class documentation

class SphinxError(Exception):

Known subclasses: sphinx.errors.ConfigError, sphinx.errors.ExtensionError, sphinx.errors.ThemeError, sphinx.errors.VersionRequirementError, sphinx.errors.ApplicationError, sphinx.errors.BuildEnvironmentError, sphinx.errors.DocumentError, sphinx.errors.SphinxParallelError, sphinx.errors.SphinxWarning, sphinx.ext.graphviz.GraphvizError, sphinx.ext.imgmath.InvokeError, sphinx.ext.imgmath.MathExtError, sphinx.ext.linkcode.LinkcodeError, sphinx.writers.latex.UnsupportedError

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Base class for Sphinx errors.

This is the base class for "nice" exceptions. When such an exception is raised, Sphinx will abort the build and present the exception category and message to the user.

Extensions are encouraged to derive from this exception for their custom errors.

Exceptions not derived from SphinxError are treated as unexpected and shown to the user with a part of the traceback (and the full traceback saved in a temporary file).

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