaying the datetime. If 'UTC', end with a Z to indicate UTC time. If 'local', convert to the local timezone first, and suffix with a +-#### timezone offset. If a tzinfo object, then do as with 'local', but use the specified timezone.
casting : {'no', 'equiv', 'safe', 'same_kind', 'unsafe'}
Casting to allow when changing between datetime units.


str_arr : ndarray
An array of strings the same shape as arr.


>>> import pytz
>>> d = np.arange('2002-10-27T04:30', 4*60, 60, dtype='M8[m]')
>>> d
array(['2002-10-27T04:30', '2002-10-27T05:30', '2002-10-27T06:30',
       '2002-10-27T07:30'], dtype='datetime64[m]')

Setting the timezone to UTC shows the same information, but with a Z suffix

>>> np.datetime_as_string(d, timezone='UTC')
array(['2002-10-27T04:30Z', '2002-10-27T05:30Z', '2002-10-27T06:30Z',
       '2002-10-27T07:30Z'], dtype='<U35')

Note that we picked datetimes that cross a DST boundary. Passing in a pytz timezone object will print the appropriate offset

>>> np.datetime_as_string(d, timezone=pytz.timezone('US/Eastern'))
array(['2002-10-27T00:30-0400', '2002-10-27T01:30-0400',
       '2002-10-27T01:30-0500', '2002-10-27T02:30-0500'], dtype='<U39')

Passing in a unit will change the precision

>>> np.datetime_as_string(d, unit='h')
array(['2002-10-27T04', '2002-10-27T05', '2002-10-27T06', '2002-10-27T07'],
>>> np.datetime_as_string(d, unit='s')
array(['2002-10-27T04:30:00', '2002-10-27T05:30:00', '2002-10-27T06:30:00',
       '2002-10-27T07:30:00'], dtype='<U38')

'casting' can be used to specify whether precision can be changed

>>> np.datetime_as_string(d, unit='h', casting='safe')
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Cannot create a datetime string as units 'h' from a NumPy
datetime with units 'm' according to the rule 'safe'
def dot(a, b, out=None):

dot(a, b, out=None)

Dot product of two arrays. Specifically,

  • If both a and b are 1-D arrays, it is inner product of vectors (without complex conjugation).

  • If both a and b are 2-D arrays, it is matrix multiplication, but using matmul or a @ b is preferred.

  • If either a or b is 0-D (scalar), it is equivalent to multiply and using numpy.multiply(a, b) or a * b is preferred.

  • If a is an N-D array and b is a 1-D array, it is a sum product over the last axis of a and b.

  • If a is an N-D array and b is an M-D array (where M>=2), it is a sum product over the last axis of a and the second-to-last axis of b:

    dot(a, b)[i,j,k,m] = sum(a[i,j,:] * b[k,:,m])


a : array_like
First argument.
b : array_like
Second argument.
out : ndarray, optional
Output argument. This must have the exact kind that would be returned if it was not used. In particular, it must have the right type, must be C-contiguous, and its dtype must be the dtype that would be returned for dot(a,b). This is a performance feature. Therefore, if these conditions are not met, an exception is raised, instead of attempting to be flexible.


output : ndarray
Returns the dot product of a and b. If a and b are both scalars or both 1-D arrays then a scalar is returned; otherwise an array is returned. If out is given, then it is returned.


If the last dimension of a is not the same size as the second-to-last dimension of b.

See Also

vdot : Complex-conjugating dot product. tensordot : Sum products over arbitrary axes. einsum : Einstein summation convention. matmul : '@' operator as method with out parameter. linalg.multi_dot : Chained dot product.


>>>, 4)

Neither argument is complex-conjugated:

>>>[2j, 3j], [2j, 3j])

For 2-D arrays it is the matrix product:

>>> a = [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
>>> b = [[4, 1], [2, 2]]
>>>, b)
array([[4, 1],
       [2, 2]])
>>> a = np.arange(3*4*5*6).reshape((3,4,5,6))
>>> b = np.arange(3*4*5*6)[::-1].reshape((5,4,6,3))
>>>, b)[2,3,2,1,2,2]
>>> sum(a[2,3,2,:] * b[1,2,:,2])
def empty_like(prototype, dtype=None, order=None, subok=None, shape=None):

empty_like(prototype, dtype=None, order='K', subok=True, shape=None)

Return a new array with the same shape and type as a given array.


prototype : array_like
The shape and data-type of prototype define these same attributes of the returned array.
dtype : data-type, optional

Overrides the data type of the result.

