class documentation

class Comparator(sqltypes.ARRAY.Comparator):

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Define comparison operations for _types.ARRAY.

Note that these operations are in addition to those provided by the base .types.ARRAY.Comparator class, including .types.ARRAY.Comparator.any and .types.ARRAY.Comparator.all.

Method contained​_by Boolean expression. Test if elements are a proper subset of the elements of the argument array expression.
Method contains Boolean expression. Test if elements are a superset of the elements of the argument array expression.
Method overlap Boolean expression. Test if array has elements in common with an argument array expression.

Inherited from Comparator:

Method all Return other operator ALL (array) clause.
Method any Return other operator ANY (array) clause.
Method ​_setup​_getitem Undocumented

Inherited from Comparator (via Comparator):

Method __getitem__ Implement the [] operator.

Inherited from Comparator (via Comparator, Comparator):

Method operate Operate on an argument.
Method reverse​_operate Reverse operate on an argument.
Method __clause​_element__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __reduce__ Undocumented
Method ​_adapt​_expression evaluate the return type of <self> <op> <othertype>, and apply any adaptations to the given operator.
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Class Variable default​_comparator Undocumented
Instance Variable expr Undocumented
Instance Variable type Undocumented

Inherited from ColumnOperators (via Comparator, Comparator, Comparator):

Method __add__ Implement the + operator.
Method __contains__ Undocumented
Method __div__ Implement the / operator.
Method __eq__ Implement the == operator.
Method __ge__ Implement the >= operator.
Method __gt__ Implement the > operator.
Method __le__ Implement the <= operator.
Method __lshift__ implement the << operator.
Method __lt__ Implement the < operator.
Method __mod__ Implement the % operator.
Method __mul__ Implement the * operator.
Method __ne__ Implement the != operator.
Method __neg__ Implement the - operator.
Method __radd__ Implement the + operator in reverse.
Method __rdiv__ Implement the / operator in reverse.
Method __rmod__ Implement the % operator in reverse.
Method __rmul__ Implement the * operator in reverse.
Method __rshift__ implement the >> operator.
Method __rsub__ Implement the - operator in reverse.
Method __rtruediv__ Implement the // operator in reverse.
Method __sub__ Implement the - operator.
Method __truediv__ Implement the // operator.
Method all​_ Produce an _expression.all_ clause against the parent object.
Method any​_ Produce an _expression.any_ clause against the parent object.
Method asc Produce a _expression.asc clause against the parent object.
Method between Produce a _expression.between clause against the parent object, given the lower and upper range.
Method collate Produce a _expression.collate clause against the parent object, given the collation string.
Method concat Implement the 'concat' operator.
Method desc Produce a _expression.desc clause against the parent object.
Method distinct Produce a _expression.distinct clause against the parent object.
Method endswith Implement the 'endswith' operator.
Method ilike Implement the ilike operator, e.g. case insensitive LIKE.
Method in​_ Implement the in operator.
Method is​_ Implement the IS operator.
Method is​_distinct​_from Implement the IS DISTINCT FROM operator.
Method is​_not Implement the IS NOT operator.
Method is​_not​_distinct​_from Implement the IS NOT DISTINCT FROM operator.
Method like Implement the like operator.
Method match Implements a database-specific 'match' operator.
Method not​_ilike implement the NOT ILIKE operator.
Method not​_in implement the NOT IN operator.
Method not​_like implement the NOT LIKE operator.
Method nulls​_first Produce a _expression.nulls_first clause against the parent object.
Method nulls​_last Produce a _expression.nulls_last clause against the parent object.
Method regexp​_match Implements a database-specific 'regexp match' operator.
Method regexp​_replace Implements a database-specific 'regexp replace' operator.
Method startswith Implement the startswith operator.
Class Variable timetuple Hack, allows datetime objects to be compared on the LHS.

