module documentation


The pygresql dialect is not tested as part of SQLAlchemy's continuous integration and may have unresolved issues. The recommended PostgreSQL dialect is psycopg2.

Deprecated since version 1.4: The pygresql DBAPI is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use one of the supported DBAPIs to connect to PostgreSQL.
Class _​PGCompiler Undocumented
Class _​PGHStore Undocumented
Class _​PGIdentifier​Preparer Undocumented
Class ​_PGJSON Undocumented
Class ​_PGJSONB Undocumented
Class _​PGNumeric Undocumented
Class ​_PGUUID Undocumented
Class ​PGDialect_pygresql Undocumented