New in version 1.6.0.
order : {'C', 'F', 'A', or 'K'}, optional

Overrides the memory layout of the result. 'C' means C-order, 'F' means F-order, 'A' means 'F' if prototype is Fortran contiguous, 'C' otherwise. 'K' means match the layout of prototype as closely as possible.

New in version 1.6.0.
subok : bool, optional.
If True, then the newly created array will use the sub-class type of prototype, otherwise it will be a base-class array. Defaults to True.
shape : int or sequence of ints, optional.

Overrides the shape of the result. If order='K' and the number of dimensions is unchanged, will try to keep order, otherwise, order='C' is implied.

New in version 1.17.0.


out : ndarray
Array of uninitialized (arbitrary) data with the same shape and type as prototype.

See Also

ones_like : Return an array of ones with shape and type of input. zeros_like : Return an array of zeros with shape and type of input. full_like : Return a new array with shape of input filled with value. empty : Return a new uninitialized array.


This function does not initialize the returned array; to do that use zeros_like or ones_like instead. It may be marginally faster than the functions that do set the array values.


>>> a = ([1,2,3], [4,5,6])                         # a is array-like
>>> np.empty_like(a)
array([[-1073741821, -1073741821,           3],    # uninitialized
       [          0,           0, -1073741821]])
>>> a = np.array([[1., 2., 3.],[4.,5.,6.]])
>>> np.empty_like(a)
array([[ -2.00000715e+000,   1.48219694e-323,  -2.00000572e+000], # uninitialized
       [  4.38791518e-305,  -2.00000715e+000,   4.17269252e-309]])
def inner(a, b):

inner(a, b, /)

Inner product of two arrays.

Ordinary inner product of vectors for 1-D arrays (without complex conjugation), in higher dimensions a sum product over the last axes.


a, b : array_like
If a and b are nonscalar, their last dimensions must match.


out : ndarray
If a and b are both scalars or both 1-D arrays then a scalar is returned; otherwise an array is returned. out.shape = (*a.shape[:-1], *b.shape[:-1])


If both a and b are nonscalar and their last dimensions have different sizes.

See Also

tensordot : Sum products over arbitrary axes. dot : Generalised matrix product, using second last dimension of b. einsum : Einstein summation convention.


For vectors (1-D arrays) it computes the ordinary inner-product:

np.inner(a, b) = sum(a[:]*b[:])

More generally, if ndim(a) = r > 0 and ndim(b) = s > 0:

np.inner(a, b) = np.tensordot(a, b, axes=(-1,-1))

or explicitly:

np.inner(a, b)[i0,...,ir-2,j0,...,js-2]
     = sum(a[i0,...,ir-2,:]*b[j0,...,js-2,:])

In addition a or b may be scalars, in which case:

np.inner(a,b) = a*b


Ordinary inner product for vectors:

>>> a = np.array([1,2,3])
>>> b = np.array([0,1,0])
>>> np.inner(a, b)

Some multidimensional examples:

>>> a = np.arange(24).reshape((2,3,4))
>>> b = np.arange(4)
>>> c = np.inner(a, b)
>>> c.shape
(2, 3)
>>> c
array([[ 14,  38,  62],
       [ 86, 110, 134]])
>>> a = np.arange(2).reshape((1,1,2))
>>> b = np.arange(6).reshape((3,2))
>>> c = np.inner(a, b)
>>> c.shape
(1, 1, 3)
>>> c
array([[[1, 3, 5]]])

An example where b is a scalar:

>>> np.inner(np.eye(2), 7)
array([[7., 0.],
       [0., 7.]])
def is_busday(dates, weekmask=None, holidays=None, busdaycal=None, out=None):

is_busday(dates, weekmask='1111100', holidays=None, busdaycal=None, out=None)

Calculates which of the given dates are valid days, and which are not.

