class documentation

class TestComparisonDeprecations(_DeprecationTestCase):

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This tests the deprecation, for non-element-wise comparison logic. This used to mean that when an error occurred during element-wise comparison (i.e. broadcasting) NotImplemented was returned, but also in the comparison itself, False was given instead of the error.

Also test FutureWarning for the None comparison.

Method test​_array​_richcompare​_legacy​_weirdness Undocumented
Method test​_normal​_types Undocumented
Method test​_string Undocumented
Method test​_void​_dtype​_equality​_failures Undocumented
Class Variable message Undocumented

Inherited from _DeprecationTestCase:

Method assert​_deprecated Test if DeprecationWarnings are given and raised.
Method assert​_not​_deprecated Test that warnings are not raised.
Method setup Undocumented
Method teardown Undocumented
Instance Variable log Undocumented
Instance Variable warn​_ctx Undocumented
def test_array_richcompare_legacy_weirdness(self):


def test_normal_types(self):


def test_string(self):


def test_void_dtype_equality_failures(self):
