class documentation

class TestInterp:

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Method sc scale function used by the below tests
Method test​_basic Undocumented
Method test​_complex​_interp Undocumented
Method test​_exceptions Undocumented
Method test​_if​_len​_x​_is​_small Undocumented
Method test​_non​_finite​_any​_nan test that nans are propagated
Method test​_non​_finite​_behavior​_exact​_x Undocumented
Method test​_non​_finite​_half​_inf​_f Test interp where the f axis has a bound at inf
Method test​_non​_finite​_half​_inf​_x Test interp where the x axis has a bound at inf
Method test​_non​_finite​_half​_inf​_xf Test that interp where both axes have a bound at inf gives nan
Method test​_non​_finite​_inf Test that interp between opposite infs gives nan
Method test​_period Undocumented
Method test​_right​_left​_behavior Undocumented
Method test​_scalar​_interpolation​_point Undocumented
Method test​_zero​_dimensional​_interpolation​_point Undocumented
@pytest.fixture(params=[(lambda x: np.float_(x)), (lambda x: _make_complex(x, 0)), (lambda x: _make_complex(0, x)), (lambda x: _make_complex(x, np.multiply(x, -2)))], ids=['real', 'complex-real', 'complex-imag', 'complex-both'])
def sc(self, request):
scale function used by the below tests
def test_basic(self):


def test_complex_interp(self):


def test_exceptions(self):


def test_if_len_x_is_small(self):


def test_non_finite_any_nan(self, sc):
test that nans are propagated
def test_non_finite_behavior_exact_x(self):


def test_non_finite_half_inf_f(self, sc):
Test interp where the f axis has a bound at inf
def test_non_finite_half_inf_x(self, sc):
Test interp where the x axis has a bound at inf
def test_non_finite_half_inf_xf(self, sc):
Test that interp where both axes have a bound at inf gives nan
def test_non_finite_inf(self, sc):
Test that interp between opposite infs gives nan
def test_period(self):


def test_right_left_behavior(self):


def test_scalar_interpolation_point(self):


def test_zero_dimensional_interpolation_point(self):