New in version 1.7.0.


dates : array_like of datetime64[D]
The array of dates to process.
weekmask : str or array_like of bool, optional
A seven-element array indicating which of Monday through Sunday are valid days. May be specified as a length-seven list or array, like [1,1,1,1,1,0,0]; a length-seven string, like '1111100'; or a string like "Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri", made up of 3-character abbreviations for weekdays, optionally separated by white space. Valid abbreviations are: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
holidays : array_like of datetime64[D], optional
An array of dates to consider as invalid dates. They may be specified in any order, and NaT (not-a-time) dates are ignored. This list is saved in a normalized form that is suited for fast calculations of valid days.
busdaycal : busdaycalendar, optional
A busdaycalendar object which specifies the valid days. If this parameter is provided, neither weekmask nor holidays may be provided.
out : array of bool, optional
If provided, this array is filled with the result.


out : array of bool
An array with the same shape as dates, containing True for each valid day, and False for each invalid day.

See Also

busdaycalendar : An object that specifies a custom set of valid days. busday_offset : Applies an offset counted in valid days. busday_count : Counts how many valid days are in a half-open date range.


>>> # The weekdays are Friday, Saturday, and Monday
... np.is_busday(['2011-07-01', '2011-07-02', '2011-07-18'],
...                 holidays=['2011-07-01', '2011-07-04', '2011-07-17'])
array([False, False,  True])
def lexsort(keys, axis=None):

lexsort(keys, axis=-1)

Perform an indirect stable sort using a sequence of keys.

Given multiple sorting keys, which can be interpreted as columns in a spreadsheet, lexsort returns an array of integer indices that describes the sort order by multiple columns. The last key in the sequence is used for the primary sort order, the second-to-last key for the secondary sort order, and so on. The keys argument must be a sequence of objects that can be converted to arrays of the same shape. If a 2D array is provided for the keys argument, its rows are interpreted as the sorting keys and sorting is according to the last row, second last row etc.


keys : (k, N) array or tuple containing k (N,)-shaped sequences
The k different "columns" to be sorted. The last column (or row if keys is a 2D array) is the primary sort key.
axis : int, optional
Axis to be indirectly sorted. By default, sort over the last axis.


indices : (N,) ndarray of ints
Array of indices that sort the keys along the specified axis.

See Also

argsort : Indirect sort. ndarray.sort : In-place sort. sort : Return a sorted copy of an array.


Sort names: first by surname, then by name.

>>> surnames =    ('Hertz',    'Galilei', 'Hertz')
>>> first_names = ('Heinrich', 'Galileo', 'Gustav')
>>> ind = np.lexsort((first_names, surnames))
>>> ind
array([1, 2, 0])
>>> [surnames[i] + ", " + first_names[i] for i in ind]
['Galilei, Galileo', 'Hertz, Gustav', 'Hertz, Heinrich']

Sort two columns of numbers:

>>> a = [1,5,1,4,3,4,4] # First column
>>> b = [9,4,0,4,0,2,1] # Second column
>>> ind = np.lexsort((b,a)) # Sort by a, then by b
>>> ind
array([2, 0, 4, 6, 5, 3, 1])
>>> [(a[i],b[i]) for i in ind]
[(1, 0), (1, 9), (3, 0), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 4), (5, 4)]

Note that sorting is first according to the elements of a. Secondary sorting is according to the elements of b.

A normal argsort would have yielded:

>>> [(a[i],b[i]) for i in np.argsort(a)]
[(1, 9), (1, 0), (3, 0), (4, 4), (4, 2), (4, 1), (5, 4)]

Structured arrays are sorted lexically by argsort:

>>> x = np.array([(1,9), (5,4), (1,0), (4,4), (3,0), (4,2), (4,1)],
...              dtype=np.dtype([('x', int), ('y', int)]))
>>> np.argsort(x) # or np.argsort(x, order=('x', 'y'))
array([2, 0, 4, 6, 5, 3, 1])
def may_share_memory(a, b, max_work=None):

may_share_memory(a, b, /, max_work=None)

Determine if two arrays might share memory

A return of True does not necessarily mean that the two arrays share any element. It just means that they might.

Only the memory bounds of a and b are checked by default.


a, b : ndarray
Input arrays
max_work : int, optional
Effort to spend on solving the overlap problem. See shares_memory for details. Default for may_share_memory is to do a bounds check.


out : bool

See Also



>>> np.may_share_memory(np.array([1,2]), np.array([5,8,9]))
>>> x = np.zeros([3, 4])
>>> np.may_share_memory(x[:,0], x[:,1])
def min_scalar_type(a):

min_scalar_type(a, /)

For scalar a, returns the data type with the smallest size and smallest scalar kind which can hold its value. For non-scalar array a, returns the vector's dtype unmodified.

