module documentation

Utility function to facilitate testing.
Class suppress​_warnings Context manager and decorator doing much the same as warnings.catch_warnings.
Constant HAS​_REFCOUNT Undocumented
Constant IS​_PYPY Undocumented
Constant IS​_PYSTON Undocumented
Variable verbose Undocumented
Class _​Dummy Undocumented
Class clear​_and​_catch​_warnings Context manager that resets warning registry for catching warnings
Class ​Ignore​Exception Ignoring this exception due to disabled feature
Class ​Known​Failure​Exception Raise this exception to mark a test as a known failing test.
Function ​_assert​_no​_gc​_cycles​_context Undocumented
Function ​_assert​_no​_warnings​_context Undocumented
Function ​_assert​_valid​_refcount Check that ufuncs don't mishandle refcount of object 1. Used in a few regression tests.
Function ​_assert​_warns​_context Undocumented
Function ​_gen​_alignment​_data generator producing data with different alignment and offsets to test simd vectorization
Function ​_get​_mem​_available Return available memory in bytes, or None if unknown.
Function ​_integer​_repr Undocumented
Function ​_no​_tracing Decorator to temporarily turn off tracing for the duration of a test. Needed in tests that check refcounting, otherwise the tracing itself influences the refcounts
Function ​_parse​_size Convert memory size strings ('12 GB' etc.) to float
Function assert​_ Assert that works in release mode. Accepts callable msg to allow deferring evaluation until failure.
Function assert​_allclose Raises an AssertionError if two objects are not equal up to desired tolerance.
Function assert​_almost​_equal Raises an AssertionError if two items are not equal up to desired precision.
Function assert​_approx​_equal Raises an AssertionError if two items are not equal up to significant digits.
Function assert​_array​_almost​_equal Raises an AssertionError if two objects are not equal up to desired precision.
Function assert​_array​_almost​_equal​_nulp Compare two arrays relatively to their spacing.
Function assert​_array​_compare Undocumented
Function assert​_array​_equal Raises an AssertionError if two array_like objects are not equal.
Function assert​_array​_less Raises an AssertionError if two array_like objects are not ordered by less than.
Function assert​_array​_max​_ulp Check that all items of arrays differ in at most N Units in the Last Place.
Function assert​_equal Raises an AssertionError if two objects are not equal.
Function assert​_no​_gc​_cycles Fail if the given callable produces any reference cycles.
Function assert​_no​_warnings Fail if the given callable produces any warnings.
Function assert​_raises assert_raises(exception_class, callable, *args, **kwargs) assert_raises(exception_class)
Function assert​_raises​_regex assert_raises_regex(exception_class, expected_regexp, callable, *args, **kwargs) assert_raises_regex(exception_class, expected_regexp)
Function assert​_string​_equal Test if two strings are equal.
Function assert​_warns Fail unless the given callable throws the specified warning.
Function break​_cycles No summary
Function build​_err​_msg Undocumented
Function check​_free​_memory Check whether free_bytes amount of memory is currently free. Returns: None if enough memory available, otherwise error message
Function decorate​_methods Apply a decorator to all methods in a class matching a regular expression.
Function ​Get​Performance​Attributes Undocumented
Function gisfinite like isfinite, but always raise an error if type not supported instead of returning a TypeError object.
Function gisinf like isinf, but always raise an error if type not supported instead of returning a TypeError object.
Function gisnan like isnan, but always raise an error if type not supported instead of returning a TypeError object.
Function integer​_repr Return the signed-magnitude interpretation of the binary representation of x.
Function jiffies Return number of jiffies elapsed.
Function measure Return elapsed time for executing code in the namespace of the caller.
Function memusage Undocumented
Function nulp​_diff For each item in x and y, return the number of representable floating points between them.
Function print​_assert​_equal Test if two objects are equal, and print an error message if test fails.
Function raises Decorator to check for raised exceptions.
Function requires​_memory Decorator to skip a test if not enough memory is available
Function rundocs Run doctests found in the given file.
Function runstring Undocumented
Function tempdir Context manager to provide a temporary test folder.
Function temppath Context manager for temporary files.
Variable ​_d Undocumented


