class documentation

class BaseSettings(MutableMapping):

Known subclasses: scrapy.settings.Settings

View In Hierarchy

Instances of this class behave like dictionaries, but store priorities along with their (key, value) pairs, and can be frozen (i.e. marked immutable).

Key-value entries can be passed on initialization with the values argument, and they would take the priority level (unless values is already an instance of ~scrapy.settings.BaseSettings, in which case the existing priority levels will be kept). If the priority argument is a string, the priority name will be looked up in ~scrapy.settings.SETTINGS_PRIORITIES. Otherwise, a specific integer should be provided.

Once the object is created, new settings can be loaded or updated with the ~scrapy.settings.BaseSettings.set method, and can be accessed with the square bracket notation of dictionaries, or with the ~scrapy.settings.BaseSettings.get method of the instance and its value conversion variants. When requesting a stored key, the value with the highest priority will be retrieved.

Method copy Make a deep copy of current settings.
Method copy​_to​_dict Make a copy of current settings and convert to a dict.
Method freeze Disable further changes to the current settings.
Method frozencopy Return an immutable copy of the current settings.
Method get Get a setting value without affecting its original type.
Method getbool Get a setting value as a boolean.
Method getdict No summary
Method getfloat Get a setting value as a float.
Method getint Get a setting value as an int.
Method getlist Get a setting value as a list. If the setting original type is a list, a copy of it will be returned. If it's a string it will be split by ",".
Method getpriority Return the current numerical priority value of a setting, or None if the given name does not exist.
Method getwithbase Get a composition of a dictionary-like setting and its _BASE counterpart.
Method maxpriority No summary
Method set Store a key/value attribute with a given priority.
Method setmodule Store settings from a module with a given priority.
Method update Store key/value pairs with a given priority.
Method __contains__ Undocumented
Method __delitem__ Undocumented
Method __getitem__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method __len__ Undocumented
Method __setitem__ Undocumented
Method ​_assert​_mutability Undocumented
Method ​_repr​_pretty​_ Undocumented
Method ​_to​_dict Undocumented
Method delete Undocumented
Method setdict Undocumented
Instance Variable attributes Undocumented
Instance Variable frozen Undocumented
def copy(self):

Make a deep copy of current settings.

This method returns a new instance of the Settings class, populated with the same values and their priorities.

Modifications to the new object won't be reflected on the original settings.

def copy_to_dict(self):

Make a copy of current settings and convert to a dict.

This method returns a new dict populated with the same values and their priorities as the current settings.

Modifications to the returned dict won't be reflected on the original settings.

This method can be useful for example for printing settings in Scrapy shell.

def freeze(self):

Disable further changes to the current settings.

After calling this method, the present state of the settings will become immutable. Trying to change values through the ~set method and its variants won't be possible and will be alerted.

def frozencopy(self):

Return an immutable copy of the current settings.

Alias for a ~freeze call in the object returned by copy.

def get(self, name, default=None):
Get a setting value without affecting its original type.
name:strthe setting name
default:objectthe value to return if no setting is found
def getbool(self, name, default=False):

Get a setting value as a boolean.

1, '1', True` and 'True' return True, while 0, '0', False, 'False' and None return False.

For example, settings populated through environment variables set to '0' will return False when using this method.

name:strthe setting name
default:objectthe value to return if no setting is found
def getdict(self, name, default=None):
Get a setting value as a dictionary. If the setting original type is a dictionary, a copy of it will be returned. If it is a string it will be evaluated as a JSON dictionary. In the case that it is a ~scrapy.settings.BaseSettings instance itself, it will be converted to a dictionary, containing all its current settings values as they would be returned by ~scrapy.settings.BaseSettings.get, and losing all information about priority and mutability.
name:strthe setting name
default:objectthe value to return if no setting is found
def getfloat(self, name, default=0.0):
Get a setting value as a float.
name:strthe setting name
default:objectthe value to return if no setting is found
def getint(self, name, default=0):
Get a setting value as an int.
name:strthe setting name
default:objectthe value to return if no setting is found
def getlist(self, name, default=None):

Get a setting value as a list. If the setting original type is a list, a copy of it will be returned. If it's a string it will be split by ",".

For example, settings populated through environment variables set to 'one,two' will return a list ['one', 'two'] when using this method.

name:strthe setting name
default:objectthe value to return if no setting is found
def getpriority(self, name):
Return the current numerical priority value of a setting, or None if the given name does not exist.
name:strthe setting name
def getwithbase(self, name):
Get a composition of a dictionary-like setting and its _BASE counterpart.
name:strname of the dictionary-like setting
def maxpriority(self):
Return the numerical value of the highest priority present throughout all settings, or the numerical value for default from ~scrapy.settings.SETTINGS_PRIORITIES if there are no settings stored.
def set(self, name, value, priority='project'):

Store a key/value attribute with a given priority.

Settings should be populated before configuring the Crawler object (through the ~scrapy.crawler.Crawler.configure method), otherwise they won't have any effect.

name:strthe setting name
value:objectthe value to associate with the setting
priority:str or intthe priority of the setting. Should be a key of ~scrapy.settings.SETTINGS_PRIORITIES or an integer
def setmodule(self, module, priority='project'):

Store settings from a module with a given priority.

This is a helper function that calls ~scrapy.settings.BaseSettings.set for every globally declared uppercase variable of module with the provided priority.

module:types.ModuleType or strthe module or the path of the module
priority:str or intthe priority of the settings. Should be a key of ~scrapy.settings.SETTINGS_PRIORITIES or an integer
def update(self, values, priority='project'):

Store key/value pairs with a given priority.

This is a helper function that calls ~scrapy.settings.BaseSettings.set for every item of values with the provided priority.

If values is a string, it is assumed to be JSON-encoded and parsed into a dict with json.loads() first. If it is a ~scrapy.settings.BaseSettings instance, the per-key priorities will be used and the priority parameter ignored. This allows inserting/updating settings with different priorities with a single command.

values:dict or string or ~scrapy.settings.BaseSettingsthe settings names and values
priority:str or intthe priority of the settings. Should be a key of ~scrapy.settings.SETTINGS_PRIORITIES or an integer
def __contains__(self, name):


def __delitem__(self, name):


def __getitem__(self, opt_name):


def __init__(self, values=None, priority='project'):


def __iter__(self):


def __len__(self):


def __setitem__(self, name, value):


def _assert_mutability(self):


def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle):


def _to_dict(self):


def delete(self, name, priority='project'):


def setdict(self, values, priority='project'):


attributes: dict =


frozen: bool =