Floating point values are not demoted to integers, and complex values are not demoted to floats.


a : scalar or array_like
The value whose minimal data type is to be found.


out : dtype
The minimal data type.


New in version 1.6.0.

See Also

result_type, promote_types, dtype, can_cast


>>> np.min_scalar_type(10)
>>> np.min_scalar_type(-260)
>>> np.min_scalar_type(3.1)
>>> np.min_scalar_type(1e50)
>>> np.min_scalar_type(np.arange(4,dtype='f8'))
def packbits(a, axis=None, bitorder='big'):

packbits(a, /, axis=None, bitorder='big')

Packs the elements of a binary-valued array into bits in a uint8 array.

The result is padded to full bytes by inserting zero bits at the end.


a : array_like
An array of integers or booleans whose elements should be packed to bits.
axis : int, optional
The dimension over which bit-packing is done. None implies packing the flattened array.
bitorder : {'big', 'little'}, optional

The order of the input bits. 'big' will mimic bin(val), [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1] => 3 = 0b00000011, 'little' will reverse the order so [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] => 3. Defaults to 'big'.

New in version 1.17.0.


packed : ndarray
Array of type uint8 whose elements represent bits corresponding to the logical (0 or nonzero) value of the input elements. The shape of packed has the same number of dimensions as the input (unless axis is None, in which case the output is 1-D).

See Also

unpackbits: Unpacks elements of a uint8 array into a binary-valued output


>>> a = np.array([[[1,0,1],
...                [0,1,0]],
...               [[1,1,0],
...                [0,0,1]]])
>>> b = np.packbits(a, axis=-1)
>>> b
        [ 64]],
        [ 32]]], dtype=uint8)

Note that in binary 160 = 1010 0000, 64 = 0100 0000, 192 = 1100 0000, and 32 = 0010 0000.

def putmask(a, mask, values):

putmask(a, mask, values)

Changes elements of an array based on conditional and input values.

Sets a.flat[n] = values[n] for each n where mask.flat[n]==True.

If values is not the same size as a and mask then it will repeat. This gives behavior different from a[mask] = values.


a : ndarray
Target array.
mask : array_like
Boolean mask array. It has to be the same shape as a.
values : array_like
Values to put into a where mask is True. If values is smaller than a it will be repeated.

See Also

place, put, take, copyto


>>> x = np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3)
>>> np.putmask(x, x>2, x**2)
>>> x
array([[ 0,  1,  2],
       [ 9, 16, 25]])

If values is smaller than a it is repeated:

>>> x = np.arange(5)
>>> np.putmask(x, x>1, [-33, -44])
>>> x
array([  0,   1, -33, -44, -33])
def ravel_multi_index(multi_index, dims, mode=None, order=None):

ravel_multi_index(multi_index, dims, mode='raise', order='C')

Converts a tuple of index arrays into an array of flat indices, applying boundary modes to the multi-index.


multi_index : tuple of array_like
A tuple of integer arrays, one array for each dimension.
dims : tuple of ints
The shape of array into which the indices from multi_index apply.
mode : {'raise', 'wrap', 'clip'}, optional

Specifies how out-of-bounds indices are handled. Can specify either one mode or a tuple of modes, one mode per index.

  • 'raise' -- raise an error (default)
  • 'wrap' -- wrap around
  • 'clip' -- clip to the range

In 'clip' mode, a negative index which would normally wrap will clip to 0 instead.

order : {'C', 'F'}, optional
Determines whether the multi-index should be viewed as indexing in row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style) order.


raveled_indices : ndarray
An array of indices into the flattened version of an array of dimensions dims.

See Also



New in version 1.6.0.


>>> arr = np.array([[3,6,6],[4,5,1]])
>>> np.ravel_multi_index(arr, (7,6))
array([22, 41, 37])
>>> np.ravel_multi_index(arr, (7,6), order='F')
array([31, 41, 13])
>>> np.ravel_multi_index(arr, (4,6), mode='clip')
array([22, 23, 19])
>>> np.ravel_multi_index(arr, (4,4), mode=('clip','wrap'))
array([12, 13, 13])
>>> np.ravel_multi_index((3,1,4,1), (6,7,8,9))
def result_type(*arrays_and_dtypes):


Returns the type that results from applying the NumPy type promotion rules to the arguments.

Type promotion in NumPy works similarly to the rules in languages like C++, with some slight differences. When both scalars and arrays are used, the array's type takes precedence and the actual value of the scalar is taken into account.

