class documentation

class UUID(sqltypes.TypeEngine):

Known subclasses: sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.pg8000._PGUUID, sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.psycopg2._PGUUID, sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.pygresql._PGUUID

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PostgreSQL UUID type.

Represents the UUID column type, interpreting data either as natively returned by the DBAPI or as Python uuid objects.

The UUID type is currently known to work within the prominent DBAPI drivers supported by SQLAlchemy including psycopg2, pg8000 and asyncpg. Support for other DBAPI drivers may be incomplete or non-present.

Method __init__ Construct a UUID type.
Method bind​_processor Undocumented
Method coerce​_compared​_value See .TypeEngine.coerce_compared_value for a description.
Method literal​_processor Undocumented
Method result​_processor Undocumented
Class Variable __visit​_name__ Undocumented
Instance Variable as​_uuid Undocumented
def __init__(self, as_uuid=False):
Construct a UUID type.
as_uuid=​Falseif True, values will be interpreted as Python uuid objects, converting to/from string via the DBAPI.
def coerce_compared_value(self, op, value):
See .TypeEngine.coerce_compared_value for a description.
def literal_processor(self, dialect):


__visit_name__: str =


as_uuid =
