module documentation


Variable byteorder Undocumented
Variable ​Nbuffer​T Undocumented
Variable ​Ndescr Undocumented
Variable ​Pbuffer​T Undocumented
Variable ​Pdescr Undocumented
Class ​Create​Values Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays with values
Class ​Create​Zeros Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays zero-valued
Class ​Read​Values​Nested Check the reading of values in heterogeneous arrays (nested)
Class ​Read​Values​Plain Check the reading of values in heterogeneous arrays (plain)
Class ​Test_sctype2char Undocumented
Class ​Test​Bit​Name Undocumented
Class ​Test​Common​Type Undocumented
Class ​Test​Create​Values​Nested​Multiple Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays (nested, multiple rows)
Class ​Test​Create​Values​Nested​Single Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays (nested, single row)
Class ​Test​Create​Values​Plain​Multiple Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays (plain, multiple rows)
Class ​Test​Create​Values​Plain​Single Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays (plain, single row)
Class ​Test​Create​Zeros​Nested Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays zero-valued (nested)
Class ​Test​Create​Zeros​Plain Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays zero-valued (plain)
Class ​Test​Doc​Strings Undocumented
Class ​Test​Empty​Field Undocumented
Class ​Test​Is​Sub​DType Undocumented
Class ​Test​Maximum​Sctype Undocumented
Class ​Test​Multiple​Fields Undocumented
Class ​Test​Read​Values​Nested​Multiple Check the values of heterogeneous arrays (nested, multiple rows)
Class ​Test​Read​Values​Nested​Single Check the values of heterogeneous arrays (nested, single row)
Class ​Test​Read​Values​Plain​Multiple Check the values of heterogeneous arrays (plain, multiple rows)
Class ​Test​Read​Values​Plain​Single Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays (plain, single row)
Class ​Test​Scalar​Type​Names No class docstring; 0/1 class variable, 2/3 methods documented
Class ​Test​Sctype​Dict Undocumented
Function normalize​_descr Normalize a description adding the platform byteorder.
Function test​_issctype Undocumented
byteorder =


NbufferT: list[tuple] =


Ndescr: list =


PbufferT: list[tuple] =


Pdescr: list =


def normalize_descr(descr):
Normalize a description adding the platform byteorder.
@pytest.mark.parametrize('rep, expected', [(np.int32, True), (list, False), (1.1, False), (str, True), (np.dtype(np.float64), True), (np.dtype((np.int16, (3, 4))), True), (np.dtype([('a', np.int8)]), True)])
def test_issctype(rep, expected):