For example, calculating 3*a, where a is an array of 32-bit floats, intuitively should result in a 32-bit float output. If the 3 is a 32-bit integer, the NumPy rules indicate it can't convert losslessly into a 32-bit float, so a 64-bit float should be the result type. By examining the value of the constant, '3', we see that it fits in an 8-bit integer, which can be cast losslessly into the 32-bit float.


arrays_and_dtypes : list of arrays and dtypes
The operands of some operation whose result type is needed.


out : dtype
The result type.

See also

dtype, promote_types, min_scalar_type, can_cast


New in version 1.6.0.

The specific algorithm used is as follows.

Categories are determined by first checking which of boolean, integer (int/uint), or floating point (float/complex) the maximum kind of all the arrays and the scalars are.

If there are only scalars or the maximum category of the scalars is higher than the maximum category of the arrays, the data types are combined with promote_types to produce the return value.

Otherwise, min_scalar_type is called on each array, and the resulting data types are all combined with promote_types to produce the return value.

The set of int values is not a subset of the uint values for types with the same number of bits, something not reflected in min_scalar_type, but handled as a special case in result_type.


>>> np.result_type(3, np.arange(7, dtype='i1'))
>>> np.result_type('i4', 'c8')
>>> np.result_type(3.0, -2)
def shares_memory(a, b, max_work=None):

shares_memory(a, b, /, max_work=None)

Determine if two arrays share memory.


This function can be exponentially slow for some inputs, unless max_work is set to a finite number or MAY_SHARE_BOUNDS. If in doubt, use numpy.may_share_memory instead.


a, b : ndarray
Input arrays
max_work : int, optional

Effort to spend on solving the overlap problem (maximum number of candidate solutions to consider). The following special values are recognized:

max_work=MAY_SHARE_EXACT (default)
The problem is solved exactly. In this case, the function returns True only if there is an element shared between the arrays. Finding the exact solution may take extremely long in some cases.
Only the memory bounds of a and b are checked.


Exceeded max_work.


out : bool

See Also



>>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> np.shares_memory(x, np.array([5, 6, 7]))
>>> np.shares_memory(x[::2], x)
>>> np.shares_memory(x[::2], x[1::2])

Checking whether two arrays share memory is NP-complete, and runtime may increase exponentially in the number of dimensions. Hence, max_work should generally be set to a finite number, as it is possible to construct examples that take extremely long to run:

>>> from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
>>> x = np.zeros([192163377], dtype=np.int8)
>>> x1 = as_strided(x, strides=(36674, 61119, 85569), shape=(1049, 1049, 1049))
>>> x2 = as_strided(x[64023025:], strides=(12223, 12224, 1), shape=(1049, 1049, 1))
>>> np.shares_memory(x1, x2, max_work=1000)
Traceback (most recent call last):
numpy.TooHardError: Exceeded max_work

Running np.shares_memory(x1, x2) without max_work set takes around 1 minute for this case. It is possible to find problems that take still significantly longer.

def unpackbits(a, axis=None, count=None, bitorder='big'):

unpackbits(a, /, axis=None, count=None, bitorder='big')

Unpacks elements of a uint8 array into a binary-valued output array.

Each element of a represents a bit-field that should be unpacked into a binary-valued output array. The shape of the output array is either 1-D (if axis is None) or the same shape as the input array with unpacking done along the axis specified.


a : ndarray, uint8 type
Input array.
axis : int, optional
The dimension over which bit-unpacking is done. None implies unpacking the flattened array.
count : int or None, optional

The number of elements to unpack along axis, provided as a way of undoing the effect of packing a size that is not a multiple of eight. A non-negative number means to only unpack count bits. A negative number means to trim off that many bits from the end. None means to unpack the entire array (the default). Counts larger than the available number of bits will add zero padding to the output. Negative counts must not exceed the available number of bits.

New in version 1.17.0.
bitorder : {'big', 'little'}, optional

The order of the returned bits. 'big' will mimic bin(val), 3 = 0b00000011 => [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], 'little' will reverse the order to [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]. Defaults to 'big'.

New in version 1.17.0.


unpacked : ndarray, uint8 type
The elements are binary-valued (0 or 1).

See Also

packbits : Packs the elements of a binary-valued array into bits in
a uint8 array.


