package documentation


Module asyncpg No summary
Module dml No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 1/4 class documented
Module ext Undocumented
Module hstore No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 0/8 constant, 3/3 functions, 2/9 classes documented
Module json No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 0/7 constant, 2/3 classes documented
Module pg8000 No summary
Module psycopg2 No summary
Module psycopg2cffi No summary
Module pygresql No summary
Module pypostgresql No summary
Module ranges No module docstring; 4/4 classes documented
Module provision No module docstring; 1/7 function documented


Class aggregate​_order​_by Represent a PostgreSQL aggregate order by expression.
Class array A PostgreSQL ARRAY literal.
Class ARRAY PostgreSQL ARRAY type.
Class BIT Undocumented
Class BYTEA Undocumented
Class CIDR Undocumented
Class DATERANGE Represent the PostgreSQL DATERANGE type.
Class DOUBLE​_PRECISION Undocumented
Class ENUM PostgreSQL ENUM type.
Class ​Exclude​Constraint A table-level EXCLUDE constraint.
Class INET Undocumented
Class MACADDR Undocumented
Class MONEY Provide the PostgreSQL MONEY type.
Class OID Provide the PostgreSQL OID type.
Class REGCLASS Provide the PostgreSQL REGCLASS type.
Class TSRANGE Represent the PostgreSQL TSRANGE type.
Class TSTZRANGE Represent the PostgreSQL TSTZRANGE type.
Class TSVECTOR The _postgresql.TSVECTOR type implements the PostgreSQL text search type TSVECTOR.
Class UUID PostgreSQL UUID type.
Function ​All A synonym for the ARRAY-level .ARRAY.Comparator.all method. See that method for details.
Function ​Any A synonym for the ARRAY-level .ARRAY.Comparator.any method. See that method for details.
Function array​_agg No summary
Class ​Create​Enum​Type Undocumented
Class ​Drop​Enum​Type Undocumented
Class TIME Undocumented
Class TIMESTAMP Undocumented
def All(other, arrexpr, operator=operators.eq):
A synonym for the ARRAY-level .ARRAY.Comparator.all method. See that method for details.
def Any(other, arrexpr, operator=operators.eq):
A synonym for the ARRAY-level .ARRAY.Comparator.any method. See that method for details.
def array_agg(*arg, **kw):

PostgreSQL-specific form of _functions.array_agg, ensures return type is _postgresql.ARRAY and not the plain _types.ARRAY, unless an explicit type_ is passed.

New in version 1.1.