package documentation


Module default​_settings This module contains the default values for all settings used by Scrapy.


Class ​Base​Settings Instances of this class behave like dictionaries, but store priorities along with their (key, value) pairs, and can be frozen (i.e. marked immutable).
Class ​Settings This object stores Scrapy settings for the configuration of internal components, and can be used for any further customization.
Function get​_settings​_priority Small helper function that looks up a given string priority in the ~scrapy.settings.SETTINGS_PRIORITIES dictionary and returns its numerical value, or directly returns a given numerical priority.
Constant SETTINGS​_PRIORITIES Undocumented
Class _​Dict​Proxy Undocumented
Class ​Settings​Attribute Class for storing data related to settings attributes.
Function iter​_default​_settings Return the default settings as an iterator of (name, value) tuples
Function overridden​_settings Return a dict of the settings that have been overridden
SETTINGS_PRIORITIES: dict[str, int] =


{'default': 0, 'command': 10, 'project': 20, 'spider': 30, 'cmdline': 40}
def get_settings_priority(priority):
Small helper function that looks up a given string priority in the ~scrapy.settings.SETTINGS_PRIORITIES dictionary and returns its numerical value, or directly returns a given numerical priority.
def iter_default_settings():
Return the default settings as an iterator of (name, value) tuples
def overridden_settings(settings):
Return a dict of the settings that have been overridden