(getattr(sys, 'getrefcount', None) is not None) and not IS_PYSTON


(platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy')


hasattr(sys, 'pyston_version_info')
verbose: int =


def _assert_no_gc_cycles_context(name=None):


def _assert_no_warnings_context(name=None):


def _assert_valid_refcount(op):
Check that ufuncs don't mishandle refcount of object 1. Used in a few regression tests.
def _assert_warns_context(warning_class, name=None):


def _gen_alignment_data(dtype=float32, type='binary', max_size=24):

generator producing data with different alignment and offsets to test simd vectorization


dtype : dtype
data type to produce
type : string
'unary': create data for unary operations, creates one input
and output array
'binary': create data for unary operations, creates two input
and output array
max_size : integer
maximum size of data to produce


if type is 'unary' yields one output, one input array and a message containing information on the data if type is 'binary' yields one output array, two input array and a message containing information on the data

def _get_mem_available():
Return available memory in bytes, or None if unknown.
def _integer_repr(x, vdt, comp):


def _no_tracing(func):
Decorator to temporarily turn off tracing for the duration of a test. Needed in tests that check refcounting, otherwise the tracing itself influences the refcounts
def _parse_size(size_str):
Convert memory size strings ('12 GB' etc.) to float
def assert_(val, msg=''):

Assert that works in release mode. Accepts callable msg to allow deferring evaluation until failure.

The Python built-in assert does not work when executing code in optimized mode (the -O flag) - no byte-code is generated for it.

For documentation on usage, refer to the Python documentation.

def assert_allclose(actual, desired, rtol=1e-07, atol=0, equal_nan=True, err_msg='', verbose=True):

Raises an AssertionError if two objects are not equal up to desired tolerance.

The test is equivalent to allclose(actual, desired, rtol, atol) (note that allclose has different default values). It compares the difference between actual and desired to atol + rtol * abs(desired).

New in version 1.5.0.


actual : array_like
Array obtained.
desired : array_like
Array desired.
rtol : float, optional
Relative tolerance.
atol : float, optional
Absolute tolerance.
equal_nan : bool, optional.
If True, NaNs will compare equal.
err_msg : str, optional
The error message to be printed in case of failure.
verbose : bool, optional
If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.


If actual and desired are not equal up to specified precision.

See Also

assert_array_almost_equal_nulp, assert_array_max_ulp


>>> x = [1e-5, 1e-3, 1e-1]
>>> y = np.arccos(np.cos(x))
>>> np.testing.assert_allclose(x, y, rtol=1e-5, atol=0)
def assert_almost_equal(actual, desired, decimal=7, err_msg='', verbose=True):

Raises an AssertionError if two items are not equal up to desired precision.


It is recommended to use one of assert_allclose, assert_array_almost_equal_nulp or assert_array_max_ulp instead of this function for more consistent floating point comparisons.

The test verifies that the elements of actual and desired satisfy.

abs(desired-actual) < 1.5 * 10**(-decimal)

That is a looser test than originally documented, but agrees with what the actual implementation in assert_array_almost_equal did up to rounding vagaries. An exception is raised at conflicting values. For ndarrays this delegates to assert_array_almost_equal


actual : array_like
The object to check.
desired : array_like
The expected object.
decimal : int, optional
Desired precision, default is 7.
err_msg : str, optional
The error message to be printed in case of failure.
verbose : bool, optional
If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.


If actual and desired are not equal up to specified precision.

