module documentation

Implementation of __array_function__ overrides from NEP-18.
Constant ARRAY​_FUNCTION​_ENABLED Undocumented
Variable ​Arg​Spec Undocumented
Variable array​_function​_like​_doc Undocumented
Function array​_function​_dispatch Decorator for adding dispatch with the __array_function__ protocol.
Function array​_function​_from​_dispatcher Like array_function_dispatcher, but with function arguments flipped.
Function set​_array​_function​_like​_doc Undocumented
Function set​_module Decorator for overriding __module__ on a function or class.
Function verify​_matching​_signatures Verify that a dispatcher function has the right signature.


bool(int(os.environ.get('NUMPY_EXPERIMENTAL_ARRAY_FUNCTION', 1)))
ArgSpec =


array_function_like_doc: str =


def array_function_dispatch(dispatcher, module=None, verify=True, docs_from_dispatcher=False):

Decorator for adding dispatch with the __array_function__ protocol.

See NEP-18 for example usage.


dispatcher : callable
Function that when called like dispatcher(*args, **kwargs) with arguments from the NumPy function call returns an iterable of array-like arguments to check for __array_function__.
module : str, optional
__module__ attribute to set on new function, e.g., module='numpy'. By default, module is copied from the decorated function.
verify : bool, optional
If True, verify the that the signature of the dispatcher and decorated function signatures match exactly: all required and optional arguments should appear in order with the same names, but the default values for all optional arguments should be None. Only disable verification if the dispatcher's signature needs to deviate for some particular reason, e.g., because the function has a signature like func(*args, **kwargs).
docs_from_dispatcher : bool, optional
If True, copy docs from the dispatcher function onto the dispatched function, rather than from the implementation. This is useful for functions defined in C, which otherwise don't have docstrings.


Function suitable for decorating the implementation of a NumPy function.

def array_function_from_dispatcher(implementation, module=None, verify=True, docs_from_dispatcher=True):
Like array_function_dispatcher, but with function arguments flipped.
def set_array_function_like_doc(public_api):


def set_module(module):

Decorator for overriding __module__ on a function or class.

Example usage:

def example():

assert example.__module__ == 'numpy'
def verify_matching_signatures(implementation, dispatcher):
Verify that a dispatcher function has the right signature.