class documentation

class ExecutionContext(object):

Known subclasses: sqlalchemy.engine.default.DefaultExecutionContext

View In Hierarchy

A messenger object for a Dialect that corresponds to a single execution.

ExecutionContext should have these data members:

Connection object which can be freely used by default value generators to execute SQL. This Connection should reference the same underlying connection/transactional resources of root_connection.
Connection object which is the source of this ExecutionContext. This Connection may have close_with_result=True set, in which case it can only be used once.
dialect which created this ExecutionContext.
DB-API cursor procured from the connection,
if passed to constructor, sqlalchemy.engine.base.Compiled object being executed,
string version of the statement to be executed. Is either passed to the constructor, or must be created from the sql.Compiled object by the time pre_exec() has completed.
bind parameters passed to the execute() method. For compiled statements, this is a dictionary or list of dictionaries. For textual statements, it should be in a format suitable for the dialect's paramstyle (i.e. dict or list of dicts for non positional, list or list of lists/tuples for positional).
True if the statement is an INSERT.
True if the statement is an UPDATE.
True if the statement is a "committable" statement.
a list of Column objects for which a client-side default was fired off. Applies to inserts and updates.
a list of Column objects for which a server-side default or inline SQL expression value was fired off. Applies to inserts and updates.
Method create​_cursor Return a new cursor generated from this ExecutionContext's connection.
Method get​_out​_parameter​_values Return a sequence of OUT parameter values from a cursor.
Method get​_result​_cursor​_strategy Return a result cursor strategy for a given result object.
Method get​_rowcount Return the DBAPI cursor.rowcount value, or in some cases an interpreted value.
Method handle​_dbapi​_exception Receive a DBAPI exception which occurred upon execute, result fetch, etc.
Method lastrow​_has​_defaults Return True if the last INSERT or UPDATE row contained inlined or database-side defaults.
Method post​_exec Called after the execution of a compiled statement.
Method pre​_exec Called before an execution of a compiled statement.
Method should​_autocommit​_text Parse the given textual statement and return True if it refers to a "committable" statement
def create_cursor(self):

Return a new cursor generated from this ExecutionContext's connection.

Some dialects may wish to change the behavior of connection.cursor(), such as postgresql which may return a PG "server side" cursor.

def get_out_parameter_values(self, out_param_names):

Return a sequence of OUT parameter values from a cursor.

For dialects that support OUT parameters, this method will be called when there is a .SQLCompiler object which has the .SQLCompiler.has_out_parameters flag set. This flag in turn will be set to True if the statement itself has .BindParameter objects that have the .isoutparam flag set which are consumed by the .SQLCompiler.visit_bindparam method. If the dialect compiler produces .BindParameter objects with .isoutparam set which are not handled by .SQLCompiler.visit_bindparam, it should set this flag explicitly.

The list of names that were rendered for each bound parameter is passed to the method. The method should then return a sequence of values corresponding to the list of parameter objects. Unlike in previous SQLAlchemy versions, the values can be the raw values from the DBAPI; the execution context will apply the appropriate type handler based on what's present in self.compiled.binds and update the values. The processed dictionary will then be made available via the .out_parameters collection on the result object. Note that SQLAlchemy 1.4 has multiple kinds of result object as part of the 2.0 transition.

New in version 1.4: - added .ExecutionContext.get_out_parameter_values, which is invoked automatically by the .DefaultExecutionContext when there are .BindParameter objects with the .isoutparam flag set. This replaces the practice of setting out parameters within the now-removed get_result_proxy() method.

See Also


def get_result_cursor_strategy(self, result):

Return a result cursor strategy for a given result object.

This method is implemented by the .DefaultDialect and is only needed by implementing dialects in the case where some special steps regarding the cursor must be taken, such as manufacturing fake results from some other element of the cursor, or pre-buffering the cursor's results.

A simplified version of the default implementation is:

from sqlalchemy.engine.result import DefaultCursorFetchStrategy

class MyExecutionContext(DefaultExecutionContext):
    def get_result_cursor_strategy(self, result):
        return DefaultCursorFetchStrategy.create(result)

Above, the .DefaultCursorFetchStrategy will be applied to the result object. For results that are pre-buffered from a cursor that might be closed, an implementation might be:

from sqlalchemy.engine.result import (

class MyExecutionContext(DefaultExecutionContext):
    _pre_buffered_result = None

    def pre_exec(self):
        if self.special_condition_prebuffer_cursor():
            self._pre_buffered_result = (

    def get_result_cursor_strategy(self, result):
        if self._pre_buffered_result:
            description, cursor_buffer = self._pre_buffered_result
            return (
                        result, description, cursor_buffer
            return DefaultCursorFetchStrategy.create(result)

This method replaces the previous not-quite-documented get_result_proxy() method.

New in version 1.4: - result objects now interpret cursor results based on a pluggable "strategy" object, which is delivered by the .ExecutionContext via the .ExecutionContext.get_result_cursor_strategy method.

See Also


def get_rowcount(self):

Return the DBAPI cursor.rowcount value, or in some cases an interpreted value.

See _engine.CursorResult.rowcount for details on this.

def handle_dbapi_exception(self, e):
Receive a DBAPI exception which occurred upon execute, result fetch, etc.
def lastrow_has_defaults(self):
Return True if the last INSERT or UPDATE row contained inlined or database-side defaults.
def post_exec(self):

Called after the execution of a compiled statement.

If a compiled statement was passed to this ExecutionContext, the last_insert_ids, last_inserted_params, etc. datamembers should be available after this method completes.

def pre_exec(self):

Called before an execution of a compiled statement.

If a compiled statement was passed to this ExecutionContext, the statement and parameters datamembers must be initialized after this statement is complete.

def should_autocommit_text(self, statement):
Parse the given textual statement and return True if it refers to a "committable" statement