See Also

assert_allclose: Compare two array_like objects for equality with desired
relative and/or absolute precision.

assert_array_almost_equal_nulp, assert_array_max_ulp, assert_equal


>>> from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
>>> assert_almost_equal(2.3333333333333, 2.33333334)
>>> assert_almost_equal(2.3333333333333, 2.33333334, decimal=10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not almost equal to 10 decimals
 ACTUAL: 2.3333333333333
 DESIRED: 2.33333334
>>> assert_almost_equal(np.array([1.0,2.3333333333333]),
...                     np.array([1.0,2.33333334]), decimal=9)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not almost equal to 9 decimals
Mismatched elements: 1 / 2 (50%)
Max absolute difference: 6.66669964e-09
Max relative difference: 2.85715698e-09
 x: array([1.         , 2.333333333])
 y: array([1.        , 2.33333334])
def assert_approx_equal(actual, desired, significant=7, err_msg='', verbose=True):

Raises an AssertionError if two items are not equal up to significant digits.


It is recommended to use one of assert_allclose, assert_array_almost_equal_nulp or assert_array_max_ulp instead of this function for more consistent floating point comparisons.

Given two numbers, check that they are approximately equal. Approximately equal is defined as the number of significant digits that agree.


actual : scalar
The object to check.
desired : scalar
The expected object.
significant : int, optional
Desired precision, default is 7.
err_msg : str, optional
The error message to be printed in case of failure.
verbose : bool, optional
If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.


If actual and desired are not equal up to specified precision.

See Also

assert_allclose: Compare two array_like objects for equality with desired
relative and/or absolute precision.

assert_array_almost_equal_nulp, assert_array_max_ulp, assert_equal


>>> np.testing.assert_approx_equal(0.12345677777777e-20, 0.1234567e-20)
>>> np.testing.assert_approx_equal(0.12345670e-20, 0.12345671e-20,
...                                significant=8)
>>> np.testing.assert_approx_equal(0.12345670e-20, 0.12345672e-20,
...                                significant=8)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Items are not equal to 8 significant digits:
 ACTUAL: 1.234567e-21
 DESIRED: 1.2345672e-21

the evaluated condition that raises the exception is

>>> abs(0.12345670e-20/1e-21 - 0.12345672e-20/1e-21) >= 10**-(8-1)
def assert_array_almost_equal(x, y, decimal=6, err_msg='', verbose=True):

Raises an AssertionError if two objects are not equal up to desired precision.


It is recommended to use one of assert_allclose, assert_array_almost_equal_nulp or assert_array_max_ulp instead of this function for more consistent floating point comparisons.

The test verifies identical shapes and that the elements of actual and desired satisfy.

abs(desired-actual) < 1.5 * 10**(-decimal)

That is a looser test than originally documented, but agrees with what the actual implementation did up to rounding vagaries. An exception is raised at shape mismatch or conflicting values. In contrast to the standard usage in numpy, NaNs are compared like numbers, no assertion is raised if both objects have NaNs in the same positions.


x : array_like
The actual object to check.
y : array_like
The desired, expected object.
decimal : int, optional
Desired precision, default is 6.
err_msg : str, optional
The error message to be printed in case of failure.
verbose : bool, optional
If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.


If actual and desired are not equal up to specified precision.

See Also

assert_allclose: Compare two array_like objects for equality with desired
relative and/or absolute precision.

assert_array_almost_equal_nulp, assert_array_max_ulp, assert_equal


the first assert does not raise an exception

>>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal([1.0,2.333,np.nan],
...                                      [1.0,2.333,np.nan])
>>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal([1.0,2.33333,np.nan],
...                                      [1.0,2.33339,np.nan], decimal=5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not almost equal to 5 decimals
Mismatched elements: 1 / 3 (33.3%)
Max absolute difference: 6.e-05
Max relative difference: 2.57136612e-05
 x: array([1.     , 2.33333,     nan])
 y: array([1.     , 2.33339,     nan])
>>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal([1.0,2.33333,np.nan],
...                                      [1.0,2.33333, 5], decimal=5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not almost equal to 5 decimals
x and y nan location mismatch:
 x: array([1.     , 2.33333,     nan])
 y: array([1.     , 2.33333, 5.     ])
def assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(x, y, nulp=1):

Compare two arrays relatively to their spacing.

This is a relatively robust method to compare two arrays whose amplitude is variable.


x, y : array_like
Input arrays.
nulp : int, optional
The maximum number of unit in the last place for tolerance (see Notes). Default is 1.




