module documentation


Function ​CCompiler_compile Compile one or more source files.
Function ​CCompiler_customize Do any platform-specific customization of a compiler instance.
Function ​CCompiler_customize_cmd Customize compiler using distutils command.
Function ​CCompiler_cxx_compiler Return the C++ compiler.
Function ​CCompiler_find_executables Does nothing here, but is called by the get_version method and can be overridden by subclasses. In particular it is redefined in the FCompiler class where more documentation can be found.
Function ​CCompiler_get_version Return compiler version, or None if compiler is not available.
Function ​CCompiler_object_filenames Return the name of the object files for the given source files.
Function ​CCompiler_show_customization Print the compiler customizations to stdout.
Function ​CCompiler_spawn Execute a command in a sub-process.
Function gen​_lib​_options Undocumented
Function new​_compiler Undocumented
Function replace​_method Undocumented
Function simple​_version​_match Simple matching of version numbers, for use in CCompiler and FCompiler.
Function ​_compiler​_to​_string Undocumented
Function ​_needs​_build Check if an objects needs to be rebuild based on its dependencies
Variable ​_global​_lock Undocumented
Variable ​_job​_semaphore Undocumented
Variable ​_m Undocumented
Variable ​_processing​_files Undocumented
def CCompiler_compile(self, sources, output_dir=None, macros=None, include_dirs=None, debug=0, extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None, depends=None):

Compile one or more source files.

Please refer to the Python distutils API reference for more details.


sources : list of str
A list of filenames
output_dir : str, optional
Path to the output directory.
macros : list of tuples
A list of macro definitions.
include_dirs : list of str, optional
The directories to add to the default include file search path for this compilation only.
debug : bool, optional
Whether or not to output debug symbols in or alongside the object file(s).
extra_preargs, extra_postargs : ?
Extra pre- and post-arguments.
depends : list of str, optional
A list of file names that all targets depend on.


objects : list of str
A list of object file names, one per source file sources.


If compilation fails.
def CCompiler_customize(self, dist, need_cxx=0):

Do any platform-specific customization of a compiler instance.

This method calls distutils.sysconfig.customize_compiler for platform-specific customization, as well as optionally remove a flag to suppress spurious warnings in case C++ code is being compiled.


dist : object
This parameter is not used for anything.
need_cxx : bool, optional
Whether or not C++ has to be compiled. If so (True), the "-Wstrict-prototypes" option is removed to prevent spurious warnings. Default is False.




All the default options used by distutils can be extracted with:

from distutils import sysconfig
sysconfig.get_config_vars('CC', 'CXX', 'OPT', 'BASECFLAGS',
                          'CCSHARED', 'LDSHARED', 'SO')
def CCompiler_customize_cmd(self, cmd, ignore=()):

Customize compiler using distutils command.


cmd : class instance
An instance inheriting from distutils.cmd.Command.
ignore : sequence of str, optional
List of CCompiler commands (without 'set_') that should not be altered. Strings that are checked for are: ('include_dirs', 'define', 'undef', 'libraries', 'library_dirs', 'rpath', 'link_objects').



def CCompiler_cxx_compiler(self):

Return the C++ compiler.




cxx : class instance
The C++ compiler, as a CCompiler instance.
def CCompiler_find_executables(self):
Does nothing here, but is called by the get_version method and can be overridden by subclasses. In particular it is redefined in the FCompiler class where more documentation can be found.
def CCompiler_get_version(self, force=False, ok_status=[0]):

Return compiler version, or None if compiler is not available.


force : bool, optional
If True, force a new determination of the version, even if the compiler already has a version attribute. Default is False.
ok_status : list of int, optional
The list of status values returned by the version look-up process for which a version string is returned. If the status value is not in ok_status, None is returned. Default is [0].


version : str or None
Version string, in the format of distutils.version.LooseVersion.
def CCompiler_object_filenames(self, source_filenames, strip_dir=0, output_dir=''):

Return the name of the object files for the given source files.


source_filenames : list of str
The list of paths to source files. Paths can be either relative or absolute, this is handled transparently.
strip_dir : bool, optional
Whether to strip the directory from the returned paths. If True, the file name prepended by output_dir is returned. Default is False.
output_dir : str, optional
If given, this path is prepended to the returned paths to the object files.


obj_names : list of str
The list of paths to the object files corresponding to the source files in source_filenames.
def CCompiler_show_customization(self):

Print the compiler customizations to stdout.






Printing is only done if the distutils log threshold is < 2.

def CCompiler_spawn(self, cmd, display=None, env=None):

Execute a command in a sub-process.


cmd : str
The command to execute.
display : str or sequence of str, optional
The text to add to the log file kept by numpy.distutils. If not given, display is equal to cmd.

env: a dictionary for environment variables, optional




If the command failed, i.e. the exit status was not 0.
def gen_lib_options(compiler, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, libraries):


def new_compiler(plat=None, compiler=None, verbose=None, dry_run=0, force=0):


def replace_method(klass, method_name, func):


def simple_version_match(pat='[-.\\d]+', ignore='', start=''):

Simple matching of version numbers, for use in CCompiler and FCompiler.


pat : str, optional
A regular expression matching version numbers. Default is r'[-.\d]+'.
ignore : str, optional
A regular expression matching patterns to skip. Default is '', in which case nothing is skipped.
start : str, optional
A regular expression matching the start of where to start looking for version numbers. Default is '', in which case searching is started at the beginning of the version string given to matcher.


matcher : callable
A function that is appropriate to use as the .version_match attribute of a CCompiler class. matcher takes a single parameter, a version string.
def _compiler_to_string(compiler):


def _needs_build(obj, cc_args, extra_postargs, pp_opts):

Check if an objects needs to be rebuild based on its dependencies


obj : str
object file



_global_lock =


_job_semaphore =


_m =


_processing_files: set =