>>> a = np.array([[2], [7], [23]], dtype=np.uint8)
>>> a
array([[ 2],
       [ 7],
       [23]], dtype=uint8)
>>> b = np.unpackbits(a, axis=1)
>>> b
array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
       [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]], dtype=uint8)
>>> c = np.unpackbits(a, axis=1, count=-3)
>>> c
array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]], dtype=uint8)
>>> p = np.packbits(b, axis=0)
>>> np.unpackbits(p, axis=0)
array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
       [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=uint8)
>>> np.array_equal(b, np.unpackbits(p, axis=0, count=b.shape[0]))
def unravel_index(indices, shape=None, order=None):

unravel_index(indices, shape, order='C')

Converts a flat index or array of flat indices into a tuple of coordinate arrays.


indices : array_like
An integer array whose elements are indices into the flattened version of an array of dimensions shape. Before version 1.6.0, this function accepted just one index value.
shape : tuple of ints

The shape of the array to use for unraveling indices.

Changed in version 1.16.0: Renamed from dims to shape.
order : {'C', 'F'}, optional

Determines whether the indices should be viewed as indexing in row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style) order.

New in version 1.6.0.


unraveled_coords : tuple of ndarray
Each array in the tuple has the same shape as the indices array.

See Also



>>> np.unravel_index([22, 41, 37], (7,6))
(array([3, 6, 6]), array([4, 5, 1]))
>>> np.unravel_index([31, 41, 13], (7,6), order='F')
(array([3, 6, 6]), array([4, 5, 1]))
>>> np.unravel_index(1621, (6,7,8,9))
(3, 1, 4, 1)
def vdot(a, b):

vdot(a, b, /)

Return the dot product of two vectors.

The vdot(a, b) function handles complex numbers differently than dot(a, b). If the first argument is complex the complex conjugate of the first argument is used for the calculation of the dot product.

Note that vdot handles multidimensional arrays differently than dot: it does not perform a matrix product, but flattens input arguments to 1-D vectors first. Consequently, it should only be used for vectors.


a : array_like
If a is complex the complex conjugate is taken before calculation of the dot product.
b : array_like
Second argument to the dot product.


output : ndarray
Dot product of a and b. Can be an int, float, or complex depending on the types of a and b.

See Also

dot : Return the dot product without using the complex conjugate of the
first argument.


>>> a = np.array([1+2j,3+4j])
>>> b = np.array([5+6j,7+8j])
>>> np.vdot(a, b)
>>> np.vdot(b, a)

Note that higher-dimensional arrays are flattened!

>>> a = np.array([[1, 4], [5, 6]])
>>> b = np.array([[4, 1], [2, 2]])
>>> np.vdot(a, b)
>>> np.vdot(b, a)
>>> 1*4 + 4*1 + 5*2 + 6*2
def where(condition, x=None, y=None):

where(condition, [x, y], /)

Return elements chosen from x or y depending on condition.


When only condition is provided, this function is a shorthand for np.asarray(condition).nonzero(). Using nonzero directly should be preferred, as it behaves correctly for subclasses. The rest of this documentation covers only the case where all three arguments are provided.


condition : array_like, bool
Where True, yield x, otherwise yield y.
x, y : array_like
Values from which to choose. x, y and condition need to be broadcastable to some shape.


out : ndarray
An array with elements from x where condition is True, and elements from y elsewhere.

See Also

choose nonzero : The function that is called when x and y are omitted


If all the arrays are 1-D, where is equivalent to:

[xv if c else yv
 for c, xv, yv in zip(condition, x, y)]


>>> a = np.arange(10)
>>> a
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
>>> np.where(a < 5, a, 10*a)
array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90])

This can be used on multidimensional arrays too:

>>> np.where([[True, False], [True, True]],
...          [[1, 2], [3, 4]],
...          [[9, 8], [7, 6]])
array([[1, 8],
       [3, 4]])

The shapes of x, y, and the condition are broadcast together:

>>> x, y = np.ogrid[:3, :4]
>>> np.where(x < y, x, 10 + y)  # both x and 10+y are broadcast
array([[10,  0,  0,  0],
       [10, 11,  1,  1],
       [10, 11, 12,  2]])
>>> a = np.array([[0, 1, 2],
...               [0, 2, 4],
...               [0, 3, 6]])
>>> np.where(a < 4, a, -1)  # -1 is broadcast
array([[ 0,  1,  2],
       [ 0,  2, -1],
       [ 0,  3, -1]])