If the spacing between x and y for one or more elements is larger than nulp.

See Also

assert_array_max_ulp : Check that all items of arrays differ in at most
N Units in the Last Place.

spacing : Return the distance between x and the nearest adjacent number.


An assertion is raised if the following condition is not met:

abs(x - y) <= nulps * spacing(maximum(abs(x), abs(y)))


>>> x = np.array([1., 1e-10, 1e-20])
>>> eps = np.finfo(x.dtype).eps
>>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(x, x*eps/2 + x)
>>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(x, x*eps + x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: X and Y are not equal to 1 ULP (max is 2)
def assert_array_compare(comparison, x, y, err_msg='', verbose=True, header='', precision=6, equal_nan=True, equal_inf=True):


def assert_array_equal(x, y, err_msg='', verbose=True):

Raises an AssertionError if two array_like objects are not equal.

Given two array_like objects, check that the shape is equal and all elements of these objects are equal (but see the Notes for the special handling of a scalar). An exception is raised at shape mismatch or conflicting values. In contrast to the standard usage in numpy, NaNs are compared like numbers, no assertion is raised if both objects have NaNs in the same positions.

The usual caution for verifying equality with floating point numbers is advised.


x : array_like
The actual object to check.
y : array_like
The desired, expected object.
err_msg : str, optional
The error message to be printed in case of failure.
verbose : bool, optional
If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.


If actual and desired objects are not equal.

See Also

assert_allclose: Compare two array_like objects for equality with desired
relative and/or absolute precision.

assert_array_almost_equal_nulp, assert_array_max_ulp, assert_equal


When one of x and y is a scalar and the other is array_like, the function checks that each element of the array_like object is equal to the scalar.


The first assert does not raise an exception:

>>> np.testing.assert_array_equal([1.0,2.33333,np.nan],
...                               [np.exp(0),2.33333, np.nan])

Assert fails with numerical imprecision with floats:

>>> np.testing.assert_array_equal([1.0,np.pi,np.nan],
...                               [1, np.sqrt(np.pi)**2, np.nan])
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not equal
Mismatched elements: 1 / 3 (33.3%)
Max absolute difference: 4.4408921e-16
Max relative difference: 1.41357986e-16
 x: array([1.      , 3.141593,      nan])
 y: array([1.      , 3.141593,      nan])

Use assert_allclose or one of the nulp (number of floating point values) functions for these cases instead:

>>> np.testing.assert_allclose([1.0,np.pi,np.nan],
...                            [1, np.sqrt(np.pi)**2, np.nan],
...                            rtol=1e-10, atol=0)

As mentioned in the Notes section, assert_array_equal has special handling for scalars. Here the test checks that each value in x is 3:

>>> x = np.full((2, 5), fill_value=3)
>>> np.testing.assert_array_equal(x, 3)
def assert_array_less(x, y, err_msg='', verbose=True):

Raises an AssertionError if two array_like objects are not ordered by less than.

Given two array_like objects, check that the shape is equal and all elements of the first object are strictly smaller than those of the second object. An exception is raised at shape mismatch or incorrectly ordered values. Shape mismatch does not raise if an object has zero dimension. In contrast to the standard usage in numpy, NaNs are compared, no assertion is raised if both objects have NaNs in the same positions.


x : array_like
The smaller object to check.
y : array_like
The larger object to compare.
err_msg : string
The error message to be printed in case of failure.
verbose : bool
If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.


If actual and desired objects are not equal.

