class documentation

class RangeOperators(object):

Known subclasses: sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.DATERANGE, sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.ranges.INT4RANGE, sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.ranges.INT8RANGE, sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.ranges.NUMRANGE, sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.TSRANGE, sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.TSTZRANGE

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This mixin provides functionality for the Range Operators listed in the Range Operators table of the PostgreSQL documentation for Range Functions and Operators. It is used by all the range types provided in the postgres dialect and can likely be used for any range types you create yourself.

No extra support is provided for the Range Functions listed in the Range Functions table of the PostgreSQL documentation. For these, the normal ~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.func object should be used.

Class comparator​_factory Define comparison operations for range types.