class documentation

class TestLinearRamp:

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Method test​_check​_2d Undocumented
Method test​_check​_simple Undocumented
Method test​_end​_values Ensure that end values are exact.
Method test​_negative​_difference No summary
Method test​_object​_array Undocumented
def test_check_2d(self):


def test_check_simple(self):


def test_end_values(self):
Ensure that end values are exact.
@pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', _numeric_dtypes)
def test_negative_difference(self, dtype):
Check correct behavior of unsigned dtypes if there is a negative difference between the edge to pad and end_values. Check both cases to be independent of implementation. Test behavior for all other dtypes in case dtype casting interferes with complex dtypes. See gh-14191.
def test_object_array(self):