See Also

assert_array_equal: tests objects for equality assert_array_almost_equal: test objects for equality up to precision


>>> np.testing.assert_array_less([1.0, 1.0, np.nan], [1.1, 2.0, np.nan])
>>> np.testing.assert_array_less([1.0, 1.0, np.nan], [1, 2.0, np.nan])
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not less-ordered
Mismatched elements: 1 / 3 (33.3%)
Max absolute difference: 1.
Max relative difference: 0.5
 x: array([ 1.,  1., nan])
 y: array([ 1.,  2., nan])
>>> np.testing.assert_array_less([1.0, 4.0], 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not less-ordered
Mismatched elements: 1 / 2 (50%)
Max absolute difference: 2.
Max relative difference: 0.66666667
 x: array([1., 4.])
 y: array(3)
>>> np.testing.assert_array_less([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4])
Traceback (most recent call last):
Arrays are not less-ordered
(shapes (3,), (1,) mismatch)
 x: array([1., 2., 3.])
 y: array([4])
def assert_array_max_ulp(a, b, maxulp=1, dtype=None):

Check that all items of arrays differ in at most N Units in the Last Place.


a, b : array_like
Input arrays to be compared.
maxulp : int, optional
The maximum number of units in the last place that elements of a and b can differ. Default is 1.
dtype : dtype, optional
Data-type to convert a and b to if given. Default is None.


ret : ndarray
Array containing number of representable floating point numbers between items in a and b.


If one or more elements differ by more than maxulp.


For computing the ULP difference, this API does not differentiate between various representations of NAN (ULP difference between 0x7fc00000 and 0xffc00000 is zero).

See Also

assert_array_almost_equal_nulp : Compare two arrays relatively to their


>>> a = np.linspace(0., 1., 100)
>>> res = np.testing.assert_array_max_ulp(a, np.arcsin(np.sin(a)))
def assert_equal(actual, desired, err_msg='', verbose=True):

Raises an AssertionError if two objects are not equal.

Given two objects (scalars, lists, tuples, dictionaries or numpy arrays), check that all elements of these objects are equal. An exception is raised at the first conflicting values.

When one of actual and desired is a scalar and the other is array_like, the function checks that each element of the array_like object is equal to the scalar.

This function handles NaN comparisons as if NaN was a "normal" number. That is, AssertionError is not raised if both objects have NaNs in the same positions. This is in contrast to the IEEE standard on NaNs, which says that NaN compared to anything must return False.


actual : array_like
The object to check.
desired : array_like
The expected object.
err_msg : str, optional
The error message to be printed in case of failure.
verbose : bool, optional
If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.


If actual and desired are not equal.


>>> np.testing.assert_equal([4,5], [4,6])
Traceback (most recent call last):
Items are not equal:

The following comparison does not raise an exception. There are NaNs in the inputs, but they are in the same positions.

>>> np.testing.assert_equal(np.array([1.0, 2.0, np.nan]), [1, 2, np.nan])
def assert_no_gc_cycles(*args, **kwargs):

Fail if the given callable produces any reference cycles.

If called with all arguments omitted, may be used as a context manager:

with assert_no_gc_cycles():
New in version 1.15.0.


func : callable
The callable to test.
*args : Arguments
Arguments passed to func.
**kwargs : Kwargs
Keyword arguments passed to func.


Nothing. The result is deliberately discarded to ensure that all cycles are found.

def assert_no_warnings(*args, **kwargs):

Fail if the given callable produces any warnings.

If called with all arguments omitted, may be used as a context manager:

with assert_no_warnings():

The ability to be used as a context manager is new in NumPy v1.11.0.

New in version 1.7.0.


func : callable
The callable to test.
*args : Arguments
Arguments passed to func.
**kwargs : Kwargs
Keyword arguments passed to func.


The value returned by func.

def assert_raises(*args, **kwargs):

assert_raises(exception_class, callable, *args, **kwargs) assert_raises(exception_class)

Fail unless an exception of class exception_class is thrown by callable when invoked with arguments args and keyword arguments kwargs. If a different type of exception is thrown, it will not be caught, and the test case will be deemed to have suffered an error, exactly as for an unexpected exception.

