module documentation

Base constructs for connection pools.
Class _​Async​Conn​Dialect Undocumented
Class _​Conn​Dialect partial implementation of .Dialect which provides DBAPI connection methods.
Class _​Connection​Fairy Proxies a DBAPI connection and provides return-on-dereference support.
Class _​Connection​Record Internal object which maintains an individual DBAPI connection referenced by a _pool.Pool.
Function ​_finalize​_fairy Cleanup for a ._ConnectionFairy whether or not it's already been garbage collected.
Variable ​_strong​_ref​_connection​_records Undocumented
def _finalize_fairy(dbapi_connection, connection_record, pool, ref, echo, reset=True, fairy=None):

Cleanup for a ._ConnectionFairy whether or not it's already been garbage collected.

When using an async dialect no IO can happen here (without using a dedicated thread), since this is called outside the greenlet context and with an already running loop. In this case function will only log a message and raise a warning.

_strong_ref_connection_records: dict =