Inherited from Operators (via Comparator, Comparator, Comparator, ColumnOperators):

Method __and__ Implement the & operator.
Method __invert__ Implement the ~ operator.
Method __or__ Implement the | operator.
Method bool​_op Return a custom boolean operator.
Method op Produce a generic operator function.

Inherited from Comparator (via Comparator):

Method ​_adapt​_expression evaluate the return type of <self> <op> <othertype>, and apply any adaptations to the given operator.

Inherited from Comparator (via Comparator, Comparator):

Method operate Operate on an argument.
Method reverse​_operate Reverse operate on an argument.
Method __clause​_element__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __reduce__ Undocumented
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Class Variable default​_comparator Undocumented
Instance Variable expr Undocumented
Instance Variable type Undocumented

Inherited from ColumnOperators (via Comparator, Comparator, Comparator):

Method __add__ Implement the + operator.
Method __contains__ Undocumented
Method __div__ Implement the / operator.
Method __eq__ Implement the == operator.
Method __ge__ Implement the >= operator.
Method __getitem__ Implement the [] operator.
Method __gt__ Implement the > operator.
Method __le__ Implement the <= operator.
Method __lshift__ implement the << operator.
Method __lt__ Implement the < operator.
Method __mod__ Implement the % operator.
Method __mul__ Implement the * operator.
Method __ne__ Implement the != operator.
Method __neg__ Implement the - operator.
Method __radd__ Implement the + operator in reverse.
Method __rdiv__ Implement the / operator in reverse.
Method __rmod__ Implement the % operator in reverse.
Method __rmul__ Implement the * operator in reverse.
Method __rshift__ implement the >> operator.
Method __rsub__ Implement the - operator in reverse.
Method __rtruediv__ Implement the // operator in reverse.
Method __sub__ Implement the - operator.
Method __truediv__ Implement the // operator.
Method all​_ Produce an _expression.all_ clause against the parent object.
Method any​_ Produce an _expression.any_ clause against the parent object.
Method asc Produce a _expression.asc clause against the parent object.
Method between Produce a _expression.between clause against the parent object, given the lower and upper range.
Method collate Produce a _expression.collate clause against the parent object, given the collation string.
Method concat Implement the 'concat' operator.
Method desc Produce a _expression.desc clause against the parent object.
Method distinct Produce a _expression.distinct clause against the parent object.
Method endswith Implement the 'endswith' operator.
Method ilike Implement the ilike operator, e.g. case insensitive LIKE.
Method in​_ Implement the in operator.
Method is​_ Implement the IS operator.
Method is​_distinct​_from Implement the IS DISTINCT FROM operator.
Method is​_not Implement the IS NOT operator.
Method is​_not​_distinct​_from Implement the IS NOT DISTINCT FROM operator.
Method like Implement the like operator.
Method match Implements a database-specific 'match' operator.
Method not​_ilike implement the NOT ILIKE operator.
Method not​_in implement the NOT IN operator.
Method not​_like implement the NOT LIKE operator.
Method nulls​_first Produce a _expression.nulls_first clause against the parent object.
Method nulls​_last Produce a _expression.nulls_last clause against the parent object.
Method regexp​_match Implements a database-specific 'regexp match' operator.
Method regexp​_replace Implements a database-specific 'regexp replace' operator.
Method startswith Implement the startswith operator.
Class Variable timetuple Hack, allows datetime objects to be compared on the LHS.

Inherited from Operators (via Comparator, Comparator, Comparator, ColumnOperators):

Method __and__ Implement the & operator.
Method __invert__ Implement the ~ operator.
Method __or__ Implement the | operator.
Method bool​_op Return a custom boolean operator.
Method op Produce a generic operator function.
def contained_by(self, other):
Boolean expression. Test if elements are a proper subset of the elements of the argument array expression.
def contains(self, other, **kwargs):

Boolean expression. Test if elements are a superset of the elements of the argument array expression.

kwargs may be ignored by this operator but are required for API conformance.

def overlap(self, other):
Boolean expression. Test if array has elements in common with an argument array expression.