class documentation

class _ConnectionRecord(object):

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Internal object which maintains an individual DBAPI connection referenced by a _pool.Pool.

The ._ConnectionRecord object always exists for any particular DBAPI connection whether or not that DBAPI connection has been "checked out". This is in contrast to the ._ConnectionFairy which is only a public facade to the DBAPI connection while it is checked out.

A ._ConnectionRecord may exist for a span longer than that of a single DBAPI connection. For example, if the ._ConnectionRecord.invalidate method is called, the DBAPI connection associated with this ._ConnectionRecord will be discarded, but the ._ConnectionRecord may be used again, in which case a new DBAPI connection is produced when the _pool.Pool next uses this record.

The ._ConnectionRecord is delivered along with connection pool events, including _events.PoolEvents.connect and _events.PoolEvents.checkout, however ._ConnectionRecord still remains an internal object whose API and internals may change.

See Also


Class Method checkout Undocumented
Method __close Undocumented
Method __connect Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method ​_checkin​_failed Undocumented
Method ​_is​_hard​_or​_soft​_invalidated Undocumented
Method checkin Undocumented
Method close Undocumented
Method connection.setter Undocumented
Method get​_connection Undocumented
Method invalidate Invalidate the DBAPI connection held by this ._ConnectionRecord.
Instance Variable __pool Undocumented
Instance Variable ​_soft​_invalidate​_time Undocumented
Instance Variable dbapi​_connection A reference to the actual DBAPI connection being tracked.
Instance Variable fairy​_ref Undocumented
Instance Variable finalize​_callback Undocumented
Instance Variable fresh Undocumented
Instance Variable starttime Undocumented
Property connection An alias to ._ConnectionRecord.dbapi_connection.
Property driver​_connection The connection object as returned by the driver after a connect.
Property in​_use Undocumented
Property info The .info dictionary associated with the DBAPI connection.
Property last​_connect​_time Undocumented
Property record​_info An "info' dictionary associated with the connection record itself.
def checkout(cls, pool):


def __close(self):


def __connect(self):


def __init__(self, pool, connect=True):


def _checkin_failed(self, err, _fairy_was_created=True):


def _is_hard_or_soft_invalidated(self):


def checkin(self, _fairy_was_created=True):


def close(self):


def connection(self, value):


def get_connection(self):


def invalidate(self, e=None, soft=False):

Invalidate the DBAPI connection held by this ._ConnectionRecord.

This method is called for all connection invalidations, including when the ._ConnectionFairy.invalidate or _engine.Connection.invalidate methods are called, as well as when any so-called "automatic invalidation" condition occurs.

ean exception object indicating a reason for the invalidation.
if True, the connection isn't closed; instead, this
connection will be recycled on next checkout.
New in version 1.0.3.
__pool =


_soft_invalidate_time =


dbapi_connection =

A reference to the actual DBAPI connection being tracked.

May be None if this ._ConnectionRecord has been marked as invalidated; a new DBAPI connection may replace it if the owning pool calls upon this ._ConnectionRecord to reconnect.

For adapted drivers, like the Asyncio implementations, this is a .AdaptedConnection that adapts the driver connection to the DBAPI protocol. Use ._ConnectionRecord.driver_connection to obtain the connection objected returned by the driver.

New in version 1.4.24.
fairy_ref =


finalize_callback =


fresh: bool =


starttime =


connection =

An alias to ._ConnectionRecord.dbapi_connection.

This alias is deprecated, please use the new name.

Deprecated since version 1.4.24.
driver_connection =

The connection object as returned by the driver after a connect.

For normal sync drivers that support the DBAPI protocol, this object is the same as the one referenced by ._ConnectionRecord.dbapi_connection.

For adapted drivers, like the Asyncio ones, this is the actual object that was returned by the driver connect call.

As ._ConnectionRecord.dbapi_connection it may be None if this ._ConnectionRecord has been marked as invalidated.

New in version 1.4.24.
in_use =


The .info dictionary associated with the DBAPI connection.

This dictionary is shared among the and accessors.


The lifespan of this dictionary is linked to the DBAPI connection itself, meaning that it is discarded each time the DBAPI connection is closed and/or invalidated. The ._ConnectionRecord.record_info dictionary remains persistent throughout the lifespan of the ._ConnectionRecord container.

last_connect_time =


record_info =

An "info' dictionary associated with the connection record itself.

Unlike the dictionary, which is linked to the lifespan of the DBAPI connection, this dictionary is linked to the lifespan of the ._ConnectionRecord container itself and will remain persistent throughout the life of the ._ConnectionRecord.

New in version 1.1.