module documentation


Class ​Test​Builtin No class docstring; 1/11 method documented
Class ​Test​Class​Get​Item Undocumented
Class ​Test​Dtype​Attribute​Deletion Undocumented
Class ​Test​Dtype​Attributes Undocumented
Class ​Test​DType​Classes Undocumented
Class ​Test​From​CTypes No class docstring; 0/2 class variable, 1/16 method, 0/1 static method documented
Class ​Test​From​DType​Attribute Undocumented
Class ​Test​Metadata Undocumented
Class ​Test​Monster​Type Test deeply nested subtypes.
Class ​Test​Pickling Undocumented
Class ​Test​Promotion Test cases related to more complex DType promotions. Further promotion tests are defined in
Class ​Test​Record No class docstring; 2/18 methods documented
Class ​Test​String Undocumented
Class ​Test​Structured​Dtype​Sparse​Fields Tests subarray fields which contain sparse dtypes so that not all memory is used by the dtype work. Such dtype's should leave the underlying memory unchanged.
Class ​Test​Structured​Object​Refcounting These tests cover various uses of complicated structured types which include objects and thus require reference counting.
Class ​Test​Subarray No class docstring; 5/11 methods documented
Class ​Test​User​DType Undocumented
Function assert​_dtype​_equal Undocumented
Function assert​_dtype​_not​_equal Undocumented
Function iter​_struct​_object​_dtypes Iterates over a few complex dtypes and object pattern which fill the array with a given object (defaults to a singleton).
Function test​_class​_getitem​_38 Undocumented
Function test​_dtypes​_are​_true Undocumented
Function test​_invalid​_dtype​_string Undocumented
Function test​_keyword​_argument Undocumented
Function test​_rational​_dtype Undocumented
Function test​_result​_type​_integers​_and​_unitless​_timedelta64 Undocumented
def assert_dtype_equal(a, b):


def assert_dtype_not_equal(a, b):


def iter_struct_object_dtypes():

Iterates over a few complex dtypes and object pattern which fill the array with a given object (defaults to a singleton).


dtype : dtype pattern : tuple

Structured tuple for use with np.array.
count : int
Number of objects stored in the dtype.
singleton : object
A singleton object. The returned pattern is constructed so that all objects inside the datatype are set to the singleton.
@pytest.mark.skipif((sys.version_info >= (3, 9)), reason='Requires python 3.8')
def test_class_getitem_38():


def test_dtypes_are_true():


def test_invalid_dtype_string():


def test_keyword_argument():


def test_rational_dtype():


def test_result_type_integers_and_unitless_timedelta64():