Alternatively, assert_raises can be used as a context manager:

>>> from numpy.testing import assert_raises
>>> with assert_raises(ZeroDivisionError):
...     1 / 0

is equivalent to

>>> def div(x, y):
...     return x / y
>>> assert_raises(ZeroDivisionError, div, 1, 0)
def assert_raises_regex(exception_class, expected_regexp, *args, **kwargs):
assert_raises_regex(exception_class, expected_regexp, callable, *args,

assert_raises_regex(exception_class, expected_regexp)

Fail unless an exception of class exception_class and with message that matches expected_regexp is thrown by callable when invoked with arguments args and keyword arguments kwargs.

Alternatively, can be used as a context manager like assert_raises.

Name of this function adheres to Python 3.2+ reference, but should work in all versions down to 2.6.


New in version 1.9.0.
def assert_string_equal(actual, desired):

Test if two strings are equal.

If the given strings are equal, assert_string_equal does nothing. If they are not equal, an AssertionError is raised, and the diff between the strings is shown.


actual : str
The string to test for equality against the expected string.
desired : str
The expected string.


>>> np.testing.assert_string_equal('abc', 'abc')
>>> np.testing.assert_string_equal('abc', 'abcd')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AssertionError: Differences in strings:
- abc+ abcd?    +
def assert_warns(warning_class, *args, **kwargs):

Fail unless the given callable throws the specified warning.

A warning of class warning_class should be thrown by the callable when invoked with arguments args and keyword arguments kwargs. If a different type of warning is thrown, it will not be caught.

If called with all arguments other than the warning class omitted, may be used as a context manager:

with assert_warns(SomeWarning):

The ability to be used as a context manager is new in NumPy v1.11.0.

New in version 1.4.0.


warning_class : class
The class defining the warning that func is expected to throw.
func : callable, optional
Callable to test
*args : Arguments
Arguments for func.
**kwargs : Kwargs
Keyword arguments for func.


The value returned by func.


>>> import warnings
>>> def deprecated_func(num):
...     warnings.warn("Please upgrade", DeprecationWarning)
...     return num*num
>>> with np.testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
...     assert deprecated_func(4) == 16
>>> # or passing a func
>>> ret = np.testing.assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, deprecated_func, 4)
>>> assert ret == 16
def break_cycles():

Break reference cycles by calling gc.collect Objects can call other objects' methods (for instance, another object's

__del__) inside their own __del__. On PyPy, the interpreter only runs

between calls to gc.collect, so multiple calls are needed to completely release all cycles.

def build_err_msg(arrays, err_msg, header='Items are not equal:', verbose=True, names=('ACTUAL', 'DESIRED'), precision=8):


def check_free_memory(free_bytes):
Check whether free_bytes amount of memory is currently free. Returns: None if enough memory available, otherwise error message
def decorate_methods(cls, decorator, testmatch=None):

Apply a decorator to all methods in a class matching a regular expression.

The given decorator is applied to all public methods of cls that are matched by the regular expression testmatch ( Methods that are private, i.e. start with an underscore, are ignored.


cls : class
Class whose methods to decorate.
decorator : function
Decorator to apply to methods
testmatch : compiled regexp or str, optional
The regular expression. Default value is None, in which case the nose default (re.compile(r'(?:^|[\b_\.%s-])[Tt]est' % os.sep)) is used. If testmatch is a string, it is compiled to a regular expression first.
def GetPerformanceAttributes(object, counter, instance=None, inum=-1, format=None, machine=None):


def gisfinite(x):

like isfinite, but always raise an error if type not supported instead of returning a TypeError object.


isfinite and other ufunc sometimes return a NotImplementedType object instead of raising any exception. This function is a wrapper to make sure an exception is always raised.

This should be removed once this problem is solved at the Ufunc level.

def gisinf(x):

like isinf, but always raise an error if type not supported instead of returning a TypeError object.


isinf and other ufunc sometimes return a NotImplementedType object instead of raising any exception. This function is a wrapper to make sure an exception is always raised.

This should be removed once this problem is solved at the Ufunc level.

def gisnan(x):

like isnan, but always raise an error if type not supported instead of returning a TypeError object.


isnan and other ufunc sometimes return a NotImplementedType object instead of raising any exception. This function is a wrapper to make sure an exception is always raised.

This should be removed once this problem is solved at the Ufunc level.

def integer_repr(x):
Return the signed-magnitude interpretation of the binary representation of x.
def jiffies(_proc_pid_stat=f"""/proc/{os.getpid()}/stat""", _load_time=[]):

Return number of jiffies elapsed.

Return number of jiffies (1/100ths of a second) that this process has been scheduled in user mode. See man 5 proc.

def measure(code_str, times=1, label=None):

Return elapsed time for executing code in the namespace of the caller.

The supplied code string is compiled with the Python builtin compile. The precision of the timing is 10 milli-seconds. If the code will execute fast on this timescale, it can be executed many times to get reasonable timing accuracy.


code_str : str
The code to be timed.
times : int, optional
The number of times the code is executed. Default is 1. The code is only compiled once.
label : str, optional
A label to identify code_str with. This is passed into compile as the second argument (for run-time error messages).


elapsed : float
Total elapsed time in seconds for executing code_str times times.


>>> times = 10
>>> etime = np.testing.measure('for i in range(1000): np.sqrt(i**2)', times=times)
>>> print("Time for a single execution : ", etime / times, "s")  # doctest: +SKIP
Time for a single execution :  0.005 s
def memusage(processName='python', instance=0):


def nulp_diff(x, y, dtype=None):

For each item in x and y, return the number of representable floating points between them.


x : array_like
first input array
y : array_like
second input array
dtype : dtype, optional
Data-type to convert x and y to if given. Default is None.


nulp : array_like
number of representable floating point numbers between each item in x and y.


For computing the ULP difference, this API does not differentiate between various representations of NAN (ULP difference between 0x7fc00000 and 0xffc00000 is zero).


# By definition, epsilon is the smallest number such as 1 + eps != 1, so # there should be exactly one ULP between 1 and 1 + eps >>> nulp_diff(1, 1 + np.finfo(x.dtype).eps) 1.0

def print_assert_equal(test_string, actual, desired):

Test if two objects are equal, and print an error message if test fails.

The test is performed with actual == desired.


test_string : str
The message supplied to AssertionError.
actual : object
The object to test for equality against desired.
desired : object
The expected result.


>>> np.testing.print_assert_equal('Test XYZ of func xyz', [0, 1], [0, 1])
>>> np.testing.print_assert_equal('Test XYZ of func xyz', [0, 1], [0, 2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: Test XYZ of func xyz failed
[0, 1]
[0, 2]
def raises(*args):

Decorator to check for raised exceptions.

The decorated test function must raise one of the passed exceptions to pass. If you want to test many assertions about exceptions in a single test, you may want to use assert_raises instead.


This decorator is nose specific, do not use it if you are using a different test framework.


args : exceptions
The test passes if any of the passed exceptions is raised.





@raises(TypeError, ValueError)
def test_raises_type_error():
    raise TypeError("This test passes")

def test_that_fails_by_passing():
def requires_memory(free_bytes):
Decorator to skip a test if not enough memory is available
def rundocs(filename=None, raise_on_error=True):

Run doctests found in the given file.

By default rundocs raises an AssertionError on failure.


filename : str
The path to the file for which the doctests are run.
raise_on_error : bool
Whether to raise an AssertionError when a doctest fails. Default is True.


The doctests can be run by the user/developer by adding the doctests argument to the test() call. For example, to run all tests (including doctests) for numpy.lib:

>>> np.lib.test(doctests=True)  # doctest: +SKIP
def runstring(astr, dict):


def tempdir(*args, **kwargs):

Context manager to provide a temporary test folder.

All arguments are passed as this to the underlying tempfile.mkdtemp function.

def temppath(*args, **kwargs):

Context manager for temporary files.

Context manager that returns the path to a closed temporary file. Its parameters are the same as for tempfile.mkstemp and are passed directly to that function. The underlying file is removed when the context is exited, so it should be closed at that time.

Windows does not allow a temporary file to be opened if it is already open, so the underlying file must be closed after opening before it can be opened again.

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